
Natural Sciences

Geography (GEOG)
  • GEOG-G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.) An examination of the physical environment as the home of human beings, with emphasis on the distribution and interaction of environmental variables and energy flow through the system.
  • GEOG-G 108 Physical Systems of the Environment - Lab (2 cr.) Concurrent or previous enrollment in GEOG-G 107 recommended. Laboratory study of the physical environment.
  • GEOG-G 110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.) An exploration of social and cultural phenomena as these are expressed and distributed across the earth's surface. Topics include population, migration, language, religion, customs, political divisions, agriculture, industry, and urbanization.
  • GEOG-G 201 World Regional Geography (3 cr.) Geographical analysis of regions occupied by European cultures and of indigenous spatial developments in non-Western areas.
  • GEOG-G 213 Introduction of Economic Geography (3 cr.) Principles of economic geography, including theories concerning industrial location, competition for land, economic nature of resources, and geographic background of interregional trade.
  • GEOG-G 304 Physical Climatology (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 107 with a C or better. Introduction to the physical basis of the climate system from the global to the local scale, emphasizing the surface energy and water balances.  Examples are drawn from forested, agricultural, urban, and aquatic environments, as well as issues related to climate change.  Develops skills used to study and quantify climate processes.
  • GEOG-G 307 Biogeography (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 107 with a C or better. An analysis of the spatial distribution of natural biota with regard to physical and ecological processes.
  • GEOG-G 308 Disasters: Natural and Human Induced (3 cr.) P: Minimum of 6 credit hours in one or a combination of physical and biological sciences. Study and analysis of the causes, nature, and geographical occurrence of natural and human-induced disasters. Examines the workings and consequences of disasters and hazards facing humankind.
  • GEOG-G 310 Human Impact on Environment (3 cr.) A systematic examination of how people have altered patterns of climate, hydrology, landforms, soils and biota. Course emphasizes that understanding human impacts requires knowledge of both the sociocultural forces that drive human activity and the natural processes that determine environmental patterns.
  • GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 107 with a C or better. The study of the conservation of natural resources, including soil, water, air, wildlife, and forests, as interrelated components of the natural and human environments, emphasizing a unified ecological approach. Current problems relating to pollution and environmental quality.
  • GEOG-G 321 Geography of Europe (3 cr.) Geographical analysis of the physical features of the European environment and the spatial patterns and interrelationships of the cultural, economic, and political landscapes. Emphasis placed on the impress of man on the environment through long-term occupancy.
  • GEOG-G 323 Geography of Latin America (3 cr.) Geographical analysis of the terrain, resources, climate, culture, and historical and economic development of the nations south of the Rio Grande.
  • GEOG-G 326 Geography of North America (3 cr.) Continental and regional variations in terrain and climate and the economic and social life of the United States and Canada, with emphasis on geographical principles, sources of data, and techniques of investigation.
  • GEOG-G 333 Introductory Cartography (3 cr.) Use, interpretation, and sources of topographic maps, thematic maps, vertical aerial photographs, and related materials. Includes projections and grids, relief symbolization, map classification, mapping agencies, and the history of maps and mapping.
  • GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Science (3 cr.) Overview of the principles and practices of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The course will deal with issues of spatial data models, database design, introductory and intermediate GIS operations, and case studies of real-world GIS applications. Laboratory exercises will provide significant hands-on experience.
  • GEOG-G 345 Field Study in Geography (1-3 cr.) Faculty supervised fieldwork in selected areas of geography. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • GEOG-G 369 The Geography of Food (3 cr.) Promotes understanding of the history and geographic distribution of the world's food cultures. Focuses on the material aspects of food and food's relationship to society. Increases knowledge of food and cultures through reading, discussion and cooking.
  • GEOG-G 404 Geography of Soils (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 107 or GEOL-G 100 with a C or better. Soil genesis, morphology, and classification; soil's physical, chemical, mechanical and biological properties. Soil maps and related data in land use analysis and the planning process.
  • GEOG-G 418 Historical Geography (3 cr.) Migration and diffusion, rural and urban settlement, industrialization, and transport development as spatial processes shaping the landscapes and geopolitical relationships of past places and peoples.
  • GEOG-G 425 Africa: Contemporary Geographic Problems (3 cr.) Contemporary geographic problems confronting the countries of sub-Saharan Africa are examined. Topics include urbanization, rural-urban migration, unemployment, agriculture, healthcare, analysis of terrain, resources, and aspects of the natural environment.
  • GEOG-G 432 Current Issues in Environmental Conservation (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 315 with a C or better. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of topics of special importance in regard to environmental quality, including such topics as air and water quality, radiation, energy, and waste disposal.
  • GEOG-G 438 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 338 with a C or better. Basic concepts and principles underlying polygon and grid-based geographic information systems are explored. Computerized data capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display techniques, as applied to geographic information, are explored through the development of individual student projects.
  • GEOG-G 439 Seminar in Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) P: GEOG-G 438 with C or better and consent of instructor. Extension of GEOG-G 438 that develops advanced methods of spatial data analysis in the context of GIS. Emphasis on applications and individualized projects.
  • GEOG-G 450 Undergraduate Readings and Research in Geography (1-3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Individualized readings and research in geography.
  • GEOG-G 460 Geography Internship (1-6 cr.) P: Junior or Senior standing and departmental coordinator consent. Requires 40 hours of work per 1 hour of credit. Supervised field experience in geography, normally in conjunction with approved work at a government agency or private firm.
  • GEOG-G 490 Senior Seminar in Geography (3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Open to majors only. Research in selected problems and study of geographic thought.
  • GEOG-G 500 Research Problems in Geography (3-4 cr.) Examination of current research areas and research problems in geography. Introduction to research design and research methods. Repeatable up to 4 units.
  • GEOG-G 501 Research Problems in Geography II (3 cr.) Further development of research formulation and design skills. Approaches to geographic research and the preparation of research problem statements and proposals that may lead to thesis or dissertation research.
  • GEOG-G 603 Topical Seminar in Globalization, Development and Justice (3 cr.) Topics will vary to consider aspects of globalization, development and justice.

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