
Natural Sciences

Allied Health (AHLT)
  • AHLT-B 311 Systems of Health Care Delivery (3 cr.) Students examine the U.S. health delivery systems and its components. The focus of this course is on the current and potential future health services systems and their components. In addition, common leadership and management models/theories, communication styles, use of technologies in health care and documentation of patient/family/community health problems, the developing electronic health record, and impact of culture on the components of the system and on health care providers-patients/families/healthcare provider interactions are discussed.
  • AHLT-B 320 Global Health Delivery (3 cr.) This course is intended to give students an overview of the history, structure, and financing of systems of health care delivery of developed and emerging nations in comparison and contrast to that of the United States.  Students will understand the goals and challenges in achieving optimum health in these countries.
  • AHLT 352 Performance Improvement in Health Management (3 cr.) This course provides the fundamental concepts of quality management in health care systems and the essential tools to measure and analyze a system, evaluate problems, and implement necessary changes to improve system performance. You will study system model theory in health care and utilize critical thinking to create changes in your own organization to improve client care, patient safety and essential services. Therefore, you will be utilizing your personal experience in assignments to create a more meaningful student experience, useful in your future endeavours. You will learn to be empowered. Special processes such as Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma will be discussed.
  • AHLT-B 371 Human Resources Management in Health Care (3 cr.) Management of human resources in the health care system including human resource planning and staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, job design and analysis, and compensation.
  • AHLT-B 499 Health Management Capstone (3 cr.) The main purpose this course is to provide the culminating, integrative curricular experience for students in the Bachelor of Applied Science degree Health Management Track. Students will also assess the impact of their educational experiences on their ethical perspectives and critical thinking skills.
  • AHLT-C 150 Body Structure and Function (3 cr.) Introduction to the basic structures and functions of the human body; fundamental anatomic terminology; relationships of clinical laboratory to diagnosis.
  • AHLT-H 415 Global Child and Adolescent Health (3-3 cr.) An overview of determinants and indicators of health of children and adolescents in the United States compared to other countries.
  • AHLT-M 101 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH RECORDS (3 cr.) Study of health record documentation, as they relate to various healthcare settings, organizational principles, and Information Governance initiatives. Development of systems and processes for collection, maintenance, and dissemination of health-related information. Study of the various uses of the data contained within the health record.
  • AHLT-M 102 Clinical Experience I (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 109 with C or better. Lab fee required. This is an advanced healthcare documentation course that focuses on improving keyboarding and proofreading skills in the health care field with emphasis on production, speed, and accuracy. Course includes formatting, transcription of case studies, medical procedures in various specialties, operative reports and discharge summaries. This course is in the process of being changed to AHLT-M 394 (Healthcare Documentation Practicum).
  • AHLT-M 109 Medical Transcription Technology (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 195 and ENG-W 131 with C or better. Lab fee required. This is a beginning medical word processing and healthcare documentation course that includes both lecture and laboratory components. Lecture will cover the career and certification of a medical documentation specialist, punctuation, grammar, proofreading skills, and the content and format of various medical reports. The laboratory portion will focus on transcribing medical reports and correspondence of different specialties, proofreading the work, and making necessary corrections to produce a legible document. This course is in the process of being changed to AHLT-M 393 (Healthcare Documentation).
  • AHLT-M 192 Intro to HIM and Reimbursement (3 cr.) Overview of medical insurance programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, and reimbursement methodologies related to third party payers in the outpatient setting. Overview of release of information principles, privacy and security standards as outlined by HIPAA. Relate CPT, ICD-9-CM and HCPCS codes to billing process.
  • AHLT-M 195 Medical Terminology (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to further develop a student's understanding of the study of the language of medicine, including word construction, definitions, spelling, and abbreviations with application to other healthcare courses. Emphasis on abbreviations, analyzing, words based on their root, prefeix or suffix, as well as identifying common mistakes within medical terminology. This course is in the process of changing to AHLT-M 330 (Medical Terminology).
  • AHLT-M 330 Medical Terminology (3 cr.) This course is the study of the language of medicine, including word construction, definitions, spelling, and abbreviations. It provides a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathology, surgical procedures, laboratory and radiology procedures, and pharmacology. Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and combining forms are presented. Emphasis is forming a foundation for a medical vocabulary including definition, spelling, and pronunciation. Medical abbreviations, signs, and symbols are included.
  • AHLT-M 350 Med Science for Health Info I (3 cr.) P: One science course for majors (AHLT, ANAT, CHEM, BIOL, MATH, or PHYS). This course will provide an introduction to pharmacology, the study of drugs. This course will introduce students to the most common drug classes and how these drugs are used in the treatment of disease. In particular, this course will focus on the mechanism of action of many drug classes, and aid students in the understanding of both the intended effects and the side effects of these drug classes.
  • AHLT-M 366 Leadership for Health Professionals (3 cr.) This course addresses the Leadership of organizations that deliver health care services such as hospitals, nursing homes, multi-specialty clinics, and home health care agencies. Students will examine principles of effective management including organizational design, motivation, leadership, conflict management, teamwork, and strategic alliances. Management issues that distinguish health services organizations from other types of organizations will be identified and strategies for dealing with these issues will be evaluated.
  • AHLT-M 390 Coding I (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 330 with a grade of C or better. Provides instruction in coding of diagnoses, diseases, signs, and symptoms, procedures and services provided in office, inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, nursing facilities, laboratories, radiology/diagnostic imaging. Provides an overview of medical insurance programs and the skills needed to assign and link ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS codes in correct format to submit to an insurance carrier for reimbursement for medical necessity.
