Programs by Campus
College of Arts and Sciences
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Degrees Offered
Master of Arts, Master of Arts for Teachers, Master of Arts in Geography and Master of Science in Environmental Science (SPEA), Master of Science, Master of Science in Geography and Master of Science in Environmental Science (SPEA), and Doctor of Philosophy
Special Departmental Requirements
(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)
B (3.0) average or higher; B in core courses.
Master of Arts Degree
Admission Requirements
Undergraduate major in geography or its equivalent. Applicants not meeting this requirement may be expected to take additional work.
Fields of Study
Human-Environment Interaction, Human Geography, and Sustainable Systems. For subfields available see section about doctoral study.
Course Requirements
A minimum of 30 credit hours, including a core curriculum consisting of G500, G501, and G588. In addition, each student should select one topical field of concentration and complete a sequence of courses involving a minimum of 9 graduate credits in that field.
Thesis or Research Papers
Students have the option of writing a thesis (G850) or two research papers (G845). Up to 6 credit hours are allowed for a thesis and up to 3 credit hours are given for each research paper.
Final Examination
Oral examination covering the topic of specialization, the thesis or research papers, and other aspects of geography.
Master of Science Degree
Admissions Requirement
Undergraduate major in geography, atmospheric science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, or equivalent. Applicants not meeting this requirement may be expected to take additional work.
Fields of Study
Atmospheric Science, Geographic Information Science, and Sustainable Systems.
Course Requirements
A minimum of 30 credit hours, including a core curriculum consisting of G500, G501, and G588. In addition, each student should select a topical field of concentration in either atmospheric science or geographic information science and complete a minimum of 9 graduate credits in that field.
Thesis or Research Papers
Students have the option of writing a thesis (G850) or two research papers (G845). Up to 6 credit hours are allowed for a thesis and up to 3 credit hours are given for each research paper.
Master of Arts for Teachers Degree
Admission Requirements
A full undergraduate major in geography is not required, but applicants should have had introductory courses in physical, environmental, or human geography.
An individual program of study will be arranged for each student. A general description of the M.A.T. requirements is found elsewhere in this bulletin.
Master of Arts/Master of Science in Geography and Master of Science in Environmental Science (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Admission Requirements
The Department of Geography and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) offer a three-year, 60 credit hour program that qualifies students for two master’s degrees. A student must apply to and be accepted by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs for study toward the Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) and by the Department of Geography and the Graduate School for study toward the M.A. or M.S. degree. The student must select an advisory committee of at least three faculty members representing both the Department of Geography and SPEA.
Course Requirements
A minimum of 60 credit hours, distributed as specified among the following six areas in environmental science and geography: (1) environmental sciences (12 cr.); (2) environmental management and policy (10 cr.); (3) environmental science electives (6-9 cr.); (4) geography (13 cr.) including core curriculum, G500, G501, and G588, and one 3-credit seminar; (5) geography electives (11 cr.); and (6) research (6 cr.).
Research Project, Thesis, or Research Papers
Students may opt for a research project, a thesis, or two research papers. They may complete up to 6 credit hours (of the 60 required) of area 6 (research) in SPEA E625 for a research project; GEOG G850 for a thesis; or G845 if choosing the option of two research papers. The research report, thesis, or research papers must be acceptable to the student’s advisory committee, the director of graduate studies in geography, and the director of the M.S.E.S. program.
Doctor of Philosophy Degree
Admission Requirements
M.A. or M.S. degree in geography or related discipline.
Fields of Study
Atmospheric Science, Human-Environment Interaction, Human Geography, Geographic Information Science, and Sustainable Systems. Within these broad fields, students may develop research specializations in subfields. In Atmospheric Science, general fields of active research include air pollution meteorology, micro- and boundary-layer meteorology, climatic change, and statistical climatology. Within Human-Environment Interaction, the primary areas of research include human dimensions of environmental change, resource management and sustainability, land-change science, and cultural and political ecology. In Geographic Information Science (GIS), particular emphasis is placed on the application of GIS, remote sensing, and statistical and numerical modeling. In Human Geography, areas of particular focus are development, location analysis, population, migration and labor markets, and landscape studies.
Course Requirements
A minimum of 90 credit hours, including a core curriculum consisting of G500, G501, and G588 as well as a dissertation (up to 20 credit hours). Each student must select a major within the field of geography chosen from the fields of study listed above. Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours beyond the M.A./M.S. in the major, including at least one graduate seminar. The dissertation must be written in the major field of study within geography.
At least one outside minor required. It should be closely related to the internal major and must be chosen from approved programs of study outlined in this bulletin (unless exceptions are approved by the University Graduate School).
Qualifying Examination
Written and oral, covering the areas of concentration, other aspects of geography, and the tentative dissertation problem.
Research Proposal
The proposed research for the dissertation must be approved by the research committee and presented at a departmental colloquium.
Final Examination
Oral defense of the dissertation.
Ph.D. Minor in Geography
The requirements for the Ph.D. minor are flexible. A student’s specific program should be developed in consultation with the minor-field advisor in geography. Typical fields include Atmospheric Science, Human-Environment Interaction, Human Geography, and Geographic Information Science. A minimum of 9 credit hours of course work.