
Natural Sciences

Informatics (INFO)
  • INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.) Emphasis on topics in human-computer interaction and human factors, collaborative technologies, group problem solving, ethics, privacy, and ownership of information and information sources, information representation and the information life cycle, the transformation of data to information, futuristic thinking.
  • INFO-I 110 Basic Tools of Informatics I - Programming (1.5 cr.) C: INFO-I 101. Introduction to programming for users of computers systems. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course.
  • INFO-I 111 Basic Tools of Informatics II - Introduction to Databases (1.5 cr.) C: INFO-I 101 and INFO-I 110. Introduction to database design concepts. Entering and modifying data, accessing data using visual tools and SQL, and building database applications using forms and application development tools. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course.
  • INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 201 and MATH-M 118 or higher with C or better. An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract and critical thinking, deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. Topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory. Credit given for either INFO-I 201 or CSCI-C 251 (if taken at IU Southeast).
  • INFO-I 202 Social Informatics (3 cr.) C: INFO-I 101. Introduction to key social research perspectives and literatures on the use of information and communication technologies. Discusses current topics such as information ethics, relevant frameworks, popular and controversial uses of technology (e.g., peer-to-peer file sharing), digital divides, etc. Outlines research methodologies for social informatics.
  • INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 101, INFO-I 110, and INFO-I 111, with grades of C or better. Two years of high school mathematics or equivalent is recommended. This course introduces software architectures of information systems and basic concepts and procedures of system and application development. Course topics include PHP programming syntax; procedural programming fundamentals; principles of developing dynamic, database-driven applications for the World Wide Web; relational database concepts; and basic MySQL statements. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 201 (IU Southeast).
  • INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 201 with a C or better. The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems. Cross-listed with CSCI-C 202. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO-I 211, CSCI-C 202 (IU Southeast).
  • INFO-I 300 Human-Computer Interaction (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211 or CSCI-C 202 with a C or better. The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current HCI designs with an eye toward what future technologies will allow. The course will emphasize learning HCI based on implementation and testing interfaces.
  • INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 with a C or better. Examines the various needs, uses, and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining the role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures, and the rise and transformation of information-based industries.
  • INFO-I 308 Information Representation (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 201 or CSCI-C 251 and INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 201 with grades of C or better. The basic structure of information representation in digital information systems. Begins with low-level computer representations such as common character and numeric encodings. Introduces formal design and query languages through Entity Relationship Modeling, the Relational Model, XML, and XHTML. Laboratory topics include SQL and XPath querying.
  • INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211 or CSCI-C 202 with a C or better. An introductory treatment of distributed systems and programming. Topics range from the distributed and object models of computation to advanced concepts, such as remote method invocations, object brokers, object services, open systems, and future trends for distributed information systems.
  • INFO-I 330 Legal and Social Informatics of Security (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 with a C or better. This course examines that set of ethical and legal problems most tightly bound to the issues of information control. The interaction and technology changes, but the core issues have remained: privacy, intellectual property, Internet law, concepts of jurisdiction, speech anonymity versus accountability, and ethical decision making in the network environment.
  • INFO-I 356 Globalization, Where We Fit IN (3 cr.) Globalization changes how we work, what we buy, and who we know. Globalization involves people working eighty hour weeks in China and receiving free state-of-the-art drugs in Africa. Learn about the past, present, and future of globalization, and what it means for you, your job, and your community.
  • COAS-S  399 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice (1-3 cr.) P: Approval of Informatics Coordinator and completion of 100- and 200-level requirements in informatics. Students gain professional work experience in an industry or research organization setting, using skills and knowledge acquired in informatics course work. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
  • INFO-Y 395 Career Development for Informatics Majors (1 cr.) P: INFO-I 101, INFO-I 110, and INFO-I 111 with a C or better. Helps students develop skills and knowledge to successfully pursue a career search, both at the time of graduation and as they progress through their careers. The course covers techniques and strategies to make the job search more efficient and effective. An eight-week course.
  • INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 308 with a C or better. The course explores the use of data mining techniques in different settings, including business and scientific domains. The emphasis will be on using techniques instead of developing new techniques or algorithms. Students will select, prepare, visualize, analyze, and present data that leads to the discovery of novel and actionable information.
  • INFO-I 427 Search Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 308 with a C or better. Techniques and tools to automatically crawl, parse, index, store and search Web information, organizing knowledge that can help meet the needs of organizations, communities and individual users. Social and business impact of search engine technology. As a project, students will build a real search engine and compare it with Google.
  • INFO-I 441 Interaction Design Practice (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 300 with a C or better. Human-computer interaction design (HCID) describes the way a person or group accomplishes tasks with a computer: what the individual or group does and how the computer responds, and what the computer does and how the individual or group responds. This course is organized around a collection of readings and three design projects applying human-computer interaction principles to the design, selection, and evaluation of interactive systems.