  • AHLT-M 391 Coding II (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 390 with grade of C or better. This is advanced instruction to include lecture and practice application in the assignment of CPT, ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM, and HCPCS codes as introduced in basic medical coding. Emphasis on correct code assignment and sequencing of codes to provide medical necessity for reimbursement by third party payers for services and procedures provided in a physician office, hospital, nursing facilities, laboratories, and radiology/diagnostic imaging. This course will include additional instruction in the coding of anesthesia services, extensive modifier placement, and the ability to abstract information from the medical record to select accurate codes for submission to a third party payer.
  • AHLT-M 392 Intro to HIM & Reimbursement (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 330 and AHLT-M 390 with a C or better. Introduction of Health Information Management principles and policies, medical records, standards, regulations, licensure, and content. Overview of medical insurance programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, group health plans, and Workers Compensation reimbursement methodologies related to third party payers. Overview of release of information principles, privacy, and security standards as outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
  • AHLT-M 393 Healthcare Documentation (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 393 with a grade of a C or better. This is a beginning medical word processing and transcription course that includes both lecture and laboratory components.  Lecture covers the career and certification of a medical transcriptionist; punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.   Introduction to the content and format of various medical reports transcribed in any health care facility, including all medical specialties.  Practice will include proofreading skills and making necessary corrections to produce a legible and legal medical document.  Introduction to the electronic medical record, HIPAA, and the confidentiality and security of the patient information. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • AHLT-M 394 Healthcare Documentation Practicum (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M393 with a grade of a C or better. Advanced medical transcription focusing on improving beginning skills to meet the demands of the workplace with emphasis on production, speed, and accuracy to produce a legal medical document. Skiills include legalities of the medical record, documentation requirements defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as related to security, privacy, and confidentiality. Students will experience the diversity of the Health Information Management department of any healthcare facility to recognize the various functions within that department and how they relate to each other.
  • AHLT-M 395 Introduction to ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding (3 cr.) P: AHLT-M 391 or equivalent with a grade of C or better, or instructor approval. This course focuses on the revised structure and format in the transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM. Review of guidelines and coding concepts with emphasis on correct code assignment and sequencing of codes to provide medical necessity for reimbursement for services and procedures in all healthcare facilities.
  • AHLT-P 101 Introduction to Pharmacy (3 cr.) The proposed course, AHLT-P 101 Introduction to Pharmacy, will be a 1 credit hour course that will serve as an introduction to the field of pharmacy.  Students will learn about the evolution of the profession and the plethora of career opportunities.  This course will help students learn about the differences in area Colleges of Pharmacies, as well as, help them prepare for the application and interview process.  Additionally, students will have the opportunity to ask questions of several different panels of pharmacists, residents and students.
  • AHLT-R 100 ORIENTATION TO RAD TECHNOLOGY (3 cr.) Introduction to the field of radiology and its history. Students learn proper ethical standards, become acquainted with the duties and responsibilities in personal care for the patient, and investigate radiation protection for the patient and personnel.
  • AHLT-R  102 PRINCIPLES OF RADIOGRAPHY 1 (3 cr.) Basic concepts of radiation, its production, and its interactions with matter. Includes the production of the radiographic image and film processing.
  • AHLT-R 185 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY (3 cr.) This course covers medical terminology, symbols, and abbreviations and the application of this new language in the field of health care. While terms are covered as they relate to body structure and function, the main focus is on medical vocabulary and being able to construct terms using word parts such as roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
  • AHLT-R 200 Pathology (3 cr.) P: AHLT-C 150 or ANAT-A 215, or instructor approval. A survey of the changes the occur in the diseased state to include general concepts of disease, causes of disease, clinical symptoms and treatment, and diseases that affect specific body systems.
  • AHLT-R 202 PRINCIPLES OF RADIOGRAPHY 2 (3 cr.) Continuation of R102 with emphasis on the properties that affect the quality of the radiographic image.
  • AHLT-R 250 PHYSICS APPLIED TO RADIOLOGY (3 cr.) Fundamentals of radiation physics, X-ray generation, and equipment quality control.
  • AHLT-W 310 Women's Health (3 cr.) This course will provide students with a basic understanding of how gender differences play a role in manifestation of disease and health outcomes. They also play a role in health care delivery including issues associated with access. Women are perceived as the decision-makers for the source of health care for their families. Women often delay self-care as they attend to the care of their family or children. Women are not just men with reproductive capacity, and not all women are alike. Women share many experiences (e.g., domestic violence), which cross-economic and racial lines. Additional examples of issues that impact all women are listed as follows: a lack of economic parity with men, the responsibility for childrearing, delaying of self-care because of accessing health care for others (e.g., children) and domestic violence. Delineating between the commonality of being a woman and the difference or uniqueness of health issues of the individual woman is a key for physicians and other health care providers. Health care providers need to assess the global health risks of the individual patient in front of her or him. Most useful are the skills and strategies to gain information from the patient, and appropriate data collection as needed from the laboratory or radiology.
  • AHLT-W 314 Ethics for Health Professionals (3 cr.) Professionals provides a thorough grounding in ethical theories and principles as reflected in current health care issues and policies. Students are introduced to a variety of frameworks for ethical decision-making and policy analysis. Current trends in the political, economic, and legal spheres of the contemporary health care arena are analyzed through the use of case studies, articles and video presentations.

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