
Arts and Letters

Fine Arts (FINA)
  • FINA-A 101 Ancient and Medieval Art (3 cr.) A survey of major styles and monuments in art and architecture from prehistoric times to the end of the Middle Ages.
  • FINA-A 102 Renaissance through Modern Art (3 cr.) A survey of major artists, styles, and movements in European and American art and architecture from the fifteenth century to the present.
  • FINA-A 150 Africa, New World, and Oceanic Art (3 cr.) A survey of the arts and cultures of the native peoples of Africa, North and South America, and the South Pacific. FINA-A 150 and FINA-A 458 may not both be taken for credit.
  • FINA-A 270 Women in the History of Art (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Women artists from the Renaissance through modern times and the problems affecting women artists during these periods. Does not count as part of art history requirements for art majors.
  • FINA-A 315 Art of the Ancient World (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. A study of the architecture, sculpture, painting, and ceramics of the ancient world. Emphasis on ancient Greece and Rome.
  • FINA-A 322 Romanesque and Gothic Arts (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. Survey of the art of the high Middle Ages from the eleventh through the fifteenth centuries, with an emphasis on architecture and sculpture in England, France, Germany, and Italy.
  • FINA-A 343 American Art (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. The history of American art from colonial times to the present.
  • FINA-A 362 The Art of Japan (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. A survey of Japanese art from the Jomon to the nineteenth century.
  • FINA-A 400 Senior Seminar in Art History (4 cr.) P: Required of Art History majors. Senior standing and consent of instructor. Intensive examination of selected topics in art history. May be repeated once.
  • FINA-A 401 Art Theory-Senior (3 cr.) Required of BA studio majors. Must be taken during the 400-level studio sequence. This course is designed to cover a broad range of concerns vital to the art major, including graduating senior exhibition, contemporary theory, continued study in graduate school, and/or careers in the professional art world.
  • FINA-A 402 Arts of Native North America (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. A survey of the history of North American First Nations peoples' art from archaic to contemporary times.
  • FINA-A 403 Baroque and Rococo Art (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. The history of the art of both northern and southern Europe during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
  • FINA-A 404 Modernism: Art, Politics, and Innovation, 1850 to 1900 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W290. This course will examine Western art from the mid- to the end of the nineteenth century. Topics will include Realism and Naturalism, the origins of the avant-garde, the emergence of photography, architecture and design in the age of industry, Impressionism, Post- and Neo-Impressionism, the appeal of the modern and modernity, newly developing modes of abstraction, symbolism, and the origins of the twentieth century artistic avant-gardes.
  • FINA-A 405 Art of the Northern Renaissance (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. The history of painting and sculpture outside Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
  • FINA-A 406 Art of the Italian Renaissance (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. The history of Italian art beginning with the Proto-Renaissance in the thirteenth century through the High Renaissance of the sixteenth century.
  • FINA-A 439 The Historical Avant-Gardes: Art from 1900 to 1945 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. This course familiarizes students with the major historical avant-garde art movements from 1900 to 1945. Students will be introduced to Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Suprematism, Constructivism, and Surrealism, among others. Although the course focuses on Europe, the international manifestations of these movements will also be introduced.
  • FINA-A 440 Nineteenth-Century Painting 1 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. Major painters and artistic movements in Western Europe and the United States during the nineteenth century.
  • FINA-A 451 Art of the South Pacific (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. A survey of the arts of Pacific island groups. Emphasis on Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia.
  • FINA-A 452 Art of Pre-Columbian America (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. A survey of pre-contact arts of the Americas south of the Rio Grande.
  • FINA-A 456 The Art and Culture of Samoa, Western Polynesia (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The program will take place in the independent Pacific nation of Samoa and will introduce students to Samoan art and culture. The course work is designed to provide the student with two options: a series of hands-on workshops on the heritage arts of textile creation and decoration led by specialist artists, or the development of an individual research or creative project.
  • FINA-A 457 Experimental Art Since 1945 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. This course familiarizes students with major art movements in contemporary art since 1940 in Europe and the United States, and globally since 1980, introducing avant-garde art movements and related transnational developments. It presents concepts of modernism and postmodernism, among others.
