
Arts and Letters

Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER)
  • HPER-A 361 Coaching of Football (1.5 cr.) Fundamentals of the offensive and defensive line and backfield play; technique of forward passing; outstanding rules; offensive plays; most frequently used defenses.
  • HPER-A 362 Coaching of Basketball (1.5 cr.) Fundamentals of basketball shooting, passing, ball handling, and footwork; patterns against man to man, zone, and zone pressure defense. Includes principles, theories, techniques, and problems of basketball coaching and coaching psychology.
  • HPER-A 368 Coaching of Tennis (1.5 cr.) Theory and methods of coaching tennis, covering technical, administrative, and organizational aspects involved in the process. Emphasis placed upon principles, fundamentals, tactics, conditioning, psychology, conduct of practice sessions, and problems.
  • HPER-C 366 Community Health (3 cr.) Human ecology as it relates to interaction of social and physical phenomena in solving community health problems. Considers the promotion of community health, programs of prevention, environmental health, and health services.
  • HPER-E 181 Tennis (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in the fundamental skills of forehand and backhand strokes and serves. Competitive play in women's, men's, and mixed doubles.
  • HPER-E 185 Volleyball (1 cr.) Instruction in fundamental skills of power volleyball, including the overhand serve, bump, set, dig, and spike. Team offensive and defensive strategies.
  • HPER-F 255 Human Sexuality (3 cr.)
  • HPER-H 160 First Aid and Emergency Care (2-3 cr.) Course addresses cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), rescue breathing, choking, wounds, bleeding, burns, sudden illnesses, musculoskeletal injuries, and defibrillation/ the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). Skills are practiced in small lab settings. Students may obtain American Red Cross certifications, including CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer.
  • HPER-H 305 Women's Health (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to examine the relationship of women to health and health care. Five dimensions of health:  physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual provide a framework for comparison and contrast of health concerns unique to women and common to both sexes at all ages.
  • HPER-H 317 Topical Seminar in Health Education (1-3 cr.) The topical seminars will relate to current issues in the field of health education. May be repeated for credit if topic differs.
  • HPER-H 363 Personal Health (3 cr.) This survey course provides a theoretical and practical treatment of the concepts of disease prevention and health promotion. Course content includes topics such as emotional health; aging and death; alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse; physical fitness; nutrition and dieting; consumer health; chronic and communicable diseases; safety; and environmental health.
  • HPER-H 518 Alcohol and Drug Education (1-3 cr.) Alcohol and drug abuse in American society are probed in a comprehensive yet practical manner. Physiological, psychological, sociological, theological, and legal dimensions of the issue are explored through lectures, group discussions, guest speakers, and audio-visual presentations. Principles of teaching and counseling in drug education programs are discussed.
  • HPER-R 271 Dynamics of Outdoor Recreation (3 cr.) Philosophical orientation to the field of outdoor recreation; camping, outdoor education, and natural resource management; with emphasis on programs, trends, resources, and values.
  • HPER-R 272 Recreation Activities and Leadership Methods (3 cr.) P: HPER-R 160. Analysis of recreation program activities, objectives, determinants, and group dynamics involved in the leadership process. Identification and evaluation of equipment, supplies, and leadership techniques are included.
  • HPER-R 317 Seminar in Recreation and Parks (1-3 cr.) Park and recreation current issues seminar.  Topic varies with the instructor and year. May be repeated for credit if topic differs.
  • HPER-R 324 Recreational Sports Programming (3 cr.) Overview of programmatic elements and techniques in recreational sports. Topics include informal, intramural, club, and extramural programming; values of recreational sports, programming techniques, publicity and promotion; faculty utilization, equipment, safety, liability, and program observation.
  • HPER-R 398 Practicum in Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies (1-6 cr.) Practical field experience under faculty supervision and with seminar discussions. Repetable for credit.
  • HPER-R 399 Readings in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of Intructor/Department Coordinaotor Selected readings in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism studies. Only S/F grades given. Repeatable for Credit
  • HPER-R 160 Foundations of Recreation and Leisure (3 cr.) An introduction to the field of recreation and leisure from the viewpoint of the individual as a consumer and of societal agencies as providers of leisure services. Includes philosophy, history, theory, and survey of public and private leisure-service organizations.
  • HPER-R 180 Participant[amt Leadership Development (3 cr.) An interactive online course blended with four one-hour structured classroom meetings. Provides students with opportunities to learn and apply leadership skills gained through participation in organizations, athletic teams, or clubs. Will develop own personal leadership plan to initiate intentional leadership involvement. Topics include followership, time management, and teamwork.
  • HPER-P 211 Intro to Sport Management (3 cr.) An examination of the broad spectrum of career opportunities available in the sport management profession. Special emphasis on career planning, sport management terminology, and an overview of specific skills and courses required for professional preparation in sport management.
  • HPER-P 212 Introduction to Exercise Science (3 cr.) A study of the scientific principles related to physical fitness and the practice applications of principles to directing fitness programming in school, recreation, and corporate settings. Students will be involved in setting up, participating in, and evaluating personal fitness activities.
  • HPER-P 215 Principal and Practice of Exercise Science (3 cr.) A study of the scientific principles related to physical fitness and the practice applications of principles to directing fitness programming in school, recreation, and corporate settings. Students will be involved in setting up, participating in, and evaluating personal fitness activities.
  • HPER-P 280 Basic Prevention & Care Athletic Injury (2 cr.) Course will focus on basic principles of prevention recognition and management of sport-related injuries.
  • HPER-P 333 Sport in America: History Perspectives (3 cr.) Study of the evolution of sport in the United States within the larger context of historical developments in society; women's sport experiences in relation to the development of sport; examination of sport as a reflection of American culture from the founding of the colonies to the present.
  • HPER-P 415 Sport Promotions & Public Relations (3 cr.) An introduction to the theories and techniques of sport promotions, public relations, and fund-raising.

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