
Natural Sciences

Anatomy (ANAT)
  • ANAT-A 215 Basic Human Anatomy (5 cr.) Lab fee required. Relationships of structure of cells, tissues, organs, and systems to function.
  • ANAT-A 464 Human Tissue Biology (5 cr.) P: BIOL-L 317 with grade of C or better. Microscopic structure of mammalian (with emphasis on human) tissues and organs.
  • ANAT-A 465 Advanced Regional Anatomy (6-12 cr.) A 6 credit hour course structured in the same format as a graduate or medical school anatomy course, and directed to upper level majors.  Specifically, undergraduate anatomy is typically taught in a systems format; whereas, graduate and medical school anatomy curriculum is structured by regions; i.e. head and neck, thoracic, limb, etc.  The curriculum will be designed by body regions and clinical information will be introduced throughout the course.  The upper level anatomy course will provide new program development in support of the Bachelor of Science in HIA and HIM, in addition to supporting new curriculum reform by offering an upper level online course for allied health, biology and chemistry pre-professional majors. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
  • ANAT-M 100 Improving Learning Skills in Anatomy (1-3 cr.) C: ANAT-A 215. This course examines the skills that can improve student learning in ANAT-A215 Basic Human Anatomy.  A variety of study methods and skills will be explored and utilized to increase the understanding of topics in human anatomy.  Coverage of course topics will occur concurrently in ANAT-M100 and ANAT-A215.  Readings and lectures will be supplemented by whole-class and small-group discussions, and by written assignments.

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