
Arts and Letters

General Humanities (HUMA)
  • HUMA-U 101 Introduction to the Humanities (3 cr.) A survey of the development of the humanities to the Renaissance, with an emphasis on the relationship between ideas and the arts.
  • HUMA-U 102 Introduction to Modern Humanities (3 cr.) A survey of the development of the humanities from the Renaissance to the present, with an emphasis on the relationship of ideas and the arts.
  • HUMA-U 333 Greeks in Ancient Italy (3 cr.) P: HUMA-U 101 or PHIL-P 100 or PHIL-P 410 This course will involve a firsthand exploration of these traces of the Ancient Greeks in Italy. In particular, this course will offer students an opportunity to witness in person the dynamic relationship between ideas, politics, religion, and the arts that the Greeks provoked in Magna Grecia.

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