
Natural Sciences

Geology (GEOL)
  • GEOL-G 100 General Geology (5 cr.) Broad study of the earth. The earth in the solar system, earth's atmosphere. Formation and modification of earth materials, landforms, continents, and oceans throughout geologic time. Geological records in selected areas. Lectures, laboratory, field trips. Credit given for only one of the following geology courses: GEOG-G 100, GEOG-G 103, or GEOL-G 110.
  • GEOL-G 101 Introduction to Earth Science (3 cr.) Origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Gradation processes and landform evolution. Atmosphere and weather. Geologic time and earthy history. Earth resources.
  • GEOL-G 180 Dinosaurs (3 cr.) A survey of the characteristics and evolution of dinosaurs. Topics include the occurrence of dinosaur remains in the fossil record, basic anatomy, principles used in classification, types of predatory and plant-eating dinosaurs, environments occupied during life, behavior, extinction theories, dinosaurs in the media and the public eye. Credit not given for both GEOL-G 180 and GEOL-G 301.
  • GEOL-G 185 Global Environmental Change (3 cr.) The scientific basis behind natural and human-based global environmental changes. Geological perspective of the formation of the earth. Human activities influencing the natural system, including population, deforestation, water usage, acid rain, ozone depletion, smog and global warming. Subsequent human reactions.
  • GEOL-G 210 Oceanography (3 cr.) Study of the physical and biological features of the ocean environment.
  • GEOL-G 221 Introductory Mineralogy (4 cr.) P: GEOL-G 100 with a C or better. The study of minerals, including chemical composition, classification, crystallography, description, identification, occurrence, origin, and physical properties.
  • GEOL-G 222 Introduction to Petrology (4 cr.) P: GEOL-G 221 with a C or better. The study of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks: composition, occurrence, characteristics, classification, origin, description, and identification.
  • GEOL-G 300 Environmental and Urban Geology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 100 with a C or better. Significance of regional and local geologic features and processes in land use. Use of geologic factors to reduce conflict in utilization of mineral and water resources and damage from geologic hazards. Credit not given for both GEOL-G 300 and GEOG-G 315.
  • GEOL-G 323 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY (3 cr.) Nature and origin of primary and secondary structural features of the Earth's crust, with emphasis on mechanics of deformation and origin, and three-dimensional problems illustrating structural concepts.
  • GEOL-G 324 Cave and Karst Science (3-5 cr.) Introduction to speleology, with an emphasis on the identification and evaluation of chemical, physical, and hydrologic controls that result from the dissolution of bedrock, cave formation, and karst landscape development. There will be three field trips for this course with additional field trips, beyond the three being optional.
  • GEOL-G 334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4 cr.) P: GEOL-G 221 with a C or better. Interrelationship of sedimentation and stratigraphy; processes and factors influencing genesis of sedimentary strata; provenance, depositional environment, sedimentary facies, paleoecology; analytical techniques; application of principles of interpretation of stratigraphic record. Laboratory study of sediments and sedimentary rocks.
  • GEOL-G 341 Natural History of Coral Reefs (3 cr.) P: Department consent required. Introduction to principles of biology, ecology, and geology as applied to coral reef ecosystems.
  • GEOL-G 400 Energy: Sources and Needs (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 107 with a C or better. Scientific and political constraints on the production and utilization of energy from various sources. Energy balance of the United States.
  • GEOL-G 409 Independent Study in Geology (1-3 cr.) P: Department consent required. Supervised independent study of topics and techniques in geology that are not available in formal courses in the department.
  • GEOL-G 410 Undergraduate Research in Geology (1-3 cr.) P: Junior/Senior standing and consent of instructor. Field and laboratory research in selected problems in geology. May be repeated.
  • GEOL-G 411 Invertebrate Palentology (3 cr.) Structure, classification, habitats, and geological history and significance of the invertebrate phyla. Laboratory study of fossils.
  • GEOL-G 415 Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 100 with a C or better. Origin, classification, description, and interpretation of landforms. Natural processes that form landscapes, surficial geologic materials, and soils. Credit not given for both GEOL-G 415 and GEOG-G 407.
  • GEOL-G 419 Sedimentary Geology of Dinosaur-Bearing Rocks (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Five-day, six-night field course in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Focus is on presenting simple concepts of geology and paleontology utilized in reconstructing the ancient landscape, climate and environments of deposition of important dinosaur-bearing formations.
  • GEOL-G 420 Regional Geology Field Trip (1-3 cr.) P: One course in geology and consent of instructor. Seminar and field investigation of selected regions for study of mineralogic, lithologic, stratigraphic, structural, paleontologic, geomorphologic, or other geological relationships. May be repeated.
  • GEOL-G 424 Geographic Information Systems Applications in Geology (3 cr.) Concepts and use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies are introduced during intensive laboratory sessions. Field work, conducted in the Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserve, involves mapping of pertinent features using GPs units, followed by additional data collection aimed at attributing specific mapped features.
  • GEOL-G 427 Introduction to X-ray Mineralogy (3 cr.) C: GEOL-G221. Instructor Permission. Theory and practice of X-ray powder diffraction and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis. Diffractometer and Dispersive X-ray methods and their application to the identification and the characterization of minerals.
  • GEOL-G 430 PRINCIPLES OF HYDROLOGY (3 cr.) An introduction to the hydrologic cycle, reviewing processes such as precipitation, evaporation and transpiration, infiltration, runoff, streamflow and watersheds, and groundwater.
  • GEOL-G 451 Elements of Hydrogeology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 100 & GEOL-G 107 with a C or better. Physical and chemical properties of water, chemical equilibria and stable isotopes in groundwater; acid drainage, landfills, and agricultural pollution; Darcey's Law, fluid potential, unsaturated flow, fluid and aquifer properties affecting groundwater flow; fluid mass balance and its application; contaminant transport.
  • GEOL-G 460 Internship in Geology (3 cr.) P: Junior/Senior standing & department coordinator consent. Industrial or similar experiences in geologically oriented employment. Projects jointly arranged, coordinated, and evaluated by faculty and industrial/governmental supervisors. Can be repeated with instructor's permission.
  • GEOL-G 435 Glacial and Quartenary Geology (3 cr.) The Quaternary Period is examined with a focus upon the last glaciation with specific reference to Northwest Indiana. Topics include glacier processes, glacial sediments, glacial landforms and landform assemblages, specific glacial lake processes, sediments and drainage events, dating methods, soil mechanics and environmental applications. Field trips are mandatory.

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