  • INFO-I 491 Capstone Project Internship (3-6 cr.) P: Coordinator Approval Required. Students put their informatics education to practice through the development of a substantial project while working in a professional information technology environment. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • INFO-I 494 Design and Development of an Information System (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and department consent required. System design and development present both technical and managerial problems with which students will be familiar from their undergraduate course work. This course puts these lessons into practice as students work in teams to develop an information system. Examples of course projects include design and development of a database for a business or academic application, preparation and presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a simulated environment (virtual reality).
  • INFO-I 495 Design and Development of Information System (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 494, senior standing and department consent required. System design and development present both technical and managerial problems with which students will be familiar from their undergraduate course work. This course puts these lessons into practice as students work in teams to develop an information system. Examples of course projects include design and development of a database for a business or academic application, preparation and presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a simulated environment (virtual reality).
  • INFO-I 499 Readings and Research in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Pre-Approval of Informatics Department Coordinator and completion of 100- and 200-level Informatics requirements. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. Can be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • INFO-C 100 Informatics Foundations (3 cr.) Introduction to informatics, basic problems solving and elementary programming skills. It also provides a survey of computing tools in the context of selected disciplines (cognates).
  • INFO-C 112 Tools For Informatics: Programming and Databases (3 cr.) This course is an introduction to programming and databases, two basic means of creating, changing, and storing information on a computer. Computational thinking, basic programming, and basic debugging methods will be covered in a high-level language. Data modeling, schemas, SQL queries, and data-entry forms will also be emphasized.
  • INFO-C 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (3 cr.) An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract, and critical thinking; deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. The topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, elementary statistics, proof methods in mathematics, and mathematical induction.
  • INFO-C 203 Social Informatics (3 cr.) Introduction to key ethical, privacy and legal issues as related to informatics, and social research perspectives and literatures on the use of information and communication technologies. Topics include: intellectual property, legal issues, societal laws, ethical use of information, information privacy laws, personal code of ethics, principles for resolving ethical conflicts, and popular and controversial uses of technology. This course also outlines research methodologies for social informatics.
  • INFO-C 210 Problem Solving and Programming I (3 cr.) First in a two-course sequence of intensive computer programming. In this course, students will design, develop, test, and debug software solutions using a given programming language.
  • INFO-C 211 Problem Solving and Programming 2 (3 cr.) Second course in the two-course sequence of intensive computer programming. In this course, students will learn and apply object oriented computer programming concepts and techniques. The course will also provide a brief introduction to data structures and files.
  • INFO-C 300 human Copmputer Interaction (3 cr.) This course introduces core topics and approaches in human-computer interaction including the process of designing and evaluating interactive technologies. Topics include interaction design, evaluation, usability, user psychology, prototyping, requirements and analysis, and related issues. Students working in teams identify stakeholders, build user-centered interfaces, and apply statistics to analyze user data.
  • INFO-C 307 Data Representation and Organization (3 cr.) This course will provide an introduction to ways in which data can be organized, represented and processed from low-level to high level. Topics include construction of memory based structures and algorithms using arrays (single, multidimensional), lists (single, double, circular), stacks, queues, binary trees, and hash tables, and basic file manipulation.
  • INFO-C 399 Database Systems (3 cr.) This course will provide an in-depth discussion of database systems fundamentals. The course emphasizes the concepts underlying various functionalities provided by a database management system, and its usage from an end-user perspective. Topics include: overview and architecture of database systems, the relational database modeling and querying, and basic XML database modeling and querying.
  • INFO-C 450 System Design (3 cr.) P: INFO-C 211 This course introduces the concepts of large scale system design and development. Topics include: the software development life cycle, specification, analysis, design, modeling, use cases, user interface design, planning, estimating, reusability, portability, working in teams, introductory project management and CASE tools. Student teams will present their final project design.
  • INFO-C 451 System Implementation (3 cr.) This course introduces the concepts of large scale system implementation. Topics include: implementation of data models, user interfaces, and software systems, working in teams, software testing, planning, estimating, and post-delivery maintenance. The students will work in teams and will utilize project management tools and revision control and source code management systems. Student teams will present their final project design.
  • INFO-C 452 Project Management (3 cr.) This course provides an in-depth discussion of project management in an Informatics setting. Students will become conversant in the tools and techniques of project management, such as project selection methods, work breakdown structures, network diagrams, critical path analysis, critical chain scheduling, cost estimates, earned value management, motivation theory and team building.
  • INFO-I 368 Intro to Network Science (3 cr.) Friends, computers, the Web, and our brain are examples of networks that pervade our lives. Network science helps us understand complex patterns of connection, interaction, and relationships in many complex systems. Students learn essential concepts and core ideas of network literacy, and basic tools to handle social and information networks.
  • INFO-C 413 Web Design and Development (3 cr.) This course introduces Website design and development, topics include client-side technologies such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XML), the document object model (DOM), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript and jQuery, AJAX, front-end framework, and server-side technologies.

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