
Arts and Letters

Music (MUS)
  • MUS-A 101 Introduction of Audio Technology (3 cr.) Introduction to the equipment and techniques employed in audio recording and reinforcement, including basic audio theory, analog and digital recording, microphone placement, mixing, and editing.
  • MUS-A 270 Multi-track Studio Technology 1 (2 cr.) P: MUS-A 101. Introduction to multitrack recording studio procedures with an emphasis on mixing console operation, signal flow, microphone selection and use, and recording session planning and etiquette.
  • MUS-A 301 Electronic Studio Resources I (2 cr.) P: MUS-T 113 or instructor permission. An introduction to techniques and equipment used in the electronic music lab. Past musical study and experience required. MUS-A 301 required for all music majors.
  • MUS-A 302 Electronic Studio Resources II (2 cr.) P: MUS-E 241 and MUS-T 109 or higher (MUS-T 113-114). An introduction to techniques and equipment used in the electronic music lab. Past musical study and experience required.
  • MUS-A 321 Sound for Picture Production (3 cr.) P: MUS-A 301. Study of audio production techniques for radio, video, film, and multimedia. Emphasis on mixing criteria for broadcast and visual productions.
  • MUS-A 370 Multi-track Studio Technology 2 (2 cr.) P: MUS-A 270. Supervised practical experience in multitrack studio procedures with an emphasis on contemporary microphone and recording techniques. Small group and individual project work, as well as group listening and discussion.
  • MUS-A 423 Project in Sound Engineering (1 cr.) P: MUS-A 470, Gateway and departmental permission. Capstone Project for sound engineering students. Includes presentation that demonstrates advanced audio production skills.
  • MUS-A 470 Individual Projects in Sound Engineering (2 cr.) P: MUS-A 370, Gateway. Supervised practical experience in contemporary multitrack recording and mixing. Includes individual project work as well as group listening and discussion.
  • MUS-A 471 Individual Multitrack Studio Projects II (3 cr.) Individual projects in multi-track recording.
  • MUS-B 110 Horn Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private French horn lessons.
  • MUS-B 120 Trumpet Undergraduate Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private Trumpet lessons.
  • MUS-B 130 Trombone Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private Trombone lessons.
  • MUS-B 150 Tuba Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private Tuba lessons. C
  • MUS-B 260 Horn (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission through audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in horn. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-B 270 Trumpet (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission through audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in trumpet. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-B 280 Trombone/Euphonium (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission through audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-B 290 Tuba (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission through audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in tuba. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-B 310 French Horn (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 260. Private French Horn lessons for music majors.
  • MUS-B 325 Trumpet and Cornet (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 270. For majors. Private studio instruction. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required.
  • MUS-B 330 Trombone (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 280. Private Trombone lessons all music majors.
  • MUS-B 350 Tuba (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 290. Private studio instruction in tuba for music majors.
  • MUS-B 402 Brass Senior Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Applied music. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-B 415 French Horn (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 310. For majors. Private studio instruction in horn. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required.
  • MUS-B 425 Trumpet and Cornet (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 325. For majors. Private studio instruction in trumpet. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required.
  • MUS-B 430 Trombone Undergrad Major (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 333. Applied music.
  • MUS-B 450 Tuba Undergrad Major (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-B 350. Private studio instruction in Tuba for majors.
  • MUS-B 710 Horn Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-B 720 Trumpet Graduate Elective (3 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-B 730 Trombone Graduate Elective (2 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. Applied lessons in trombone.
  • MUS-B 740 Euphonium Graduate Elective (2 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. Applied lessons in euphonium.
  • MUS-B 750 Tuba Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-D 100 Percussion Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private Percussion lessons.
  • MUS-D 260 Percussion (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in percussion. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-D 305 Percussion (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-D 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in percussion. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.
  • MUS-D 402 Senior BM Percussion Recital (2 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors. Repeatable for credit.
  • MUS-D 405 Percussion (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-D 305. For majors. Private studio instruction in percussion. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.
  • MUS-D 700 Percussion Graduate Elective (3 cr.) Applied study in percussion
  • MUS-E 493 Piano Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: Permission of the instructor. Techniques and methods for teaching piano. Includes observation of private lessons.
