
Arts and Letters

French (FREN)
  • FREN-F 100 Elementary French I (4 cr.) Students who have studied French must take a placement test before enrolling. Introduction to French language and selected aspects of French civilization and culture. Some online work will be required.
  • FREN-F 150 Elementary French II (4 cr.) P: FREN-F 100 or by placement test. Students who have studied French must take a placement test before enrolling. Introduction to French language and selected aspects of French civilization and culture. Some online work will be required.
  • FREN-F 200 Second-Year French I (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 150 or by placement test. Grammar, composition, and conversation coordinated with the study of expository, literary, and cultural texts. Some online work will be required.
  • FREN-F 203 SECOND-YEAR FRENCH I (3 cr.) Composition, conversation, and grammar coordinated with the study of expository and literary texts.
  • FREN-F 204 SECOND-YEAR FRENCH II (3 cr.) Composition, conversation, and grammar coordinated with the study of expository and literary texts.
  • FREN-F 250 Second-Year French II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 200 or by placement test. Grammar, composition, and conversation coordinated with the study of expository, literary, and cultural texts. Some online work will be required.
  • FREN-F 300 Lectures et analyses littéraires (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. Preparation for more advanced work in French literature. Readings and discussions of one play, one novel, short stories or essays, and poems.
  • FREN-F 305 Chefs-d’oeuvre de la littérature française I (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. Drama and literature of ideas. Dramatists such as Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Beaumarchais, and Sartre; essayists and philosophes such as Descartes, Pascal, Voltaire, Diderot, and Camus. Lectures and discussion in French.
  • FREN-F 306 Chefs-d’oeuvre de la littérature française II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. Novel and poetry. Novelists such as Balzac, Flaubert, and Proust; readings in anthologies stressing sixteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century poetry. Lectures and discussion in French.
  • FREN-F 312 Readings in French Literature in Translation (3 cr.) Representative readings emphasizing a particular author, genre, or topic in French literature. The subject may vary with each listing, and is identified in the Schedule of Classes. No credit in the concentration area for French majors. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • FREN-F 313 Advanced Grammar and Composition I (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. Detailed review of grammar. Writing practice.
  • FREN-F 314 Advanced Grammar and Composition II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 313. Detailed review of grammar. Writing practice.
  • FREN-F 315 French Conversation and Diction I (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. Course devoted to more advanced oral and continual work with phonetics.
  • FREN-F 316 French Conversation and Diction II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 315. Course devoted to more advanced oral and continual work with phonetics.
  • FREN-F 320 Travaux Pritiques De Pron Fr (2 cr.) P: FREN-F 250. In-depth study of the French sound system and refinement of pronunciation through practical exercises.
  • FREN-F 391 Studies in French Film (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 313 or permission of instructor. Analysis of major French art form, introduction to modern French culture seen through medium of film art, and study of relationship of cinema and literature in France.
  • FREN-F 363 Introduction à la France moderne (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 313. The development of French culture and civilization in the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the events that shaped modern France, the structure of daily life, and its institutions.
  • FREN-F 415 La Culture francophone (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 363 or permission of instructor. Francophone cultures outside of Europe will be the focus of this course. A comparative approach will serve to underline similarities and differences among different francophone communities and also to compare them with Franco-European culture. A variety of resources, from cultural and literary readings to musical/film selections will be exploited.
  • FREN-F 461 La France contemporaine (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 363. France since 1945; political, social, economic, and cultural aspects.
  • FREN-F 463 Civilisation Francaise 1 (3 cr.)
  • FREN-F 474 Theme et version (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 313. Translations of selected passages, alternating between English and French, to teach students to write with precision and clarity in both languages.
  • FREN-F 475 Le Français Oral: Cours Avancé (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 315 or permission of instructor. This course will build upon the oral and aural skills developed in intermediary level courses in French with intensive oral/aural practice both inside and outside the classroom.
  • FREN-F 495 Individual Readings in French (1-3 cr.) Repeatable up to 3 units.

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