
Arts and Letters

Honors Program (HON)
  • HON-H 103 Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience I (3 cr.) P: Admission to the Honors Program. A skills course emphasizing writing, reading, speaking, thinking skills, collaborative learning, diversity, research, and the use of technology in an academic setting. Readings and discussion of texts-in-common selected by Honors faculty and studied in preparation for possible project presentation at the Mid-East Honors Conference in the spring. Ordinarily taken during the first semester of study at IU Southeast. Part one of the required two-semester seminar sequence for Tier One students.
  • HON-H 104 Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience II (3 cr.) P: Admission to the Honors Program. Continuation of HON-H 103. Builds on skills attained in the first semester with continued reading and discussion of texts-in-common. Students will begin to envision, research, and refine projects for possible presentation at the Mid-East Honors Conference in the spring. Ordinarily taken during the second semester of study at IU Southeast. Part two of the required two-semester seminar sequence for Tier One students.
  • HON-H 306 Multidisciplinary Seminar in the Humanities and Social Sciences (3-6 cr.) P: Admission to the Honors Program or permission of the Honors Program Director. Topic varies with the instructor and semester. Possible topics include Art as Literature; Death and Dying; Utopias through History. May be repeated for up to 18 credit hours.
  • HON-H 307 Multidisciplinary Seminar (3-6 cr.) P: Admission to the Honors Program or permission of the Honors Program Director. Topic varies with the instructor and semester. Topics will include those outside the humanities and social sciences. May be repeated for up to 18 credit hours.
  • HON-H 400 Honors Research Minor Seminar (1-3 cr.) Required seminar for Tier Two students undertaking the research minor. Honors seminars will encompass discussion of each student's research along with larger issues such as research strategies, publication, and ethics. May be repeated for up to 4 credit hours.
  • HON-H 495 Honors Project (1-3 cr.) Designed to meet the needs of Honors students who have chosen to pursue individualized honors, this course permits students flexibility and the opportunity to work with a faculty mentor. May be repeated for up to 4 credit hours.
  • HON-H 215 Introduction to Honors Research (1-3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 Honors seminar focusing on research methods. Repeatable three times up to 9 credit hours.

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