
Arts and Letters

Communication and Culture (CMCL)
  • CMCL-C 202 Media in the Global Context (3 cr.) This course focuses on the present and the future of global media and international advertising: understanding worldwide markets and strategic communication.
  • CMCL-C 290 Hollywood I (3 cr.) An overview of film history from its beginnings to the present, emphasizing major developments in narrative cinema. Credit given for only one CMCL-C 290 or CMLT-C 290.
  • CMCL-C 315 Advertising & Consumer Culture (3 cr.) Critical examination of advertising's role in modern societies. Focuses on marketing and consumption as central activities in shaping personal identity and social relations.
  • CMCL-C  324 Persuasion in Strategic Communication (3 cr.) This course examines motivational appeals in influencing attitude and behavior inherent to advertising, public relations and related fields; both theoretical and practical aspects are explored.
  • CMCL-C  337 New Media (3 cr.) Develops frameworks for understanding new media technologies in social contexts. Compares computing, networked digital media, and social media to prior eras of technological change, focusing on interactions among technological, industrial, regulatory, social, and cultural forces. Repeatable for credit up to 6 credit hours.
  • CMCL-C 392 Media Genres (3 cr.) May repeat once for credit.
  • CMCL-C 427 CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3 cr.) A survey study of national, cultural, and cross-cultural persuasion in theory and practice.
  • CMCL-C 440 Organizational Communication (3 cr.)
  • CMCL-C 592 Advanced Health Communication (3 cr.) A course designed to teach communication skills and practices related to health care, by examining health care communication theory. Topics covered range across communication levels (interpersonal, intrapersonal, group, organizational, mass media & mediated communication) within a variety of health care contexts.
  • CMCL-C 594 Communication and Conflict Management in Organizations (3 cr.) This seminar-format course examines the communication exchanges that facilitate conflict management within organizational contexts. Specific attention is focused on negotiation and mediation; however the communication of alternative means of conflict and dispute resolution are also discussed. In addition, students are introduced to methods for assessing conflict interaction in organizations.
  • CMCL-C 606 Media Criticism (3 cr.) Study of the main schools and methods of media criticism.
  • CMCL-C 610 Identity and Difference (3 cr.) Political, social, and cultural dimensions of identity and difference. Interrogates the production of marginal and dominant identities (e.g. racial, sexual, colonial) and the emergence of new forms of identification.
  • CMCL-C 424 Communication Research Methods (3 cr.) Focuses on the objective appraisal of behavioral data in the study of speech communication. Introduces the theoretical foundation of empirical social science and offers guidelines for conducting descriptive and experimental studies.
  • CMCL-C 337 New Media (3-6 cr.) Develops frameworks for understanding new media technologies in social contexts. Compares computing, networked digital media, and social media to prior eras of technological change, focusing on interactions among technological, industrial, regulatory, social, and cultural forces. Repeatable up to 6 units.

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