  • MUS-E 527 Advanced Instrumental Methods (3 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. The application of current teaching techniques to group instrumental instruction. Designed for students with previous teaching experience.
  • MUS-E 528 Advanced Choral Methods (3 cr.) Advanced choral methods for the practicing teacher or advanced student. Literature survey for secondary school environment. Resources on methodology leading to a comprehensive choral curriculum.
  • MUS-E 529 Special Topics in Music Education (2-3 cr.)

    Topics selected according to specific needs of the student related to teaching music in the schools. Designed for students with prior teaching experience.

  • MUS-E 567 Techniques of String Class Teaching (3 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. Designed to engage music educators in the  pedagogy of string instruments at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. During the course, music educators will (a) develop the necessary performance skills on each of the bowed string instruments, (b) develop and demonstrate strategies to teach these skills, (c) identify and address common challenges for young string students at each skill level, (d) determine appropriate bowings and fingerings for string pieces, (e) develop a scope and sequence for a specific teaching context and (f) analyze the approaches and philosophies of notable string pedagogues.
  • MUS-E 569 Seminar in Class Piano Teaching (1 cr.) Techniques for teaching piano to multiple students simultaneously in the classroom.
  • MUS-G 370 Techniques for Conducting (2 cr.) Introduction to philosophy and fundamentals of conducting. Scores preparation, baton and hand gestures for the right hand and use of the left hand; all standard meters and time patters; varying dynamics, accents, musical characteristics and styles.
  • MUS-H 100 Harp Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in harp. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-H 260 Harp (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission through audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in harp. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-H 305 Harp (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-H 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in harp. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-H 402 Harp BM Senior Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors. Repeatable for credit.
  • MUS-H 405 Harp (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-H 305. For majors. Private studio instruction in harp. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-K 200 Secondary Composition (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Writing and analysis under professional guidance in private consultations and class discussions.
  • MUS-K 300 Composition Concentration (3 cr.) P: MUS-T 113 or permission of instructor. For majors. Writing and analysis under professional guidance in private consultations and class discussions. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS-K 312 Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups (2 cr.) P: MUS-T 113. Fundamentals of orchestration, arranging and scoring for orchestra, band and chorus.
  • MUS-K 400 Composition Major (3 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-K 300. Individually prescribed lessons in composition. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS-K 402 Senior Recital in Composition (0-1 cr.) P: Completion of sophomore gateway. For majors. Course should be taken simultaneously with MUS-K 400. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-K 403 Electronic Studio Resources I (2 cr.) P: MUS-A 301 and MUS-A 302. Continued study in electronic music laboratory emphasizing the creative application of resources introduced in MUS-A 301 and MUS-A 302.
  • MUS-K 406 Projects in Electronic Music (1-3 cr.) P: Completion of sophomore gateway. Projects in Electronic Music.
  • MUS-K 503 ELECTRONIC STUDIO RESOURCES I (3 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. An introduction to the computer music studio, techniques of digital recording and editing, analog and FM synthesis, MIDI sequencing, and a comprehensive study of the literature an styles of the classic tape studios.
  • MUS-L 100 Guitar Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in guitar. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-L 101 Beginning Class Guitar (1 cr.) Classical guitar instruction in a class situation for non-music majors. Course may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester).
  • MUS-L 102 Intermediate Guitar Class (2 cr.) Class guitar instruction for beginning students.
  • MUS-L 200 Guitar (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in guitar. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-L 260 Guitar (Applied Music) (2 cr.) For majors. Private studio instruction in guitar. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-L 300 Concentration Guitar (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-L 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in guitar. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required.
  • MUS-L 400 Guitar Undergrad Major (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-L 300. For majors. Private studio instruction in guitar. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-L 402 Senior BM Guitar Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. For majors. Should be taken simultaneously with applied study. Course may be repeated.
  • MUS-L 700 Guitar Graduate Elective (3 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-M 110 Special Topics in Music (1-3 cr.) An introduction to the history of various styles of rock and popular music and to the music of significant composers and performers in these genres. For the nonmajor.
  • MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener (3 cr.) An introduction to the art of music and its materials; to symphonic music, opera, and other types of classical music; and to the works of the great composers. For the nonmajor.
  • MUS-M 201 Literature of Music I (3 cr.) Recommended: one year of music theory. Survey of music from classical antiquity to 1750. Designed to develop a perspective on the evolution of music in its socio-cultural milieu, a repertoire of representative compositions, and techniques for listening analytically.
  • MUS-M 202 Literature of Music II (2 cr.) Recommended: one year of music theory. Survey of music from the classical era to the present. Designed to develop a perspective on the evolution of music in its social-cultural milieu, a repertoire of representative compositions, and a technique for listening analytically.
  • MUS-M 375 Survey of Ethnic and Popular Music of the World (3 cr.) A study of music of other nations and cultures and including Native American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African American music. For the nonmajor.
  • MUS-M 403 History of Music I (3 cr.) P: Must have passed Gateway exams. Recommended: one year of music theory. Study of music from the beginning of western civilization to 1700. Analysis of representative compositions; relationship of music to the socio-cultural background of each epoch.
  • MUS-M 404 History of Music II (3 cr.) P: Must have passed Gateway exams. Recommended: one year of music theory. Continuation of M403. Study of music from 1750 to the 20th Century. Analysis of representative compositions; relationships of music to the socio-cultural background of each epoch.
  • MUS-M 502 Composers (3 cr.) Variable topic. Life and works of representative composers in the cultural and historical context of their eras; emphasis on the development of individual style through analysis of characteristic works. Prereq: prior collegiate study in music history and music theory.
  • MUS-M 530 Contemporary Music (3 cr.) Variable topics. This course examines music from 1945 to the present investigating the intersection between popular and art music.
  • MUS-M 540 Appreciation of Music (3 cr.) A study of the place of music and the other performing arts in society; philosophy and aesthetic theory in the arts; development of critical standards; listening to music; concert and opera attendance. For graduate students outside the department of music.
  • MUS-M 543 Keyboard Literature from 1700 to 1850 (3 cr.) A survey of literature for stringed keyboard instruments (piano and harpsichord) from the age of Bach to the twentieth century. Historical, stylistic, formal, and aesthetic features.
  • MUS-M 656 Music Since 1900 (3 cr.) Variable topics. This course investigates various aspects of music of the twentieth century, seen against the backdrop of its socio-political environment.
  • MUS-M 566 Ethnic Music Survey (3 cr.) A study of the music of other nations and cultures including Native American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African American music. For the nonmajor.
  • MUS-P 100 Piano Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in piano. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-P 101 Piano Class I (1 cr.) Class piano instruction for beginning students. Course may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester).
  • MUS-P 200 Piano (2 cr.) Individual piano lesson at the secondary level. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with the instructor.
  • MUS-P 260 Piano (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in piano. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-P 305 Piano (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-P 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in piano. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-P 400 Piano (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-P 305. Applied music.
  • MUS-P 402 Senior BM Piano recital (0-1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors.  Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-Q 100 Organ Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in organ. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-Q 260 Organ (Applied Music) (2 cr.) For majors. Private studio instruction in organ. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-Q 305 Organ (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-Q 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in organ. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.
  • MUS-Q 400 Organ Undergrad Major (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-Q 305. For majors. Private studio instruction in organ. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-Q 402 Senior BM Organ Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors. Repeatable for credit.
  • MUS-Q 700 Organ Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Applied lessons in organ.
  • MUS-R 251 Workshop in Opera Acting 1 (1 cr.) P: Permission of conductor or audition. Course is repeatable up to four credit hours.
  • MUS-S 110 Violin Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private violin lessons for non-music majors. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with the instructor.
