
Natural Sciences

Physiology (PHSL)
  • PHSL-P 130 Human Biology (3 cr.) Basic concepts in human biology. Covers reproduction and development, physiological regulations, stress biology, and behavioral biology, with emphasis on socially related problems.
  • PHSL-P 215 Basic Mammalian Physiology (5 cr.) P: ANAT-A 215 or BIOL-L 101 and BIOL-L 102 with grades of C or better OR permission of the instructor. Lab fee required. Functional aspects of cells, tissues, organs, and systems in the mammalian organism. Designed for preprofessional students in allied health, nursing, speech and hearing, and HPER.
  • PHSL-P 416 Comparative Animal Physiology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101 and BIOL-L 102 with grade of C or better. C: PHSL-P 418. Lecture course presenting physiological principles of the respiratory, circulatory, excretory, and related systems in a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate animals.
  • PHSL-P 418 Lab in Comparative Animal Physiology (2 cr.) C: PHSL-P 416. Laboratory experiments using a variety of animals to illustrate physiological principles.

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