
Natural Sciences

Chemistry (CHEM)
  • CHEM-C 100 The World as Chemistry (3 cr.) The World as Chemistry is a general education course for non-science majors. It is designed to explore chemistry in the context of the real social, political, and environmental world around us. No previous chemistry experience is required.
  • CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) One year of high school algebra or equivalent is recommended. Introduction to chemistry. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 121. Lectures and discussion. The two sequences, CHEM-C 101/121 and CHEM-C 102/122, usually satisfy programs that require only two semesters of chemistry. Admission to advanced courses on the basis of CHEM-C 101-C 121 and CHEM-C 102-C 122 is granted only in exceptional cases. May be taken by students who have deficiencies in chemistry background in preparation for CHEM-C 105 without credit toward graduation. Credit given for only one of the following chemistry courses: CHEM-C 101, CHEM-C 104, CHEM-C 105.
  • CHEM-C 102 Elementary Chemistry II (3 cr.) Continuation of CHEM-C 101. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 122. The chemistry of organic compounds and their reactions, followed by an extensive introduction to biochemistry. Lectures and discussion. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 102 and CHEM-C 341.
  • CHEM-C 104 Physical Sciences and Society (3 -5 cr.) One year of high school algebra or equivalent is recommended. An integrated survey of modern applications and relationships of physical sciences to society developed from the basic concepts of motion, structure of matter, energy, reactions and the environment, and leading to considerations of specific problem areas such as pollution, drugs, energy alternatives, consumer products, and transportation. May be taken by students deficient in chemistry background without credit toward graduation in preparation for CHEM-C 105. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 104 and CHEM-C 101 or CHEM-C 105. The 5 credit hour version of this course includes laboratory work.
  • CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.) Two years of high school algebra or equivalent is recommended. Should be taken concurrently with CHEM- C 125. Basic principles, including stoichiometry, equilibrium, atomic and molecular structures. Lectures and discussion. Credit given for only one of these chemistry courses: CHEM-C 101, CHEM-C 104, CHEM-C 105.
  • CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 105 with a C or better. Should be taken concurrently with CHEM-C 126. Chemical equilibria, structures, and properties of inorganic compounds. Lectures and discussion.
  • CHEM-C 120 Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 100. C: CHEM-C 100. Illustration of chemical principles with applications to biology, the environment, and health. Repeatable up to 4 units.
  • CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 101. C: CHEM-C 101. An introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 121 and CHEM-C 125.
  • CHEM-C 122 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 102. C: CHEM-C 102. Continuation of CHEM-C 121. Emphasis on organic and biochemical experimental techniques. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 122 and CHEM-C 343.
  • CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 105. C: CHEM-C 105. An introduction to laboratory experimentation, with particular emphasis on the molecular interpretation of the results. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 121 and CHEM-C 125.
  • CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 125, CHEM-C 106 with a C or better. C: CHEM-C 106. A continuation of CHEM-C 125, with emphasis on synthesis and analysis of compounds.
  • CHEM-C 301 Chemistry Seminar 1 (1 cr.) Permission of instructor. Independent study and reading, with emphasis on basic chemistry and interdisciplinary applications. Research reports and discussions by students and faculty.
  • CHEM-C 302 Chemistry Seminar 2 (1 cr.) Permission of instructor. Independent study and reading, with emphasis on basic chemistry and interdisciplinary applications. Research reports and discussions by students and faculty.
  • CHEM-C 303 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 341 with a C or better. Selected topics in environmental chemistry such as atmospheric pollution, ozone hole, photochemical smog, acid rain, greenhouse effect, ground water pollution, water treatment, fate of toxic organic substances, metals in the environment, and treatment of hazardous wastes.
  • CHEM-C 305 Environmental Chemistry Seminar I (1 cr.) P: 25 credit hours of chemistry including CHEM-C 303 and CHEM-C 333 with a GPA of at least 2.5. C: CHEM-C 333. Independent study and reading, with emphasis on basic chemistry and environmental chemistry applications. Research report and discussion by students and faculty. The chosen topic must relate to the environment.