  • MUS-S 120 Viola Elective/Secondary (1 cr.) Private viola lessons at the secondary level. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-S 130 Cello Elective/Secondary (1 cr.) Private cello lessons. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-S 140 Double Bass Elective/Secondary (1 cr.) Private bass lessons. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-S 260 Violin (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in violin. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-S 270 Viola (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in viola. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-S 280 Cello (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in cello. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-S 290 Bass (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission of department. For majors. Private studio instruction in bass. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-S 315 Violin (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in violin. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-S 320 Viola (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 270. Private lessons in viola for music majors. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-S 330 Cello (1 cr.) P: Two semester of MUS-S 280. Private lessons in cello ' for music majors. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-S 345 Double Bass (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 290. Private studio instruction in bass - for majors
  • MUS-S 402 Senior BM String Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors.  Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-S 415 Violin (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 315. For majors. Private studio instruction in violin. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-S 420 Viola Undergrad Major (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 320. Private studio instruction in viola for majors
  • MUS-S 430 Cello Undergrad Major (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 330. Private studio instruction in cello - for majors
  • MUS-S 440 Double Bass Undergrad Major (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-S 345. For majors. Private studio instruction. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-S 710 Violin Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Applied lessons in violin.
  • MUS-S 720 Viola Graduate Elective (3 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-S 730 Cello Graduate Elective (2 cr.) P: Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students. Applied lessons in cello.
  • MUS-S 740 Bass Graduate Elective (2 cr.) P: MS Education/Music Conc Only. Applied lessons in string bass.
  • MUS-T 109 Rudiments of Music 1 (3 cr.) Entry level class for students interested in how music works. The class deals with the fundamentals of natation, ear training, and music reading. Melody and harmony are explored.
  • MUS-T 113 Music Theory I (3 cr.) P: MUS-T 109 or by passing a theory placement exam. Required for all music majors. Study of the elements of basic musicianship: intervals, scales, triads, rhythm and meter, music nomenclature, rudiments of two-part writing and diatonic harmony.
  • MUS-T 114 Music Theory II (3 cr.) P: MUS-T 113. Required for all music majors, Continuation of the study of harmony in context with four-part writing, diatonic harmony, secondary functions and modulation. Examination of musical forms and structures. Emphasis on musical analysis and compositional applications.
  • MUS-T 115 Sightsinging & Aural Perception I (1 cr.) P: MUS-T 109 or by passing a theory placement exam or permission of instructor. Diatonic melody and harmony; aural skills, music sight-reading, keyboard skills. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS T113.
  • MUS-T 116 Sightsinging & Aural Perception II (1 cr.) P: MUS-T 115. Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS T114.
  • MUS-T 215 Sightsinging/Aural Perception III (1 cr.) P: MUS-T 116. Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T 213.
  • MUS-T 216 Sightsinging & Aural Perception IV (1 cr.) P: MUS-T 215. Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T 214.
  • MUS-T  317 Analysis of Tonal Music (3 cr.) P: MUS-T 114. Builds on the foundation of first-year theory. Development of contrapuntal skills through appropriate exercises and analysis of polyphonic styles from selected periods. Also systematically incorporates chromatic harmony with an intensive study of music styles; integrates chordal vocabulary with larger formal processes.
  • MUS-T  318 Analysis of Post-Tonal Music (3 cr.) P: MUS-T 317. Introduction to and analysis of works from Impressionism to music of today.
  • MUS-T 512 Theory Review for Graduate Students (3 cr.) Review of undergraduate theory topics designed for graduate students. Topics include tonal harmony (diatonic and chromatic) and analysis.
  • MUS-U 230 Foreign Language for Singers (3 cr.) Study of language techniques, diction, international phonetic alphabet, and pronunciation fundamentals. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS-U 411 Performing Arts Center Management (3 cr.) On national and local level. Mechanics of management, booking of concert artists and attractions, organized-audience plan, local concert series, symphony management.
  • MUS-U 413 Legal Aspects of the Music Industry (3 cr.) Introduction to the legal environment affecting music such as copyright, artist contracts, royalties, rights associated with intellectual property, and publishing.
  • MUS-U 440 Practicum (2 cr.) Internships for music business and music technology students. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-V 100 Voice Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in voice. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-V 200 Voice (2 cr.) Private lessons.
  • MUS-V 260 Voice (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in voice. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-V 305 Voice (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-V 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in voice. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.
  • MUS-V 400 Voice (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-V 305. For majors. Private studio instruction in voice. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-V 402 Senior BM Voice Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-W 110 Flute/Piccolo Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Private studio instruction in flute/piccolo. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Students who complete two semesters of private study should consult with the music program coordinator for registration in a higher course level.
