School of Education
Master of Science in Elementary Education
Degree Requirements
Students receiving the Master of Science in Elementary Education must complete 30-36 total graduate credit hours including:
- Education Core (12 cr.)
- Concentration (18-24 cr.)
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required
- All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted
Core (12 cr.)
- EDUC-H 520 Education and Social Issues
- EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools
- EDUC-J 500 Instruction in the Context of Curriculum
- Students pursuing the Music concentration are required to take a specific methods course in lieu of EDUC-J 500. Please see the music concentration for course requirements.
- Complete one of the following
- EDUC-A 590 Independent Study in Educational Leadership (for the Education Leadership Concentration)
- EDUC-E 590 Independent Study or Research in Elementary Education
- EDUC-X 590 Research in Reading (for the Reading Concentration)
Select One Concentration
Concentrations Offered
- Generalist (no concentration)
- Educational Leadership
- English as a New/Second Language
- Gifted and Talented
- Music
- Reading
- Special Education
- Technology
Generalist (18 cr.)
- Complete three of the following pedagogy courses for 9 credit hours
- EDUC-E 545 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Reading in Elementary School
- EDUC-E 547 Elementary Social Studies Curriculum
- EDUC-E 548 Advanced Teaching of Science in the Elementary School
- EDUC-E 549 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Language Arts in the Elementary School
- EDUC-L 520 Advanced Study in Foreign Language Teaching
- EDUC-L 530 Topical Workshop in Literacy,Culture, and Language Education
- EDUC-N 543 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Mathematics in the Elementary School
- EDUC-Q 540 Teaching Environmental Education
- Complete 9 credit hours from the following
- EDUC-A 508 School Law and the Teacher
- EDUC-K 500 Topical Workshop in Special Education: Topic Autism Spectrum Disorder (2 cr.)
- EDUC-K 505 Introductory Special Education for Graduate Students
- EDUC-K 553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support
- EDUC-K 590 Independent Study or Research in Special Education (1 cr.)
- EDUC-L 524 Language Education Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology in Teaching
- EDUC-P 515 Child Development
- EDUC-P 570 Managing Classroom Behavior
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Conference: Specific Title
- EDUC-W 551 Educational Foundations for High Ability Students
- Any pedagogy course from the previous list
Educational Leadership (24 cr.)
- Leadership Foundation Courses
- EDUC-A 500 Introduction to Educational Leadership
- EDUC-A 510 School Community Relations
- EDUC-A 608 Legal Perspectives on Education
- EDUC-A 635 Public School Budgeting and Accounting
- Elementary and Secondary Leadership Courses
- EDUC-A 625 Administration of Elementary Schools
- EDUC-A 627 Secondary School Administration
- EDUC-A 638 Public School Personnel Management
- EDUC-A 695 Practicum in Educational Leadership
English as a New/Second Language (18 cr.)
- EDUC-L 502 Socio-Psycholinguistic Applications to Reading Instruction
- EDUC-L 524 Language Education Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education
- EDUC-L 539 Language Foundations for ESL/EFL Teachers
- EDUC-L 540 ESL/EFL Instruction and Assessment Approaches
- EDUC-M 501 Local Clinical Experience in ENL: Observations (1 cr.)
- EDUC-M 501Local Clinical Experience in ENL: Teaching (2 cr.)
- Complete one of the following for 3 credit hours
- EDUC-L 541 Writing Instruction for TESL Teachers
- EDUC-L 546 Mentorship and Literacy Coaching of EFL/ESL Teaching
- EDUC-L 547 Writing Instruction for TESL Teachers
Gifted and Talented (18 cr.)
- EDUC-W 551 Educational Foundations for High Ability Students
- EDUC-W 552 Curriculum for Gifted and Talented
- EDUC-W 553 Methods and Materials for the Gifted and Talented
- EDUC-W 595 Practicum: High Ability Students
- Complete two of the following for 6 credit hours
- EDUC-A 508 School Law and the Teacher
- EDUC-L 524 Language Education Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology in Teaching
- EDUC-P 515 Child Development
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Conference: Coding in the Classroom
- Any advanced methods or pedagogy course
Music (18 cr.)
