

Business (BUS)
  • BUS-A 200 Foundations of Accounting (3 cr.) Survey of financial and managerial accounting topics that provide a foundation for students who are not pursuing a business concentration.
  • BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 cr.) P: Sophomore Standing (30 complete credit hours) Concepts and issues of financial reporting for business entities; analysis and recording of economic transactions.
  • BUS-A 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 201. Concepts and issues of management accounting, budgeting, cost determination and analysis.
  • BUS-A 310 Management Decisions and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 202. Provides students with a thorough understanding of the theoretical foundations underlying financial reporting, the rules used by accountants to measure the effects of business decisions and to report the effects to external parties, the use of judgment in financial reporting, and the transformation of cash flow decisions into accrual-based ad cash-based financial statements. Students are expected to develop technical, analytical, and interpretive skills related to economic transactions and accrual-based and cash-based financial statements. Accounting students should take A311 and A312 to satisfy accounting concentration requirements. Credit not given for both A310 and A311.
  • BUS-A 311 Intermediate Accounting I (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 202 Theory of asset valuation and income measurement. Principles underlying published financial statements.
  • BUS-A 312 Intermediate Accounting II (3 cr.) P: BUS-A311. Application of intermediate accounting theory to problems of accounting for economic activities.
  • BUS-A 325 Cost Accounting (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 202. Conceptual and technical aspects of management and cost accounting; product costing, cost control over projects and products; profit planning.
  • BUS-A 328 Introduction to Taxation (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 202. A comprehensive study of the federal income tax structure. Individual taxation will be emphasized with an exposure to business taxation.
  • BUS-A 337 Accounting Information Systems (3 cr.) The course's primary objective is to build upon, extend, and facilitate the integration of business and technical knowledge to help students succeed as managers in a technology-intensive, corporate environment. Through the use of readings, lectures, cases, and exercises the course enables students to understand and manage information technology in order to achieve competitive advantage through improved decision making, business processes, operations, and organizational controls.
  • BUS-A 338 Accounting Data Analytics (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 337 and ECON-E 270 Students will analyze accounting data using analytical techniques with tools such as SQL, spreadsheets, and/or Python. Topics ensure students are prepared for a profession in the data-driven accounting field.
  • BUS-A 339 Advanced Taxation (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 328. A comprehensive study of the federal income tax structure with emphasis on taxation of business and tax-planning for individuals.
  • BUS-A 411 Accounting Information Systems (3 cr.) Design of the accounting system and subsystems as collectors and processors of data to implement effective planning and control for a variety of decision making problems. Emphasis on practical applications accomplished through microcomputer integration.
  • BUS-A 414 Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 310 or BUS-A 311. Provides a broad framework for using financial statements to evaluate a firm's operating strategies, gain insights into performance, and predict future conditions. Topics include: ratios analysis, common size/vertical/trend analysis; competitive and industry norms; profitability and cash flow analysis; credit risks; earnings quality; and pro-forma forecasting.
  • BUS-A 422 ADV FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I (3 cr.) Generally accepted accounting principles as applied to partnerships, business combinations, branches, foreign operations, and nonprofit and governmental organizations. Particular emphasis is given to consolidated financial statements.
  • BUS-A 424 Auditing and Assurance Services (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 311 with a C- or higher The objective of this course is to learn the basic concepts, standards and procedures of auditing, provide an overall understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct for CPAs and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards with a focus on developing critical thinking skills about audit judgments and preparing for the CPA exam
  • BUS-A 437 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (3 cr.) Strategic cost management practices including activity-based management, activity-based budgeting and activity-based costing, target costing, theory of constraints, quality costs, the cost of capacity, the balanced scorecard, and performance measures for automated factories. Learn enhanced problem solving skills and tools, increased critical thinking skills, and improved presentation and speaking skills.
  • BUS-A 490 Independent Study in Accounting (1-3 cr.) Students choose one of two options in completing this course: (1) Supervised individual study and research work. Students will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. (2) Supervised internship, application filed through Career Development Center; provides work experience in cooperating firms or agencies. Reporting requirements will be established by instructor. Pass/Fail grade only for internships.
  • BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3 cr.) Students are introduced to oral communication in business contexts.  The course focus is on theory-based skill development that will enable students to deliver audience-centered messages, work in teams, and analyze and develop oral arguments.
  • BUS-D 301 International Business Environment (3 cr.) The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the environment in which international companies operate. Thus, participants should acquire awareness of, and an appreciation for, the diversity and complexity of the international environment.  More specifically, the successful completion of this course should enable them to understand and analyze environmental problems which challenge management.  Additional objectives of the course include: to explain how the international business environment affects us as citizens, consumers, and workers; to describe trade, investment, and financial links among countries; and to help interpret contemporary events from the perspective of international business.  While the emphasis of the course is on analysis, students will acquaint themselves with the special terms, concepts, and institutions encountered in international business.
  • BUS-D 300 International Business Administration (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 200 and junior standing. Foreign environment for overseas operations; U.S. government policies and programs for international business; international economic policies; and management decisions and their implementation in international marketing, management, and finance.
  • BUS-D 490 Independent Study in International Business (1-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Students choose two options in completing this course: a supervised internship experience (application filed through Career Development Center) or individual study or research work. Reporting requirements will be established by the instructor. S/F grades only for internships.
  • BUS-F 151 Personal Finances of the College Student (1 cr.) Introduction to the basic planning tools and concepts for college-age financial literacy. Emphasis on financial decisions and challenges facing a typical college student. Topics include careers, goal setting, budgeting, tax planning and credit, including options for financing higher eduction. Foundation of the Financial Literacy curriculum.
  • BUS-F 260 Personal Finance (3 cr.) Financial problems encountered in managing individual affairs; family budgeting, use of credit, insurance, home ownership, investing in securities, retirement and estate planning.
  • BUS-F 301 Financial Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-C 104, ECON-E 150 or ECON-E 201, BUS-A 202, and ENG-W 231, ENG-W 234 or ENG-W 290 all with C- or better. An overview of the essentials of corporate finance needed to compete effectively in an increasingly global environment. Topics include time value of money, forecasting, stock and bond analysis, project analysis, cost of capital, short-term asset analysis, global financial markets, and ethical considerations.
  • BUS-F 302 Financial Decision (3 cr.) P: BUS-F 301 and ECON-E 270. Application of financial theory and techniques of analysis in the search for optimal solutions to financial management problems.
  • BUS-F 410 Financial Institutions & Markets (3 cr.) P: BUS-F 301. This course looks at the intermediary roles played by the various types of financial institutions and markets. Besides understanding the differences between different institutions, such as commercial banks, credit unions, savings associations, and insurance companies, the course also covers issues related to the management and regulation of financial institutions, role of central banking, and the conduct of monetary policy. Although the primary emphasis is on the functions of financial institutions, different types of financial markets, such as mortgage, money, and capital markets, and related issues are also covered.
  • BUS-F 420 Equity and Fixed Income Investments (3 cr.) P: BUS-F 301 and ECON-E 200 or ECON-E 202. Individual investment policy and strategy, security analysis and portfolio management, investment performance, measurement tools, basic and derivative securities used in the investment process, survey of ethics in the investment profession, and experience in trading practices through simulation.
  • BUS-F 446 Bank & Financial Intermediation (3 cr.) This course covers the broad area of financial intermediation. The main topics studies are (i) the economic role of financial intermediaries--with an emphasis on commercial banks; (ii) the management of financial intermediaries; (iii) the regulation of commercial banks and other financial institutions.
  • BUS-F 490 Independent Study in Finance (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Students choose one of two options in completing this course: (1) Supervised individual study and research work. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. (2) Supervised internship, application filed through Career Development Center; provides work experience in cooperating firms or agencies. Both options require written report.  S/F grade only for internships.
  • BUS-F 494 International Finance. (3 cr.) P: BUS-F 301. Financial management of foreign operations of the firm. Financial constraints of the international environment and their effect on standard concepts of financial management. Study of international currency flows, forward cover, and international banking practices.
  • BUS-G 300 Introduction to Managerial Economics and Strategy (3 cr.) Microeconomic analysis and its applications to business decision making. Includes topics of demand and consumer behavior, production and costs, theory of firms, and public policy toward business. Focuses on the applied aspects of microeconomics.