  • MUS-W 120 Oboe/English Horn Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Individual Oboe/Eng Horn lessons.
  • MUS-W 130 Clarinet Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Individual Clarinet lessons.
  • MUS-W 140 Bassoon Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Individual Bassoon lessons.
  • MUS-W 150 Saxophone Elective/Secondary (2 cr.) Individual Saxophone lessons.
  • MUS-W 240 Bassoon (1 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. Private Bassoon lessons at the secondary level.
  • MUS-W 250 Saxophone (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in saxophone. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-W 260 Flute/Piccolo (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in flute/piccolo. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-W 270 Oboe (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in oboe. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-W 280 Clarinet (Applied Music) (2 cr.) P: Admission by audition as a music major or permission by department. For majors. Private studio instruction in clarinet. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. Take two semesters at this number before proceeding to the next level.
  • MUS-W 315 Flute and Piccolo (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 260. For majors. Private studio instruction in flute/piccolo. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-W 320 Oboe and English Horn (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 270. Private Oboe and English Horn lessons for music majors.
  • MUS-W 330 Clarinet (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 280. Private Clarinet lessons for music majors.
  • MUS-W 345 Bassoon (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 240. For majors. Private studio instruction in bassoon. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.
  • MUS-W 355 Saxophone (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 250. For majors. Private studio instruction in saxophone. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.  Course may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester).
  • MUS-W 402 Senior BM Woodwind Recital (1 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. C: Must be taken concurrently with applied study. For majors. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-W 410 Flute/Piccolo Undergrad Major (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 315. For majors. Private studio instruction in flute/piccolo. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee required. 
  • MUS-W 420 Oboe/Eng Horn Undergrad Major (1 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 320. Private studio instruction in oboe - for majors.
  • MUS-S 315 Violin (2-6 cr.) Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-W 430 Clarinet (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 330. For majors. Private studio instruction in clarinet. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-W 445 Bassoon (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 345. For majors. Private studio instruction in bassoon. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students. 
  • MUS-W 455 Applied Saxophone (2 cr.) P: Two semesters of MUS-W 355. For majors. Private studio instruction in saxophone. Levels may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester). Applied music fee is required for all students.  Course may be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester).
  • MUS-W 710 Flute/Piccolo Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-W 720 Oboe/English Horn Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-W 730 Clarinet Graduate Elective (3 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-W 740 Bassoon Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Registration limited to MS in Education/Music students.
  • MUS-W 750 Saxophone Graduate Elective (2 cr.) Applied lessons in saxophone.
  • MUS-X 1 All-Campus Ensemble (0 cr.) P: All ensembles require permission of condudctor or audition. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-X 2 Piano Accompanying (1 cr.) P: Permission of the instructor. For BM piano majors who have passed the upper-division examination and for MM, AD, PDSP, and PDCP piano majors. Other qualified students may enroll with approval of the choral department. May be repeated for credit (2 credit hours each semester).
  • MUS-X 40 University Instrumental Ensembles (0 cr.) P: All ensembles require permission of conductor or audition. University instrumental ensemble. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-X 70 University Choral Ensembles (1 cr.) P: All ensembles require permission of conductor or audition. Choral ensemble dedicated to performing a variety of repertoire including great choral masterpieces of the eighteenth through twentieth centuries. Open to all students. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-X 95 Performance Class (0 cr.) Performance laboratory. Students will attend concerts recitals and other prescribed music events. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-X 350 Jazz Ensemble (1 cr.) P: All ensembles require permission of conductor or audition. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-X 421 Chamber Music with Piano (1 cr.) This course consists of coaching a chamber ensemble while covering a wide range of topics and music foundational to ensemble performance. Repertoire is assigned by the instructor and will cover the major stylistic periods from the classical period up to the music of today. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS-X 423 Chamber Music (1 cr.) P: All ensembles require permission of conductor or audition. Choral ensemble dedicated to performing a variety of repertoire including great choral masterpieces of the eighteenth through twentieth centuries. Open to all students. Course is repeatable.