  • FINA-A 458 Topics in the Ethnographic Arts: The Art of Africa, the Pacific, and the Americas (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. Specific topics of particular interest in the ethnographic arts. Topics thematically based. FINA-A 150 and A 458 may not both be taken for credit.
  • FINA-A 477 History of Photography (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 or ENG-W 290
  • FINA-A 485 Women and Gender in the Visual Arts (3 cr.) This course examines women as producers, patrons, and subjects of images from the 16th century to the present. Topics include the role of gender, feminist theory, art and craft, self-portraiture and representation, motherhood, social activism, beauty, body politics, and globalization.
  • FINA-A 490 Topics in Art History (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290. Individual topics vary. Will be listed in course schedule. May be repeated with consent of instructor.
  • FINA-A 495 Reading and Research in Art History (1-4 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 290 and consent of instructor. Individual-directed study of art history topics. May be repeated for a total of 8 credit hours.
  • FINA-D 210 Digital Art: Survey and Practice (3 cr.) Beginning class on digital media's role in the world of art production and reception. Class emphasizes learning to use digital media to produce original, creative artwork. Topics include digital imaging, communicative art, and interactivity. May be taken concurrently with FINA-F 100, FINA-F 101, or FINA-F 102.
  • FINA-D 310 Interactive Multimedia (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 217. A study of the principles and fundamental techniques for creating multimedia projects that explore their potential for critical artistic expression. The course will examine issues specific to onscreen interaction and time-based media. Tools such as Flash, Dreamweaver, and other supporting programs will be covered.
  • FINA-D 312 Intermediate Multimedia (3-6 cr.) An intermediate level studio art course covering a broad range of aesthetic and conceptual issues related to digital material. Students are encouraged to develop art projects using digital multimedia, video, or the incorporation of object-based media. Dialogue of timely issues through readings, screenings, websites, and gallery visits.
  • FINA-D 410 Advanced Multimedia (3 cr.) P: FINA-D 310. A broad range of aesthetic and conceptual issues related to digital material and electronic interactivity. Students are encouraged to develop art projects using digital multimedia, video, hypertext, or the incorporation of object-based media. Dialogue of timely issues through readings, screenings, websites, and gallery visits.
  • FINA-D 412 B.F.A. Digital Art (1-6 cr.) P: Admission into the B.F.A. program in digital art. Directed, advanced study and production of a body of work leading to B.F.A. exhibition. Students meet independently with instructor and in group critiques to maintain a dialogue and provide technical advice. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-F 100 Fundamental Studio - Drawing (3 cr.) A basic course for the development of visual awareness and coordination of perceptual and manual skills; seeing, representing, and inventing on an experimental, exploratory level on a two-dimensional surface. Problems in composition as well as hands-on work with the formal elements of art: line, shape, space, value, texture. May be taken concurrently with FINA-F 101, FINA-F 102, or FINA-D 210.
  • FINA-F 101 Fundamental Studio - 3D (3 cr.) A basic course in the area of three-dimensional design, with emphasis on the art elements of line, plane, and volume. Development of skills in basic media, techniques, and tools commonly used in the creation of three-dimensional art forms. Projects involve the three-dimensional processes of substitution and the additive and subtractive methods, including casting, modeling, carving, and constructing, through the use of a variety of sculptural materials. May be taken concurrently with FINA-F 100, FINA-F 102, or FINA-D 210.
  • FINA-F 102 Fundamental Studio - 2D (3 cr.) Emphasis on color theory and color relationships along with the principles and dynamics of two-dimensional design. May be taken concurrently with FINA-F 100, FINA-F 101, or FINA-P 273.
  • FINA-G 400 B.F.A. Final Review (0 cr.) Final portfolio review for B.F.A. program.
  • FINA-G 405 B.A. Senior Exhibition (0 cr.) Preparation of required senior exhibition of student artwork. Students will create, prepare and install creative works. Students will also design and distribute an announcement for exhibit.
  • FINA-G 551 Graduate Design (1-30 cr.) Graphic Design as an integral element of all visual communication media. Self-defined and assigned study to assure as wide as possible exposure to the problem solving process. Repeatable up to 36 units.
