

Business (BUSE)
  • BUSE-A 500 Speaking the Language of Business (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of labor relations. It focuses on unions and their role in labor-management relations. Students review U.S. labor history and worldwide labor economics, union governance, and legal regulatory environments. Students will examine the purpose, structure, function, and governance of unions in the United States.
  • BUSE-A 505 Strategic Cost Management (3 cr.) Discussion of the development and use of accounting information for managerial control and decision making. Account methods for cost accumulation and allocation, standard costing, budgeting, inventory valuations, performance measurement, cost-volume-profit relationships, special decisions, current developments in managerial accounting, and other topics will be discussed.
  • BUSE-A 506 Managerial Economics (3 cr.) The understanding and application of economic theory to the problems of the business enterprise. The use of economic concepts for managerial decision-making. Consumer theory, market structure, cost, profit, and pricing are among the topics covered.
  • BUSE-A 507 Modeling and Simulation (3 cr.) Introduces a variety of mathematical modeling and simulation techniques that can be applied in spreadsheet models to assist in the decision analysis process. Topics are integrated into all functional areas of business.
  • BUSE-A 508 Organizational Behavior and Leadership (3 cr.) A theory-based study of leadership phenomena and organizational behavior. Emphasis on the practical application of these concepts to organizational settings.
  • BUSE-A 510 Automation and Databases (3 cr.) This class teaches accounting students how to extract data contained in relational databases using structured query language (SQL). Students will also be introduced to basic computer programming using visual basic for applications (VBA) and several useful Excel techniques. The combination of these skills introduces students to basic automation. Finally, students will be introduced to a conceptual model of how to create value for a business using machine learning. In this course, students will not learn the programming required to conduct a machine learning project. They will learn a conceptual framework to implement a machine learning project which will answer relevant questions to create business value.
  • BUSE-B 510 Managerial Ethics (3 cr.) Concepts of ethics in a managerial environment. Focus on development of an ethical framework to orient decision making within and across managerial and organizational settings. Topics may include historical development of ethics, cross cultural ethics, interpersonal ethics, ethics and the law, interpersonal/group ethical decision making, practicing ethics in organizational systems.
  • BUSE-B 511 Business Communications (3 cr.) Designed to improve effective communication as a manager. Analysis and application of communication strategy, oral presentation skills, listening skills, writing skills, corporation communication strategy, and communication with the media.
  • BUSE-B 513 International Environmental Analysis (2-3 cr.) A survey of the external environmental variables that affect business operations domestically and internationally. Provides a framework for analyzing and anticipating changes in the environment; considers the impact of competition, economics and financial systems, cultures and technology on business operations.
  • BUSE-B 516 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business (3 cr.) This course examines legal and ethical issues a manager must consider when making business decision. Provides an overview of law pertaining to business, international and regulatory topics, and models for review and resolution of ethical issues in business. Critical thinking and legal research skills are introduced and developed.
  • BUSE-B 517 Operations and Supply Chain Management (2 cr.) Study of the processes directly related to the creation and distribution of goods and services. With globalization becoming commonplace, these operations are taking place outside the boundaries of a traditional enterprise. This course teaches students how to understand and analyze processes, ensure quality, create value, and manage the flow of products, services and information across a network of customers, enterprises and supply chain partners.
  • BUSE-C 521 Marketing Management (3 cr.) Marketing decision making in a problem solving setting. Emphasizes the firms decision making procedures in planning, product development, pricing, promotion and distribution. Topics include competitive analysis, opportunity analysis, profitability and productivity analysis, market measurement, strategy, and the role of marketing research and information systems. Extensive use of readings and cases.
  • BUSE-C 522 Financial Management (3 cr.) A study of the theory and practice of corporate finance. Areas studied include organizing capital expenditure, planning divided policy and capital structure strategies, making short term financial decisions, mergers, pension plans, and international aspect of corporate finance.
  • BUSE-D 530 Business Policy and Strategy (3 cr.) As the capstone course in the M.B.A. program, this course assists in developing skills for analysis and decision-making that integrate the functional skills and concepts acquired during the M.B.A. program. It is geared to challenge the students ingenuity, their ability to work individually, and develop interpersonal skills by working in teams.