Prior to taking music courses, graduate students enrolled in the program must pass the interview and audition with the Faculty Audition Committee in the Music Department, School of Arts and Letters.
- Complete one of the following as part of the Education Core
- MUS-E 527 Advanced Instrumental Methods
- MUS-E 528 Advanced Choral Methods and Materials
- Complete 18 credit hours of
- MUS-E 527 Advanced Instrumental Methods
- MUS-E 528 Advanced Choral Methods and Materials
- MUS-E 529 Special Topics in Music Education
- MUS-E 545 Guided Professional Experience
- MUS-E 567 Techniques of String Class Teaching
- MUS-E 569 Seminar in Class-Piano Teaching
- MUS-G 566 Interpretation and Conducting of Band Literature
- MUS-K 503 Electronic Studio Resources I
- MUS-K 710 Composition Graduate Elective
- MUS-M 502 Composers
- MUS-M 530 Contemporary Music
- MUS-M 543 Keyboard Literature from 1700 to 1850
- MUS-M 566 Ethnic Music Survey
- MUS-M 656 Modern Music
- MUS-T 512 Theory Review for Graduate Students II
- Applied Study Options: maximum of 8 credit hours
- MUS-B 710 Horn Graduate Elective
- MUS-B 720 Trumpet Graduate Elective
- MUS-B 730 Trombone Graduate Elective
- MUS-B 740 Euphonium Graduate Elective
- MUS-B 750 Tuba Graduate Elective
- MUS-L 700 Guitar Graduate Elective
- MUS-P 700 Piano Graduate Elective
- MUS-P 701 Graduate Secondary Piano
- MUS-Q 700 Organ Graduate Elective
- MUS-S 710 Violin Graduate Elective
- MUS-S 720 Viola Graduate Elective
- MUS-S 730 Cello Graduate Elective
- MUS-S 740 Double Bass Graduate Elective
- MUS-V 700 Voice Graduate Elective
- MUS-W 710 Flute/Piccolo Graduate Elective
- MUS-W 720 Oboe/English Horn Graduate Elective
- MUS-W 730 Clarinet Graduate Elective
- MUS-W 740 Bassoon Graduate Elective
- MUS-W 750 Saxophone Graduate Elective
Reading (18 cr.)
- EDUC-K 590 Independent Study or Research in Special Education: RTI (1 cr.)
- EDUC-L 520 Advanced Study in Foreign Language Teaching
- EDUC-S 514 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Reading in Junior High and Secondary School
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Conference: Technology as a Teaching Tool (1 cr.)
- EDUC-x 504 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties in the Classroom
- EDUC-X 525 Practicum in Reading (1 cr.)
- EDUC-X 525 Practicum in Reading
- Complete one of the follwoing for 3 credit hours
- EDUC-E 549 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Language Arts in the Elementary Schools
- EDUC-S 516 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Secondary School English Language Arts
Special Education (24 cr.)
- EDUC-K 500 Topical Workshop in Special Education: Autism Spectrum (2 cr.)
- EDUC-K 505 Introductory Special Education for Graduate Students
- EDUC-K 535 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped
- EDUC-K 553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support
- EDUC-K 563 Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disabilities I
- EDUC-K 565 Collaboration and Service Delivery
- EDUC-K 580 Curriculum and Methods for the Educable Mentally Retarded
- EDUC-K 588 Supervised Teaching in Special Education
- EDUC-K 590 Independent Study or Research in Special Education (1 cr.)
Technology (24 cr.)
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology in Teaching
- EDUC-R 505 Workshop in Instructional Systems Technology
- EDUC-R 531 Computer in Education
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Workshop Topic: Coding in the Classroom
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Workshop Topic: Virtual Field Trips
- EDUC-W 506 Using the Internet in K-12 Classroom
- EDUC-W 520 Planning for Technology Infrastructure
- EDUC-W 540 Technology-Infused Curriculum