
Social Sciences

Interdisciplinary Studies (IDIS)
  • IDIS-D 501 Humanities Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the humanities. Topics vary from semester to semester. Course is repeatable.
  • IDIS-D 502 Social Science Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the social sciences. Topics vary from semester to semester. Course is repeatable
  • IDIS-D 503 Natural Science Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the natural sciences. Topics vary from semester to semester. Course is repeatable.
  • IDIS-D 510 Introduction to Graduate Liberal Studies (3-4 cr.) A comprehensive introduction to graduate liberal studies. Explores the cultures of the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Investigates interdisciplinary methodologies. Offers strategies for graduate-level reading, research, and writing for other publics.
  • IDIS-D 511 MLS Humanities Elective (1-4 cr.) Topics vary. Repeatable up to 21 units.
  • IDIS-D 512 MLS Social Sciences Elective (1-4 cr.) Topics vary. Repeatable up to 21 units.
  • IDIS-D 513 MLS Natural Sciences Elective (1-6 cr.) Topics vary. Repeatable up to 21 units.
  • IDIS-D 550 Teaching Assistantship (3 cr.) This graduate course will take the form of a teaching assistantship.  This course is a requirement for the academic teaching track.  It will consist of assisting a faculty member in planning, teaching, grading, and assessing a course in the area of the student's concentration. May be repeated once.
  • IDIS-D 551 Research Assistantship (1-6 cr.) P: LBST-D/IDIS-D 510 and prior consent of director and instructor. This is a research assistantship to assist faculty in his/her area of research. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • IDIS-D 591 Graduate Seminar in Teaching and Learning (1-3 cr.) This workshop will focus on SoTL and best practices literature about pedagogy in higher education.  This will include:  philosophy of teaching and learning, course planning and design, selecting textbooks and readings, syllabus construction and course policies, the literature on lecturing and discussion, faculty and student conduct, assessment of student learning.
  • IDIS-D 594 Liberal Studies Directed Readings (1-3 cr.) Independent study Course is repeatable.
  • IDIS-D 601 Graduate Project Proposal Seminar (3 cr.) Independent study sponsored and supervised by faculty member/committee chair for research/creativity track in which students choose a topic, create a bibliography, write a formal proposal, and defend it before a faculty committee.
  • IDIS-D 602 Graduate Project (1-6 cr.) Independent project work conducted in consultation with a faculty director. Course is repeatable.
  • IDIS-D 500 Graduate Project (3-6 cr.) Independent project to be undertaken in consultation with graduate advisor. This project requires students to demonstrate mastery of some specific topic or medium of expression. Course is repeatable
  • IDIS-D 599 Internship (0-6 cr.) An internship is an educational experience related to a student's degree program and career plan which applies what the student has learned to work situations.  It involves a student, employer, and university sponsor.  See Career Services for more information and to register. Course is repeatable to maximum of 6 credits.
  • IDIS-D 700 TOPICS IN LIBERAL STUDIES (3 cr.) Intensive study of a major issue in the Humanities, Social Sciences, or Sciences. Interdisciplinary approach, seminar format. Individual project required. Specific topic announced in Schedule of Classes.

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