  • FINA-H 100 Introduction to Art History and Visual Culture (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. C: ENG-W 131 The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with outstanding works of art and provide an approach to appreciation through knowledge of purposes, techniques, forms, and content.  Does not count toward the Fine Arts major.
  • FINA-N 108 Introduction to Drawing for Non-Majors (3 cr.) Drawing Fundamentals introduces the student to the basic elements of drawing. Line, shape, value, and perspective will be studied before moving on to the more complex use of color, landscape, and still life will be the source of subject matter for the semester. Repeatable up tok 6 units.
  • FINA-N 110 Introduction to Studio Art (3 cr.) A general introduction to painting, drawing, printmaking, and ceramics for the nonmajor.
  • FINA-P 273 Computer Art and Design I (3 cr.) Emphasis will be placed on the exploration of digital art and design. This beginning course acquaints students with raster and vector graphics and the manipulation of peripherals such as scanners and printers. Students will be encouraged to explore personal imagery in solving assigned problems.
  • FINA-P 323 Introduction to Web Design (3 cr.) P: FINA-D 210 Recommended. Explore the vast potential and role of technology and graphics in web design, both as a platform for creating entire website prototypes and individual visual elements. An emphasis will be placed on obtaining strong conceptualization, content, functionality and software knowledge. This course aims to prepare the students for future website development. Knowledge of Mac Platform recommended.
  • FINA-S 165 Ceramics for Nonmajors (3 cr.) Introduction to ceramics through hand-building techniques, glazing and firing, and clay body preparations. Lectures and discussion included on ceramic techniques, aesthetics, and theory.
  • FINA-S 196 PRINTMAKING FOR NON-MAJORS (3 cr.) Understanding of basic printmaking techniques through hands-on experience with monotype, relief, and intaglio (etching).
  • FINA-S 200 Drawing 1 (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100. Introduction to drawing through a variety of drawing media, stressing basic visual awareness; seeing, representing, and technical command on a two-dimensional surface. Problems in handling placement, line, space, volume, value, and formal articulation.
  • FINA-S 217 Video Art (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-D 210. Exploration of the medium of video as an aesthetic expression. Time and sound are elements incorporated into visual composition's traditional concerns. Emphasis on technical command of video camera and digital editing procedures in conjunction with development of a visual sensitivity. Reading and a research project are required.
  • FINA-S 230 Painting 1 (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-F 102. Introduction to painting in oil. Study of the spatial and expressive qualities of color, with an emphasis on composition and pictorial design. Development of technical skills in image making through exploration of traditional and modern methods of paint application. Introduction to surface preparation, framing, and display of paintings.
  • FINA-S 239 PAINTING FOR NON-MAJORS (3 cr.) Introduction to painting in oil. Study of the spatial and expressive qualities of color, with an emphasis on composition and pictorial design. Development of technical skills in image making through exploration of traditional and modern methods of paint application. Introduction to surface preparation, framing, and display of paintings. (Will not count toward a major in Fine Arts.)
  • FINA-S 240 Printmaking 1 (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-F 102. Introduction to printmaking. Study of traditional and contemporary techniques, including, but not limited to intaglio (etching), monotype, and relief. Problems in pictorial composition will be emphasized along with understanding of technique. Appreciation and sensitivity to the art of the print will be cultivated.
  • FINA-S 250 Graphic Design 1 (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100 and FINA-D 210. Drawing and perception in the history and practice of visual communication, including a basic introduction to the field and exercises with pencil, marker, computer, and other tools, to produce symbols, letter forms, and symbol-letter combinations.
  • FINA-S 254 Beginning Typography (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-F 101, and FINA-P 273. The study of the art of typography. The course focuses on learning and applying basic typographical terminology as it relates to the field of graphic design.
  • FINA-S 260 Ceramics 1 (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-F 101. Introduction to ceramics through hand building techniques, glazing and firing, and clay body preparation. Lectures and discussion included on ceramic techniques, aesthetics, and theory.