  • MUS-Z 340 Intro to Music Business (3 cr.) An introduction to the business aspects of the music industry. Recording companies, artists, and contracts; music production; copyright, licensing, and publishing; booking agents, promotions, and performing rights organizations.
  • MUS-G 281 Bass Instrument Techniques (1-2 cr.) Class instruction for developing proficiency on trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba. Study of methods and materials for teaching brass instruments in class or private lessons. Repeatable up to 2 units.
  • MUS-G 338 Percussion Techniques (1-2 cr.) Class instruction to learn the rudiments of snare drum, tympani, and mallet instruments. Study of methods and materials for teaching percussion instruments in class or private lessons. Repeatable up to 2 units.
  • MUS-M 338 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (2 cr.) Development and organization of administration of choral music programs in the middle and secondary school. Emphasis on auditioning and placement, vocal productions, rehearsal techniques, and appropriate choral literature.
  • MUS-M 414 Choral Repertoire (2 cr.) This course presents an overview of choral repertoire from the early Renaissance to the present. Students will explore a variety of genres and composers throughout history.
  • MUS-D 200 Percussion Instruments (1-2 cr.) Private percussion lessons at the secondary level. Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-G 261 String Class Techniques (1-2 cr.) Class instruction and teaching methods for violin, viola, violoncello and double bass.
  • MUS-G 371 Choral Conducting I (2 cr.) Further development of basic conducting technique with a concentration on choral concepts. Emphasis on period style elements, analytical listening, aspects of choral tone, text analysis, score preparation, rehearsal planning, vocal techniques, and other advanced problems in choral conducting. Conduct representative works from varying style periods.
  • MUS-G 566 Interpreting and Conducting Band Literature (3 cr.) Study of selected concert band literature up to and including grade 5 material, with an emphasis on original band compositions. Baton technique, score analysis and rehearsal techniques. Designed for students with prior conducting and teaching experience.
  • MUS-P 105 Keyboard Proficiency (0-1 cr.) P: Permission of Instructor of department. All students majoring in music must pass a piano proficiency examination.  Students will register in P105 no later than fourth semester of study, and will receive the grade of S when they have successfully passed the examination. Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-T 400 Undergraduate Readings in Theory (1-6 cr.) Independent study on a topic approved by the music theory department prior to enrollment in the course. Repeatable up to 25 units.
  • MUS-Z 201 History of Rolck and Roll Music (3 cr.) A survey of the major trends, styles, and genres of rock music from the earliest recordings to the present day, focusing on the work of the artist and groups who have proven to be of the most enduring significance.
  • MUS-E 545 Guided Professional Experience (1-3 cr.) Further development of professional skills in teaching, supervision, and administration by means of laboratory techniques and use of School of Music facilities and resources. Evidence of competency to carry on independent work required. Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-K 710 Composition Graduate Elective (2-4 cr.) Weekly lessons in composition given on an individual basis. Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-M 566 Ethnic Music Survey (3 cr.) The purpose of the course is to introduce the general student to the music and the musical life of a wide spectrum of the world's peoples and cultures, thereby providing a multi-cultural musical experience and a broadened cultural as well as musical perspective.
  • MUS-P 700 Piano Graduate Elective (2-4 cr.) Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-V 700 Voice Graduate Elective (2-4 cr.) Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • MUS-G 337 Woodwind Techniques (1 cr.) Class instruction and teaching methods for flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, and saxophone.
  • MUS-G 373 Instrumental Conducting (2 cr.) Further development of score reading and conducting techniques. Emphasis on experience conducting live instrumental ensembles.
  • MUS-X 341 Guitar Ensemble (1 cr.) Guitarist receives coaching in duet, trio and quartet ensembles. Provides students with the opportunity to perform with other guitarists as well as other instrumentalists/vocalists.
  • MUS-A 100 FOUNDATIONS OF AUDIO TECHNOLOGY (3 cr.) Theoretical and practical foundation in the basics of audio technologies and signal flow for live sound reinforcement, studio and location audio recording, sound for visual media, and other contemporary production paradigms. Designed to meet the needs of modern performers, composers, educators, and content producers of audio and visual media.

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