
Arts and Letters

College of Arts and Sciences (COAS)
  • COAS-E 621 Social Media and Communication (3 cr.)
  • COAS-I 400 International Studies Capstone Seminar (3 cr.) P: Department Consent. Students will complete a senior thesis or project within their area of concentration. This may be as an independent study for the purpose of writing a research paper or may be through a faculty-led seminar, if offered.
  • COAS-J 151 Career Exploration and Development (1 cr.) Provides an opportunity to explore career options and define career objectives through the use of recognized occupational preference tests, self-evaluation techniques, guest lecturers, and outside readings. Intended for freshmen and sophomores.
  • COAS-Q 161 Library Skills and Resources (1 cr.) Discuss the techniques and skills for researching term papers, speeches, and other library projects, and give students the opportunity to explore the potential of a large academic library. Students learn to identify and locate information in libraries for class assignments and personal interests.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Ballroom 1: Waltz & Rumba (1 cr.) This workshop provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of Waltz and Rumba. Repeatable for credit.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Ballroom 2: Tango & Mambo (1 cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of Tango and Mambo.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Ballroom 3: Foxtrot & Cha Cha (1  cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of Foxtrot and Cha Cha. Repeatable for credit up to 15 credits.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Rhythm I: Merengue & West Coast Swing (1 cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of Merengue and West Coast Swing. Repeatable for credit up to 15 units.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Rhythm 2: East Coast Swing & Samba (1 cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of East Coast Swing and Samba. Repeatable for credit up to 15 credits.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - New York Hustle & Bolero (1 cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of New York Hustle and Bolero. Repeatable for credit up to 15 credits.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Rhythm 4: Waltz and Slow Dance. (1 cr.) This course provides instruction and practice in the dance steps and rhythms of Viennese Waltz and Slow Dance. Repeatable for credit up to 15 credits.
  • COAS-S 100 Topic - Career and Academic Planning (1 cr.) ARL

    This course teaches students how to use available tools to aid them in the self-exploration of their interests, skills, and values to better develop their major and career decisions. This course will help students develop a systematic, planned career-decision making strategy.  Students will define possible schools and majors offered at IUS. Then analyze which school or majors would be a good fit to begin moving forward and develop their 4-year academic and career plans.

  • COAS-S 100 Workshop: Variable Title (1 cr.) 1-unit workshop with variable titles, corresponding to specific special and current topics in the arts and sciences, nursing, health and physical recreation, and career and academic exploration. Repeatable for credit under different topics up to 15 credits.
  • COAS-S 154 Pathways (1 cr.) This course teaches students how to use tools available to aid them in their academic planning, explore course majors and interests, increase their academic problem solving skills, enhance their social networking skills, and expand their financial planning skills as it relates to college success.
  • COAS-S 200 Workshop in Special Topics (0-3 cr.) Specialized workshops on a topical basis to be offered to non-traditional populations. May be offered by TV, radio, weekend college, etc. Repeatable up to 99 units.
  • COAS-S 398 Continuing Studies Internship (3 cr.)
  • COAS-S 399 INTERNSHIP (0-6 cr.) An internship is an educational experience related to a student's degree program and career plan which applies what the student has learned to work situations. It involves a student, employer, and university sponsor. See Career Development Center for more information and to register. Repeatable for credit up to 6 units.
  • COAS-S 399 Internship in History (3 cr.) P: At least junior standing and 12 credit hours of related work; prior arrangement with individual faculty member. Faculty-supervised experience in museum work, history preservation, historical societies, oral history, or other history-related fieldwork in private and public institutions.  May be taken only once.
  • COAS-S 399 Internship Political Science (Topic ID 25) (1-6 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing, approval of the dean and the Career Development Center. Designed to provide opportunities for student to receive credit for selected career-related work. Repeatable for credit up to 6 credits.
  • COAS-S 400 Workshop in Special Topics (1-6 cr.) Repeatable up to 12 units.
  • COAS-W 100 Introduction to Business (3 cr.) A survey of the business field and its operations in the contemporary economic, political and social environment.
  • COAS-X 400 Workshop in Special Topics (3 cr.)

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