  • BUS-G 406 Business Enterprise and Public Policy (3 cr.) This course is about areas of government regulation that affect business, including Antitrust Laws, Consumer Protection, Natural Monopoly, the Politics of Regulation, and Pollution. A business's ability to deal with such regulations is often the single most important determination of its profitability.
  • BUS-H 320 Systems of Health Care Delivery (3 cr.) This course examines the foundations and historical precedents for the current health care system in the United States.  It also covers the structures, processes, and policies for delivering health care services, and briefly reviews alternative systems used in other countries.
  • BUS-H 411 Management of Long-Term Care Facilities (3 cr.) This course covers the organization and management of long-term care facilities, with particular emphasis on skilled care nursing homes.  Topics include community and client exchanges, the legal and regulatory environment, financing and reimbursement, clinical organization and processes of care delivery, and managing the organization.
  • BUS-J 401 Administrative Policy (3 cr.) P: BUS-F 301, BUS-K 321, BUS-M 301, BUS-P 301, and BUS-Z 302 all with a C- or better. Administration of business organizations; policy formulation, organization, methods, and executive control.
  • BUS-J 490 Independent Study in Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior (1-3 cr.) Consent of instructor. Written report required.
  • BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business (3 cr.) P: Either BUS-A 201 or ECON-E 150 or ECON-E 201. Introduction to the role of computers and other information technologies in business. Provides instruction in both functional and conceptual computer literacy. Conceptual computer literacy is the focus of the weekly lecture. After introducing the basic concepts of computer use, these lectures devote special attention to current technological innovation in social and business environments. Topics include technology and organizational change, telecommunications, privacy in the information age, and business security on the Internet. Functional computer literacy includes use of a spreadsheet (Excel), a relational database (Access), and electronic communications software (e-mail and WWW browsers), as well as the applications of these skills to solve a variety of business problems.
  • BUS-K 321 Management of Information Technology (3 cr.) P: BUS-C 104 and ENG-W 231,ENG-W 234 or ENG-W 290 with C- or higher. C: BUS-K 201. An introduction to information systems and technology and their role in the modern business enterprise. Topics include computer based information systems; managers' role in use, acquisition and control of information systems and technology for a competitive advantage; ethical use of information; global information systems; and emerging information technologies.
  • BUS-K 350 Data Analytics and Visualization (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 201 & ECON-E 270 The objective of this course is to introduce students to Business Analytics with an emphasis on data management and visualization. The topics include data analytics processes, data acquisition, preparation, analysis, and presentation using various visualization techniques. Practical, hands-on computer lab experiences include advanced usage of spreadsheet software and other software tools that allow the user to transform data into useful information.
  • BUS-K 352 Predict and Prescript Analytics (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 201 & ECON-E 270 The course provides an overview of the area of business analytics and then focuses on predictive and prescriptive analytics concepts and methods, along with practical experience with their effective application to a variety of real-world problems.
  • BUS-K 440 Business Intelligence (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 321 with a C- or better. The objective of this course introduces students to Business Intelligence, including processes, methodologies, infrastructure, and current practices used to transform data into information for decision making purposes. Topics include data management principles, data models, and BI technologies for report design and development, data warehouse, data mining, and online analytical processing.
  • BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3 cr.) P: Must have Sophomore class standing or higher Emphasis on nature of law through examining a few areas of general interest: for example, duty to avoid harming others (torts), duty to keep promises (contracts), and government regulation of business.
  • BUS-L 303 Commercial Law II (3 cr.) P: BUS-L 201. Law of real and personal property. Legal problems encountered in marketing goods, including sale of goods, securing credit granted, nature and use of negotiable instruments.
  • BUS-M 300 Introduction to Marketing (3 cr.) Examination of the U.S. market economy and marketing institutions. Decision making and planning from a manager's point of view; impact of marketing actions from a consumer's point of view. Note: No credit toward a degree in business. This class is for non-business majors only.