  • BUSE-E 548 Organizations and Organizational Change Management (3 cr.) An exploration of the complex nature of change in modern organizations. Students will learn to compare the conditions under which individuals and groups are most likely to change, as well as evaluate and critically analyze previous organizational change events. Students will demonstrate a foundation in change agent skills.
  • BUSE-E 549 INDUSTRIAL LABOR RELATIONS (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of labor relations. It focuses on unions and their role in labor-management relations. Students review U.S. labor history and worldwide labor economics, union governance, and legal regulatory environments. Students will examine the purpose, structure, function, and governance of unions in the United States.
  • BUSE-E 551 Managerial Forecasting (3 cr.) This course covers a number of techniques for using underlying patterns and relationships in historical data to project the data into the future. These techniques include smoothing methods, regression analysis, time series decomposition and Box-Jenkins methodology. Extensive use is made of computer programs to aid in data analysis and the calculation of the forecasts.
  • BUSE-E 552 Negotiation (3 cr.) An introduction to frameworks, processes, strategies and tactics of negotiation.  Conceptual and experiential learning are integrated to provide students with a toolkit of negotiation skills applicable in a variety of negotiation settings commonly faced by managers.  We will emphasize skill development through role playing and cases.
  • BUSE-E 553 Consumer Behavior (3 cr.) To provide an interdisciplinary approach to understanding consumer buying behavior. Emphasis is made on the individual and social processes which influence the consumer in the marketplace.
  • BUSE-E 554 Human Resource Management (3 cr.) This course deals with major topic areas within the field of human resource management. It is a survey of principal theoretical, legal, and applied concerns that influence both public and private sector employers. Special attention is given to applications of timely interest to private employers.
  • BUSE-E 557 Investment Management (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the beauty, logic, and potential of modern portfolio management. Emphasis is on portfolio construction and management, rather than security selection.
  • BUSE-E 558 Total Compensation (3 cr.) Survey of problems faced by managers of compensation systems. In-depth look at the roles of company, governments, union, and employee in the design and administration of total compensation systems. A description of the type of wage and salary systems currently in use, advantages and disadvantages, and extent of use.
  • BUSE-E 559 Performance Management (3 cr.) Performance managements is the process of monitoring and evaluating an employee’s activities and outputs in meeting organizational goals. Performance management is a strategic process assessing performance across multiple levels (employee, department, and organization). This course will cover how to create a comprehensive performance management system and various methods of evaluating performance.
  • BUSE-E 567 Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the basics of portfolio management and investment analysis.  Students will be exposed to the theoretical and practical components of investment analysis for the purpose of security selection and portfolio management.  Topics include developing investor policy statements, security valuation, portfolio allocation, risk measurement, and investment ethics.
  • BUSE-E 568 International Financial Management (3 cr.) Financial management of foreign operations of the firm. Financial constraints of the international environment and their effect on standard concepts of financial management. Study of international currency flow, forward cover, and international banking practices.
  • BUSE-E 569 Business Analytics and Visualization (3 cr.) Introduce students to business analytics focusing on data management and visual analytics. The topics include business analytics in organizations, data quality, business analytics processes, visual analytics techniques, tolls, and information presentation. Hands-on computer lab experiences include advance usage of spreadsheet software and other software tools to transform data into information.
  • BUSE-E 574 Strategic Staffing (3 cr.) Prepares student to identify the best candidates through a structured, longer-term focused process based on the business strategy. Students will critically evaluate jobs, identify traits, qualities and criteria associated with high levels of job performances to determine the candidates for employment. Legal aspects of employment practices will also be discussed.
  • BUSE-E 577 Financial Statement Analysis - A Case Based Approach (3 cr.) Develops the conceptual and practical skills needed for in-depth company analysis and honing of critical thinking skills useful in understanding financial reporting concepts and analyzing financial statements.  Combines a text that develops financial statement analysis concepts with a text covering cases specific to particular aspects of financial reporting and analysis.
  • BUSE-E 578 Business and Economics Applications of Geographical Information Systems (3 cr.) The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has become a standard feature among government and corporate agencies either for resource management or planning.  In the corporate world, GIS is heavily used in locating businesses or retail outlets, food industries, transportation network and etc. In this course, students will be exposed to various applications of GIS with a primary focus on business and economic issues.  This course does not cover GIS programming and development of application programs.