  • CHEM-C 310 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (3 cr.) Lectures dealing with fundamental analytical processes including solution equilibria, theory and applications of electrochemistry and spectrophotometry.
  • CHEM-C 315 Chemical Measurements and Laboratory (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 317, CHEM-C 318 with a C or better. C: CHEM-C 318. Experimental techniques in chemical analysis and instrumentation.
  • CHEM-C 317 Equilibria and Electrochemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 106 with a C or better. MATH-M 215 recommended. Treatment of analytical data; chemical equilibrium; aqueous and nonaqueous acid-base titrimetry; complex formation titrations; gravimetric analysis, redox titrations, electrochemical theory; potentiometry; voltammetry; coulometry.
  • CHEM-C 318 Spectrochemistry and Separations (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 317 with a C or better. Ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and luminescence spectrophotometry; flame and electrical discharge techniques. Phase equilibria and extractions; countercurrent distribution; gas, thin-layer, liquid, and high-performance liquid chromatography.
  • CHEM-C 333 Experimental Environmental Chemistry (2 cr.) C: CHEM-C 303. A laboratory course of selected experiments that are relevant in the analysis and characterization of pollutants in air, soil, and water samples. Techniques that emphasize sampling and analytical procedure. Basic analytical principles and instrumentation. Field trips to water and wastewater treatment facilities.
  • CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 106 with a C or better. Chemistry of carbon compounds. Nomenclature; qualitative theory of valence; structure and reactions. Syntheses and reactions of major classes of monofunctional compounds. Credit given for only one of the courses CHEM-C 102, CHEM-C 341.
  • CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II Lectures (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 341 with a C or better. Syntheses and reactions of polyfunctional compounds, natural and industrial products; physical and chemical methods of identification.
  • CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 126, CHEM-C 341 with a grade of C or better. C: CHEM-C 341. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental techniques of organic chemistry and the use of general synthetic methods. Credit not given for both CHEM-C 122 and CHEM-C 343.
  • CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 343, CHEM-C 342 with a C or better. C: CHEM-C 342. Preparation, isolation, and identification of organic compounds; emphasis on qualitative organic analysis.
  • CHEM-C 361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 106, MATH-M 216, PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222 with grades of C or better.. Thermodynamics laws, free energy and chemical potentials, gases and dilute solutions, phase transitions, colligative properties, chemical equilibria, ionic solutions, chemical kinetics and transport processes, current topics.
  • CHEM-C 362 Physical Chemistry of Molecules (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 106, MATH-M 216, PHYS-P 202, or PHYS-P 222 with grades of C or better. Quantum states and spectroscopy of molecules, statistical thermodynamics, and elementary kinetic theory, current topics.
  • CHEM-C 364 Introduction to Basic Measurements (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 361 or CHEM-C 362. C: CHEM-C 361 or CHEM-C 362. Graduated laboratory practice relating elementary principles of measurement technologies to current research applications.
  • CHEM-C 390 Special Topics (1-5 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Course content varies. Offered periodically.
  • CHEM-C 403 History of Chemistry I (1 cr.) P: Senior standing, consent of instructor. Development of significant chemical knowledge and concepts up to 1830. Lectures, student reports, discussion.
  • CHEM-C 409 Chemical Research (1-6 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. To be elected only after consultation with the course director and the undergraduate advisor. Cannot be substituted for any course required in chemistry major. A research thesis is required.
  • CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 341 with a grade of C or better. CHEM-C 342. Structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, survey of chemistry of nonmetal and metal elements, coordination compounds, organometallic compounds, mechanisms and reactions.
  • CHEM-C 443 Organic Spectroscopy (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342. Elucidation of molecular structures by use of IR, UV, NMR, mass spectroscopy, and other methods.
  • CHEM-C 444 Organic Spectroscopy Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 443 or consent of instructor. C: CHEM-C 443. Hands-on instrumentation experimental work concerning detailed structure elucidation of organic compounds using Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis), Infrared (IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).