  • BUS-M 301 Introduction to Marketing Management (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 200 or ECON-E 202, SPCH-S 121, ENG-W 231 or W 234, and a minimum of 45 credit hours. Pre-Business students cannot register for this course. Overview of marketing for all undergraduates. Marketing planning and decision making examined from firm's point of view; marketing concept and its company-wide implications; integration of marketing with other functions. Market structure and behavior and their relationship to marketing strategy. Marketing system viewed in terms of both public and private policy in a pluralistic society.
  • BUS-M 325 Selling (3 cr.) The role of selling in the economy, in the organization, and in marketing management.  Selling as a profession.  The dynamics of salesperson-customer interaction.  Skills, techniques, and strategies of selling.
  • BUS-M 330 Personal Persuasion Strategy and Customer Relations Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 301 or BUS-M 300. This course is designed to provide insights into the sales profession by examining the role of persuasive communication and customer relationship management behaviors, principles, strategies, and actions. It will provide students an opportunity to plan, practice, and review those verbal behaviors associated with sales call success in order to persuade others to think differently regarding ideas, opinions, products, and services.
  • BUS-M 333 Marketing Messages (3 cr.) Examines the psychological principles and characteristics of marketing messages that influence the thoughts and actions of others. Provides students with an opportunity to create persuasive sales and marketing messages, both oral and written.
  • BUS-M 337 MARKETING MESSAGES (3 cr.) Examines the psychological principles and characteristics of marketing messages that influence the thoughts and actions of others. Provides students with an opportunity to create persuasive sales and marketing messages, both oral and written.
  • BUS-M 365 Internet Marketing (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 300 or BUS-M 301. Designed to prepare students to manage marketing efforts in digital environments. Provides comprehensive exposure to digital marketing concepts, and the opportunity to develop and apply strategies and tactics to digital marketing problems. Topics may include the internet value chain, digital positioning and branding, managing social networks, integrated communications on digital media, digital competition, virtual merchandising, and e-commerce strategies.
  • BUS-M 380 Market Analytics (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 201 & ECON-E 270 This course provides you with the skills and tools required to understand and perform marketing analytics. Concisely, market analytics refers to the quantitative analysis of data to guide marketing decision making. With the increasing prevalence of internet and computers, marketing managers are faced with massive amounts of market and customer data. As such, companies are increasingly taking into account job applicants' knowledge of market analytics when making employment decisions.
  • BUS-M 401 International Marketing (3 cr.) Application of strategic marketing concepts and theory to the international arena. Stresses development of global perspective in understanding the uncontrollable forces affecting international operations and their impact upon the marketing mix. Examines the various marking functions within an international perspective.
  • BUS-M 405 Consumer Behavior (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 301. This course provides a detailed understanding of how marketers create value for customers, what motivates shoppers to buy, how consumers process information and make decisions, persuasion techniques, cross-cultural influences on consumer behavior, and the impact of sustainable business practices on consumer choice.
  • BUS-M 415 Advertising and Promotion Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 300 or BUS-M 301. Basic advertising and sales-promotion concepts. The design, management, and integration of a firm's promotional strategy. Public policy aspects and the role of advertising in marketing communications in different cultures.
  • BUS-M 421 Fundamentals of Negotiation (3 cr.) Provides exposure to the concepts of negotiations in both the national and international environments, including negotiation strategies and tactics, influence, third-party intervention, audience effects, nonverbal communication, and ethical and cultural aspects. Case studies, simulations, and guest speakers are used throughout the course.
  • BUS-M 425 Services Marketing (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 300 or BUS-M 301. This course explores the unique challenges of marketing services. Topics include the expanded marketing mix for services, the management of services, the evaluation of service quality, techniques for service improvement, the increased importance of the right people - both employees and customers - in service environments, and the use of marketing techniques to achieve service breakthroughs. Concepts from management and operations management are incorporated to provide a more holistic view of services marketing.
  • BUS-M 426 Sales Management (3 cr.) Students will engage in an interactive exploration of the strategic and tactical issues important to managing a professional sales organization.  Key topics will include organizing a sales force, recruiting, training, compensation, motivation, forecasting, territory design, evaluation, and control. Lectures and case studies.
  • BUS-M 435 Digital Marketing (3 cr.) Introduces students to principles and concepts of digital marketing. Explores popular online platforms and tools used by organizations to accomplish marketing objectives.