  • FINA-S 270 Sculpture 1 (2-3 cr.) Foundation in basic technical and formal methods of traditional and contemporary sculpture. Use of tools and equipment for additive and subtractive techniques include: wood construction, steel fabrication, clay modeling, plaster mold making and cold casting, and assemblage. Emphasis placed on technical execution, conceptualization and creative problem solving. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • FINA-S 291 Fundamentals of Photography (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 217. Basic practice of digital camera operation, exposure calculation, exposing, image file management, image optimization and digital printing. Guidance toward establishment of a personal photographic aesthetic.
  • FINA-S 301 Drawing 2 (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 200. Intermediate course in drawing from the model and other sources. Emphasis on technical command of the media in conjunction with the development of visual awareness. Continued problems from FINA-S 200 with additional emphasis on individual awareness and sensitivity to media, surface, and content.
  • FINA-S 305 Internship: Graphic Design (1-12 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Practical experience in graphic design. May be repeated.
  • FINA-S 306 Digital Illustration (3 cr.) P: FINA-F 100, FINA-D 210. An introduction to digital drawing and painting. Emphasis is on developing conceptual skills and narrative compositions.
  • FINA-S 310 Photography (3 cr.) Photography introduces students to the digital darkroom. The course offers an overview of digital photography and imaging software used to enhance, manipulate and montage photographs. Students will explore a variety of ways to express visual ideas through digital images. Assignments explore visual creative problem solving and creative output of fine art photographs.
  • FINA-S 331 Painting 2 (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 230. Intermediate course in painting, with an emphasis on the technical command of both oil and acrylic media. Continued study in composition and pictorial design in painting. Further development in traditional and modern methods of paint application with an emphasis on individual experimentation.
  • FINA-S 341 Printmaking 2: Intaglio (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 240. Continuation of intaglio study begun in FINA-S 240, with emphasis on traditional and contemporary modes of expression. Semester work includes experimentation with color printing techniques. Problems in pictorial composition will be stressed with emphasis on technical competency.
  • FINA-S 343 Printmaking 2: Lithography (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 240. Advanced study with emphasis on plate and stone lithography. Problems in pictorial composition, drawing issues, and experimentation with technique will be stressed.
  • FINA-S 344 Printmaking 2: Silkscreen (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 240. Intermediate screen-printing techniques.
  • FINA-S 345 Life Drawing (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 200. Detailed study of the human form. Emphasis will be on rendering, mood, expression, and skeletal and muscular structure.
  • FINA-S 348 Printmaking 2: Relief (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 240. Intermediate relief printing techniques.
  • FINA-S 351 Typography I (3 cr.) Studies in visual communication with an emphasis on typography, including measurement and structure, detail and refinement, hierarchy and legibility, tools, and application to various media in digital and print formats. An introduction to type history, aesthetics and analysis are also considered.
  • FINA-S 352 Production for the Graphic Designer (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 250, FINA-S 351. Graphic design course emphasizing production techniques.
  • FINA-S 361 Ceramics 2 (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 260. Continued practice in ceramics and introduction to throwing on the wheel. Lectures and discussion included on techniques, aesthetics, and theory. May be repeated once in fulfilling the BA in Fine Arts only.
  • FINA-S 371 Sculpture 2 (3 cr.) Development of skills in both traditional and contemporary sculpture methodology. Rotating semester topics include figurative sculpture, carving, casting, steel/wood construction, computer-aided machining and rapid prototyping, installation art, and public art. Emphasis on the exploration of ideas through the sculptural form and knowledge of materials and historical traditions. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • FINA-S 392 Intermediate Photography (3 cr.) Practice of black and white photography: camera work, darkroom practices, appreciation of photographs and experience in expressive use of the medium.
  • FINA-S 401 Drawing 3 (3 cr.) P: 6 hours in FINA-S 301. Advanced drawing from the model and other sources using a variety of media, both conventional and invented. Craftsmanship, content, and personal style are stressed.
  • FINA-S 405 B.F.A. Drawing (1-6 cr.) P: FINA-S 200 and accepted into B.F.A. studio major. Continuing opportunity for extensive practice in the drawing craft. Craftsmanship, content, and personal style are stressed. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 417 Hand Papermaking (3 cr.) This course will introduce students to the basic techniques of creating hand-made sheets of paper from both recycled and beaten fibers. Students will experiment with various fibers, additives, pigments, and pulp painting techniques to create one-of-a-kind sheets of hand-formed papers.