  • BUSE-E 580 Community Service in Business (0 cr.) All MBA students must complete a community service project to graduate. This involves donating a minimum of 20 hours to an approved community project (like volunteering for Big Brothers/Big Sisters; providing tax assistance for the elderly; participating in a United Way agency) and a written report to the MBA office.
  • BUSE-E 585 Training and Development (3 cr.) Employee development is an ongoing multifaceted set of activities (training activities among them) intended to bring someone, or an organization, up to a higher level of performance. The course explores identifying gaps in performance, determining the best interventions to improve performance, and assessing the outcomes of those interventions.
  • BUSE-E 588 Project Management (3 cr.) This course will introduce you to the full range of project management problems, solution methods and decision processes. Topics may include: project selection, project organizational structures, project planning, scheduling, and budgeting, negotiation, project monitoring and control, project auditing and termination, and resource constrained project scheduling.
  • BUSE-E 590 Independent Study (1-3 cr.) Research, analysis, and discussion of current business-related issues for academic credit. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • BUSE-E 594 Business Analysis and Valuation (3 cr.) Use of financial statement data to: analyze business strategy; assess accounting policies and estimates for analysis and valuation purposes; evaluate financial performance utilizing financial ratio and cash flow measures; and forecast a firm's future to estimate a firm's value. Resulting information is used in a variety of decision-making contexts.
  • BUSE-E 595 Advanced Corporate Finance (3 cr.) P: Director Permission: Typically taken in last year of program completion.
  • BUSE-E 596 Intermediate Accounting II (3 cr.) This course provides a more detailed examination of U.S. financial reporting topics, with an introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards. Topics include reporting for liabilities, stock holders' equity, financial reporting of taxes and leases, error reporting, and full disclosure in financial reporting.
  • BUSE-E 597 Fraud Issues in Business (3 cr.) This course provides a framework for managers to understand, prevent, and detect fraud. Topics include fraud law; who commits fraud and why; fraud symptoms, prevention, and detection; common fraud schemes; fraudster profiles; auditor responsibilities and study of current and historical cases of real-life frauds.
  • BUSE-F 501 Foundations in Accounting (3 cr.) An introduction and overview of financial and managerial accounting concepts.
  • BUSE-F 502 Foundations in Finance (3 cr.) An introduction of basic financial concepts from the business managers perspective, including use of financial statements, discounted cash flow analysis and valuation, and capital budgeting.
  • BUSE-F 503 Foundations in Economics (3 cr.) An introduction and overview of both microeconomics and macroeconomics.
  • BUSE-F 504 Foundations in Marketing (2 cr.) Basic concepts and principles in Marketing, including strategic elements in Marketing and the Marketing mix.
  • BUSE-F 505 Foundations in Quantitative Tools (3 cr.) An introduction to and overview of basic quantitative literacy and statistical methods.
  • BUSE-F 506 Foundations in Management (2 cr.) Foundational level of discussion of topics relevant to management and organizations.
  • BUSE-G 533 Auditing (3 cr.) In-depth study of the process of auditing, attestation, and assurance services in an advanced technological environment. Includes coverage of auditing and attestation standards, the code of professional conduct, auditor's legal responsibilities, fraud auditing, and the emerging issues of global auditing.
  • BUSE-H 542 Advanced Financial Accounting (3 cr.) This course addresses generally accepted accounting principles applied to business combinations, international transactions, segments and partnerships.
  • BUSE-H 546 Advanced Corporate Taxation (3 cr.) The course will address advanced corporate taxation issues including corporate formation, mergers and acquisitions, liquidations. The course material also covers tax topics specific to corporations such as when to make the Corporate S election and the accumulated earnings tax.
  • BUSE-Z 506 MANAGING THE TEAM-BASED ORG (3 cr.) This course introduces students to managerial practices and principles of effective team-based organizations. Students learn how to manage team-based organizations, designed to contribute to different types of performance objectives: cost reduction, quality improvement, new product development, mass customization, and process re-engineering. The basics of team management are covered as well.

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