  • CHEM-C 445 Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory (3-5 cr.) P: CHEM-C 443 or consent of instructor. C: CHEM-C 443. Experimental problems in organic analysis and synthesis.
  • CHEM-C 470 Polymer Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 with a C or better. Introduction to syntheses, structures, properties, and uses of polymeric substances.
  • CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 and BIOL-L 101, BIOL-L 102, or BIOL-L 100 with a C or better. The study of Biological structures and interactions; reactions, kinetics, and mechanisms; equilibrium and thermodynamics.
  • CHEM-C 485 Biosynthesis and Physiology (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 484 with a C or better. Biosynthetic pathways, expression of genetic information, molecular physiology.
  • CHEM-C 486 Biochemistry Laboratory (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 484. C: CHEM-C 484. Laboratory experience in biochemistry, including biomolecule isolation, purification, enzyme kinetics, and biomolecule characterization electrophoresis, centrifugation, spectroscopic methods, and chromatography.
  • CHEM-C 490 Individual Study (1-6 cr.) P: Written permission of faculty member supervising the study. Must complete written report of each semester's work.
  • CHEM-F 410 BEER CHEMISTRY (3 cr.) Many people enjoy drinking beer. Beer has been a staple in human history for thousands of years. Though the knowledge of molecules that make the chemistry may not have been known until recent times, knowledge and consumption of beer has been welcomed, praised, and worshiped for more than 7000 years. What is the chemistry of beer? We will examine the components (or elements) of beer and discuss the chemistry behind them and what makes beer so delicious. The first element, water provides the solvent. Grains (or malts) provide carbohydrates. Hops, a modern addition, provide flavor and antibacterial properties. And the fourth element, Yeast, is the organism that makes it all possible with its ability to ferment the sugars to ethanol. All four combined together make what many of us enjoy, Beer.
  • CHEM-T 510 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (3 cr.) This course introduces fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry including descriptive chemistry, bonding in coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, special topics in inorganic chemistry and biological inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM-T 520 Organic Synthesis (3 cr.) Overview of the importance of small molecule total synthesis, review of organic structure and reactivity, in-depth dive into the syntheses of important classes of molecules including the beta-lactams, steroids, and sugar.  Later modules will address important topics including stereoselective synthesis, medicinal chemistry, biosynthesis, bioinspired (or biomimetic) synthesis, and polymer synthesis.
  • CHEM-T 530 Organic Spectroscopy (3 cr.) This is a course in Organic Spectroscopy. This course is intended to give students a more complete picture of how spectroscopic methods (IR, UV, NMR, mass spectroscopy, and other methods) are used to elucidate the structure of complex organic molecules.
  • CHEM-T 540 Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) This course will touch on all the fundamental areas of Physical Chemistry. Emphasis is placed on content that expands the students' knowledge in the key areas and relates to concepts that are likely to be taught in introductory chemistry courses.
  • CHEM-T 550 Introductory Biochemistry (3 cr.) Protein composition and structure, Enzyme kinetics, catalytic and regulatory strategies, Carbohydrates, Nucleic acids, Lipids and cell membranes, Transducing and storing energy - metabolic cycles, Responding to environmental changes.
  • CHEM-T 570 Nuclear Chemistry (3 cr.) The fundamentals of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry are covered. Topics may include nuclide types (origin, distribution), nuclide stability (quantum structure, binding energy), nuclear reactions (radioactive decay, fusion, fission), applications of nuclear phenomena (nuclear power plants, radioisotope dating, tracers, analytical techniques), and hazards (nuclear power plant accidents, biological effects of radiation).
  • CHEM-T 590 Chemistry Capstone (3 cr.) Integration of knowledge and understanding from the literature that transcends subdisciplinary boundaries of chemistry.
  • CHEM-Y 398 Internship - Professional Practice in Chemistry (1-5 cr.) P: Junior or Senior standing in a bachelor degree (or second semester sophomore status in associate degree) and consent of faculty sponsor. Registration is required and authorization obtained from the Career Development Center. Designed to provide opportunity for students to receive credit for career-related work. Evaluation by employer and faculty sponsor. S/F Grading.

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