
Arts and Letters

Comparative Literature (CMLT)
  • CMLT-C 145 Major Characters in Western Literature (3 cr.) Comparative analysis of the literary treatment of mythical and archetypal characters in different periods and traditions, such as: Electra (Euripides, O'Neill, Giraudoux), Tristan (Gottfried, Tennyson, Wagner), Faust (Marlowe, Goethe), Don Juan (Tirso de Molina, Molière, Pushkin, Shaw).
  • CMLT-C 146 Major Themes in Western Literature (3 cr.) Comparative analysis of recurrent themes and motifs in Western literature, such as the French Revolution or the quest (man's search for material or spiritual values). Selected works from diverse genres and historical periods, ranging from the ancient epic to the contemporary novel and drama.
  • CMLT-C  151 Introduction to Popular Culture (3 cr.) The serious study of entertainment for mass consumption, including popular theatre and vaudeville, bestsellers, mass circulation magazines, popular music, phonograph records, and popular aspects of radio, film, and television. Provides the basic background to other popular culture courses in comparative literature.
  • CMLT-C 190 An Introduction to Film (3 cr.) Nature of film technique and film language; analysis of specific films and introduction to major critical approaches in film studies.
  • CMLT-C 205 Comparative Literary Analysis (3 cr.) Introduction to basic concepts of literary criticism through comparative close readings of texts from a variety of literary genres, fiction, poetry, drama, essay; and from diverse traditions.
  • CMLT-C 216 Science Fiction, Fantasy, and the Western Tradition (3 cr.) Historical and comparative survey of science fiction and fantasy narrative from antiquity to the present. The origin of scientific narrative in ancient Greek literature, its relation to ancient myths, and its history and development. Emphasis on philosophical, cognitive, and scientific aspects of the genre.
  • CMLT-C 217 Detective, Mystery, and Horror Literature (3 cr.) Origins, evolution, conventions, criticism, and theory of the detective mystery story; history of the Gothic novel; later development of the tale of terror; major works of this type in fiction, drama, and film.
  • CMLT-C 313 Narrative (3 cr.) Historical and analytical study of various forms of narrative literature. Examination of narrative as a primary literary genre and analysis of such diverse forms as myth, folktale, epic, romance, gospel, saint's life, saga, allegory, confession, and novel.
  • CMLT-C 335 Realism, Naturalism, and Symbolism (3 cr.) The rise of Realism in 19-century fiction and its development into Naturalism and Impressionism; the Symbolist reaction in poetry; the re-emergence of the drama as a major genre. Such authors as Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Mallarme, Ibsen, Hauptmann, Strindberg, Chekhov.
  • CMLT-C  391 Film Theory and Aesthetics (3 cr.) Study of classical and contemporary schools of film theory.
  • CMLT-C 392 Genre Study in Film (3 cr.) Topic varies; the evaluation of typical genres; problems of generic description or definition; themes, conventions, and iconography peculiar to given genres, etc.
  • CMLT-C 393 History of European and American Films 1 (3 cr.) A survey of development of cinema during the period 1895-1926 (the silent film era). Particular attention paid to representative work of leading filmmakers, emergence of film movements and development of national trends, growth of film industry, and impact of television.
  • CMLT-C 394 History of European and American Films 2 (3 cr.) A survey of European and American cinema since 1927. Particular attention paid to representative work of leading filmmakers, emergence of film movements and development of national trends, growth of film industry, and impact of television.
  • CMLT-C 490 Individual Studies in Film and Literature (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of chairperson of film committee. May be repeated once with a different topic.

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