  • BUS-M 450 Marketing Strategy and Policy (3 cr.) P: BUS-M 303 and BUS-M 405. Ideally taken in student's final semester. Capstone course for marketing majors. Draws on and integrates materials previously taken. Focuses on decision problems in marketing strategy and policy design and application of analytical tools for marketing and decision making.
  • BUS-M 490 Special Studies in Marketing (3 cr.) Supervised individual study and research in student's special field of interest. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Consent of instructor and written report required.
  • BUS-P 301 Operations Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-C 104 and ENG-W 231, ENG-W 234 or ENG-W 290 all with C- or better. An introduction to the design and management of manufacturing and service operations. Students learn basic tradeoffs associated with operations management decisions, identify and quantify operating characteristics, and apply a variety of tools and techniques. Topics include process management, quality performance, constraint management, lean systems, inventory management, supply chain design, logistics.
  • BUS-P 330 Project Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-P 301. This course will introduce the student to the full range of project management topics, concerns, problems, solution methods, and decision processes. These areas include: project selection, project organizational structures, negotiation, project planning, project scheduling and resource loading, project budgeting, project monitoring and control, project auditing, and project termination.
  • BUS-P 421 Supply Chain Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-P 301. This course focuses on the strategic design of supply chains with a particular focus on understanding customer value. Supply chain strategy examines how companies can use the supply chain to gain a competitive advantage. Students develop the ability to conceptualize, design, and implement supply chains aligned with product, market, and customer characteristics. The course approaches supply chain management from a managerial perspective and introduces concepts in a format useful for management decision making including using case analysis, team-based learning and business presentations.
  • BUS-P 430 Total Quality Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-P 301. Introduces students to concepts of total quality management. Methods and application of quality control techniques commonly used in manufacturing and service organizations are presented. Research and theory relevant to quality concepts such as the economics and measurement of quality, the evolution of total quality management, team building and employee empowerment, vendor relations, elementary reliability theory, customer relations and feedback, quality assurance systems, statistical quality control, preventive maintenance programs, and product safety and liability are discussed.
  • BUS-P 440 Supply Chain Planning and Control (3 cr.) This course expands on the concepts learned in BUS-P 301 - Operations Management, and describes the use of planning and control systems to manage material flows and capacities in operations. Topics covered include demand management, forecasting, sales and operations planning, master production scheduling, material requirements planning, capacity management, production activity control, and inventory management. Operations planning and control is an integrative function in business that is critical in linking the planning activities in many areas of business, including marketing, operations, finance, and human resources, etc.
  • BUS-P 490 Independent Study in Production Management and Industrial Engineering (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. For production majors with a career interest in some area of production other than industrial engineering. Literature in student's special field of interest. Written report required.
  • BUS-W 100 PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ADMIN (3 cr.) An introduction to functional areas of business tracing the evolution of business, business forms, the role of government and society, relationships between administrators and employees, ethical issues, and the globalization of world markets. Ideal for pre-business students or students of any major desiring a basic understanding of business.
  • BUS-W 211 Contemporary Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) Survey course designed to enable students to explore the vast opportunities of entrepreneurship. Multidisciplinary approach that examines the macro- and micro-conditions that encourage entrepreneurship. Course objectives are: (1) to learn the basic concepts of entrepreneurship; (2) to understand the human side of entrepreneurship; and, (3) to encourage entrepreneurial thinking by the student and enable the student to evaluate the personal prospects for entrepreneurship.
  • BUS-W 301 Principles of Management. (3 cr.) P: Junior standing. Designed to synthesize knowledge of principles and functions of management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, and decision making.
  • BUS-W 311 New Venture Creation (3 cr.) P: Junior standing. Primarily for those interested in creating a new business venture.  Emphasis is on personal, rather than corporate goals and strategy; and on problems of creation, rather than management of an enterprise.  Each student develops an investment feasibility study for a new company he would like to create.
  • BUS-W 320 Leadership and Ethics (3 cr.) P: Junior or Senior Standing. Students are introduced to ethics concepts and leadership skills, with a particular emphasis on demonstrating how ethics and leadership are complementary areas of emphasis for an effective leader. Ethics and leadership must be considered together in order to produce leaders who have the foresight to consider issues of responsibility, accountability, and the full impact of their actions, as well as a skill set that will empower them to implement their vision.