  • FINA-S 431 Painting 3 (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 331. Advanced course in painting aimed at the continued mastery of technical skills, with an emphasis on individual solutions to pictorial and conceptual problems in painting.
  • FINA-S 432 B.F.A. Painting (1-6 cr.) P: FINA-S 230 and accepted into B.F.A. studio major. Concentrated studio projects within the framework of the B.F.A. painting program. Attention to content, craftsmanship, intent, and resources. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 438 Water Media (3 cr.)

    This class is intended to give students experience in painting with water-based media, including acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media. This course is comprised of studio practice  (both in-studio and outside),demonstrations, slide presentations and critiques.

    May be repeated up to 9 credits
  • FINA-S 441 Printmaking 3: Intaglio (3 cr.) P: 6 credits in FINA-S 341 or FINA-S 343. Advanced problems in intaglio and color printing techniques for qualified students.
  • FINA-S 442 B.F.A. Printmaking (1-6 cr.) P: FINA-S 240 and accepted into B.F.A. studio major. Directed advanced study in printmaking. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 443 Printmaking 3: Lithography (3 cr.) P: 6 credits in FINA-S 341 or FINA-S 343. Advanced work in lithography, including color-printing techniques for qualified students. May be repeated once in fulfilling the BA in Fine Arts only.
  • FINA-S 444 Printmaking III Silkscreen (1-20 cr.) Advanced work in silkscreen for qualified students. Also open for non-M.F.A. printmaking students on the graduate level. Repeatable up to 20 units.
  • FINA-S 445 Relief Printmaking Media (1-3 cr.) Relief printmaking media: woodcut, linocut, monotype, and collograph. Students create prints in each medium in both black-and-white and color using a variety of traditional and innovative techniques such as photo and the computer. Repeatable up to 20 units.
  • FINA-S 451 Graphic Design Problem Solving (3 cr.) Professional problem solving in graphic design. Using a variety of mediums to communicate messages, students apply processes from printing to multimedia as appropriate for directed projects.
  • FINA-S 452 B.F.A. Graphic Design (1-6 cr.) P: FINA-S 250 and accepted into B.F.A. studio major. Directed, advanced study in graphic design. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 461 Ceramics 3 (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 361. Advanced study in ceramic studio practice. Advanced study of finishing techniques, clay body preparation, and glaze formulation. Lectures and discussion included on techniques, aesthetics, and theory. Individualized course of study with a concentration on artistic development.
  • FINA-S 462 B.F.A. Ceramics (1-6 cr.) P: FINA-S 260 and accepted into B.F.A. studio major. Continuing opportunity for extensive practice in clay techniques. May be repeated for a total of 15 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 463 Topics in Studio Ceramics (3 cr.) P: FINA-S 260 or consent of instructor. Selected specialized topics in studio ceramics. May be repeated twice for a total of 9 credit hours.
  • FINA-S 490 Advanced Photography I (3 cr.) Repeatable up to 60 units.
  • FINA-S 491 Advanced Photography 2 (1-20 cr.) Repeatable up to 20 units.
  • FINA-S 495 Advanced Photo Systems (3-5 cr.) The photographic process as a system, study of the nature and behavior of its several components, and the manner and means of their interaction.
  • FINA-S 497 Independent Study in Studio Art (1-6 cr.) Advanced independent work in studio area of student's choice. Emphasis on self-motivation and self-direction in addition to intensive furthering of skills and concepts already obtained in studio classes. Repeatable up to 21 units.
  • FINA-S 531 Graduate Painting (1-30 cr.) Repeatable up to 30 units.
  • FINA-S 541 Graduate Printmaking (1-30 cr.) Repeatable up to 40 units.
  • FINA-S 561 Graduate Ceramics (1-30 cr.) Repeatable up to 40 units.
  • FINA-U 400 B.F.A. Seminar: Sources and Resources - Professional Skills in Fine Arts (3 cr.) Focuses on both personal and cultural issues in aesthetics and on building professional skills for careers in art.
  • FINA-U 401 Special Topics in Studio Art (3 cr.) Special topics in studio art not ordinarily covered in other Fine Arts program courses.

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