
Social Sciences

Journalism (JOUR)
  • JOUR-C 200 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 cr.) Survey of the functions, responsibilities, and influences of the various media of mass communication. Directed toward the consumer and critic of mass media.
  • JOUR-C 327 Writing for Mass Media - The Horizon (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200; may be waived with instructor approval. Work as a staff member on the campus student news organization. Reporting and writing, headline writing, desktop publishing, photography, online journalism, and advertising sales. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours.
  • JOUR-J 170 Wordsmithing (2 cr.) Workshop on the mechanics of journalistic writing and editing. The course builds on the basics, focuses on the practical and strengthens confidence as a practitioner.
  • JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing, and Editing I (3 cr.) Working seminar stressing the creation of journalistic stories for diverse audiences. Students will learn to develop story ideas, gather information, combine visual and verbal messages, and write and edit news.
  • JOUR-J 205 Sophomore Seminar in Digital Media and Storytelling (3 cr.) Introduces core concepts about digital storytelling and content development using digital media platforms and tools. Course includes an overview of how digital storytelling tools can be used in journalism, public relations, entertainment, and other content-focused industries. Includes some basic hands-on projects to apply foundational digital storytelling concepts.
  • JOUR-J 210 Visual Communication (3 cr.) Theories of visual communication including human perception and principles of design. Application of those theories to photography, computer graphics, photo editing, and page design in news communication.
  • JOUR-J 261 Studies in Journalism (1-4 cr.) Topical course dealing with changing subjects and material. Topics may change from term to term.
  • JOUR-J 280 Seminar in Journalism Ethics (3 cr.) Examines the ethical dilemmas that confront today's journalists and provides a framework for decision making.
  • JOUR-J 300 Communications Law (3 cr.) History and philosophy of laws pertaining to the free press and free speech. Censorship, libel, contempt, obscenity, right of privacy, copyright, government regulations, and business law affecting media operations. Stresses responsibilities and freedoms in a democratic communications systems.
  • JOUR-J 301 Social Media Strategies (3 cr.) Examines theories and current trends in social media's effect on modern society. Topics also include focus on personal and professional communication strategies using social media.
  • JOUR-J 303 Online Journalism (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200; may be waived with instructor approval. Explore nonlinear methods of storytelling and how web-based tools can enhance journalism written and online work. In addition to building existing skills, students use photography and embedded audio to create story packages.
  • JOUR-J 307 Media Career Planning (1 cr.) Prepare for job or internship searches. Polish your resume or portfolio. Learn how to write cover letters and practice interviewing skills. Understand how to articulate your abilities and experiences to market yourself to potential employers. Prepare a career action plan.
  • JOUR-J 320 Principles of Creative Advertising (3 cr.) Analysis of strategy employed in developing creative advertising, with emphasis on the role of the copywriter. Research, media, legal aspects, ethical standards as they apply to the copywriting functions. Place of the creative function within the advertising agency and the retail business.
  • JOUR-J 321 Principles of Public Relations (3 cr.) Survey course about theory and practice of public relations. Examines PR function within organizations, its impact on public, and role in society. Topics include the evolution of the field, the range of roles and responsibilities that practitioners assume, ethics, and significant issues and trends.
  • JOUR-J 340 Public Relations Tactics and Techniques (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 321. Covers a wide variety of knowledge and skills needed by entry-level public relations practitioners. Topics include media relations, community relations and internal communications.
  • JOUR-J 344 Photojournalism Reporting (3 cr.) This is an intermediate photojournalism course focusing on the basics of light, camera operation, and the use of the digital darkroom. It includes instruction in spot news and feature photography as well as instruction in ethics, privacy, and law.
  • JOUR-J 349 Public Relations Writing (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200; may be waived with instructor approval. Develop the professional writing skills expected of beginning public relations practitioners, including different approaches required for a variety of audiences and media. Focus on the basics of good writing as well as the art of writing. Brush up on AP style. Learn how to work effectively with clients.
  • JOUR-J 362 Journalism Multimedia Storytelling (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200; may be waived with instructor approval. Hands-on experiences in reporting, editing and presenting stories in images, sound and spoken word. Goes beyond basic skills with advanced cameras and software. Create projects including Podcast, Audio slideshow, web video, and Portfolio website to display projects.
  • JOUR-J 384 Videojournalism (3 cr.) Students will learn shooting, editing, producing, and distributing high-quality videojournalism.
  • JOUR-J 385 Television News (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200; may be waived with instructor approval. Work as a staff member on the campus student news organization. Preparation and presentation of news for television. Practice in writing, reporting and editing news for TV.
  • JOUR-J 425 Supervision of School Media (3 cr.) Lectures and discussion on designing, producing, and financing school newspapers and yearbooks. Practical exercises in journalistic writing, editing, layout, and photography
  • JOUR-J 429 Public Relations Campaigns (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 321; may be waived with instructor approval. How to develop a campaign proposal to meet a client's business objectives and how to pitch it. Part of the course focuses on media relations and crisis communications training.
  • JOUR-J 485 Senior Seminar in Journalism (3 cr.) P: Senior standing. Topical seminar dealing with changing subjects and material on relevant issues in journalism and mass communications; research paper usually required.
  • JOUR-J 499 Honors Research in Journalism (1-4 cr.) P: Authorization required. To be taken in conjunction with advanced courses to meet requirements for the Journalism Honors Program. Course is repeatable up to 4 credit hours.
  • JOUR-J 354 Photo Journalism Editing (3 cr.) Workshop in the principles of combining visual and verbal material with emphasis on news judgment, fairness, accuracy, editorial balance, and language usage. Practice in cropping, layout, design, writing headlines and captions, and computer editing technology.
  • JOUR-J 360 Journalism Specialties (1-4 cr.) Topical course dealing with changing subjects and material from term to term. Repeatable up to 12 units.
  • JOUR-J 494 Digital Media Practicum (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200 AND JOUR-J 170 AND JOUR-J 210 Students apply the skills and methodologies involved in creating, managing, and producing challenging, collaborative, digital media projects. They will study and apply project development and management concepts working in teams to produce digital media solutions. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours.
  • JOUR-J 255 Media Ethics (3 cr.) Philosophical approaches to ethical problems in the media. Analysis of competing ethical frameworks introduced in the course. Comparison of ethical standards and practices in different areas of communication.

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