  • BUS-W 406 Venture Growth Management (3 cr.) By the end of this course students should be able to identify and solve key challenges faced by growing firms.
  • BUS-W 430 Organizations and Organizational Change (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 302, BUS-W 301. Analysis and development of organizational theories with emphasis on environmental dependencies, sociotechnical systems, structural design, and control of the performance of complex systems. Issues in organizational change, such as appropriateness of intervention strategies and techniques, barriers to change, organizational analysis, and evaluation of formal change programs.
  • BUS-W 490 Independent Study in Business Administration (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Supervised individual study and research in student's special field of interest. Students will propose the research topic desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Written report required.
  • BUS-X 204 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (3 cr.) Theory and practice of written communication in business; use of correct, forceful English in preparation of letters, memoranda, and reports.
  • BUS-X 220 Career Perspectives (1 cr.) Assists students in developing career goals. Academic planning, career exploration, and planning in the fields of business and economics. Must be taken before the student completes 60 credit hours.
  • BUS-X 399 Internship (0-6 cr.) An internship is an educational experience related to a student's degree program and career plan, which applies what the student has learned to work situations.  It involves a student, employer, and university sponsor.
  • BUS-X 405 Topical Explorations in Business (1-3 cr.) Specific topic to be announced as the course is offered.
  • BUS-X 410 Business Career Planning and Placement (3 cr.) P: Junior standing. This course will focus on career planning and development. Students will explore different career opportunities and work to identify within themselves the skills needed to succeed as a professional in a fast-changing, business environment. Assists students in obtaining positions consistent with career goals. Career planning, organized employment campaigns, job-application methods, performing well in interviews, and initial conduct on job will be topics covered in this course. We will also explore general professional development, such as the importance of effective networking and effective communication.
  • BUS-Z 301 Organizational Behavior and Leadership (3 cr.)

    This class introduces the principles of organization design - the blueprint by which different parts of the organization (e.g., production, marketing, financial, accounting, and computer information systems) fit together to create an effective organization. Organization design provides the means by which strategy and goals are implemented so it is as important to a firm's overall performance as financial performance, operational efficiencies or market share.

  • BUS-Z 302 Managing and Behavior in Organizations (3 cr.) P: BUS-C 104 and ENG-W 231, ENG-W 234 or ENG-W 290 all with C- or better. Integration of behavior and organizational theories. Application of concepts and theories toward improving individual, group, and organizational performance. Builds from a behavioral foundation toward an understanding of managerial processes.
  • BUS-Z 440 Personnel-Human Resource Management (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 301 or BUS-Z 302 with a C- or higer Nature of human resource development and utilization in American society and organizations; government programs and policies, labor force statistics, organizational personnel departments, personnel planning, forecasting, selection, training, development. Integration of government and organizational human resource programs.
  • BUS-Z 441 Wage and Salary Administration (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 440 and ECON-E 270. Survey of problems faced by modern managers of compensation systems. In-depth look at the roles of company, government, union, and employee in the design and administration of total compensation systems. A description of the type of wage and salary systems currently in use, their advantages and disadvantages, and extent of current use.
  • BUS-Z 443 Developing Employee Skills (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 440. Employee Skills Development is a broad, ongoing multifaceted set of activities (training activities among them) intended to bring someone, or an organization, up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or new role in the future. The course explores identifying gaps in performance, determining the best interventions to improve performance, and assessing the outcomes of those interventions.
  • BUS-Z 444 Personnel Research and Measurement (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 440. Personnel research through review and evaluation of studies in appropriate journals, opportunity to master personnel measurement techniques. Job analysis, job evaluation, wage curve computation, predictor validation techniques, morale measurement, and personnel auditing.
  • BUS-Z 445 Human Resource Selection (3 cr.) P: BUS-Z 440. Prepares the student in effective ways to identify the best candidates for a position through a structured, job-focused interviewing process, where interviewers have effective interviewing skills and understand the legal aspects of employment practices.

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