Departments & Programs
Second Language Studies
Course Descriptions (SLST)
Language and Culture
- SLST-T 125 Academic Language and Culture at U.S. Universities for International Students (3 cr.) P: For international students who have passed the IEPE (Indiana English Proficiency Exam). Introduction for international students to academic language and culture at universities within the United States with a focus on language and communication in use for interaction in the classroom setting and other learning environments. Engagement in academic, linguistic, and experiential discovery of the university as a cultural space with the goal of ensuring academic success.
Undergraduate Second Language Studies
- SLST-S 301 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.) CASE N&M R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Introduces students to contemporary approaches to second language acquisition. Topics include models of second language acquisition, learner variables, the human capacity for language and its availability throughout the lifespan, developmental stages, and effects of instruction. Students will examine samples of learner language and analyze them on their own terms.
- SLST-S 302 The Successful Language Learner (3 cr.) CASE N&M R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Introduces students to the best practices for adult second language learners and to research on learner and learning variables underlying these practices.
- SLST-S 304 Language Revitalization (3 cr.) CASE S&H R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Half of the 6,000 languages spoken today are endangered. This course explores why languages are at risk and investigates how minority and indigenous languages can be revitalized. Case studies highlight practical solutions currently being used in diverse communities. Students choose a particular endangered language as their focus of study.
- SLST-S 305 Second Language Acquisition and Language Instruction (3 cr.) CASE S&H R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Examines impact of advances in psychology and sociology on the definition of best practices in adult second and foreign language instruction.
- SLST-S 306 Acquiring New Language Systems (3 cr.) CASE N&M R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Examines the learning challenges associated with the acquisition of new languages in the domains of sound systems, word formation, sentence structure, and sentence interpretation.
- SLST-S 308 English Grammar and Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.) CASE N&M P: Two years of a second or foreign language, not necessarily at the college level. Introduces students to a formal approach to major structures of English morphosyntax within generative grammar, stressing hypothesis formation and testing. Review of empirical research on the cognitive effects of implicit and explicit grammar instruction.
- SLST-S 312 New Sounds: Foreign Accents and Pronunciation in a Second Language (3 cr.) CASE N&M Presents phonetic manifestations of foreign accent to describe what factors in a learner language might impact accent and intelligibility when speaking English. Introduces methods for teaching pronunciation to second language learners, and how to measure progress and develop strategies for specific pronunciation difficulties.
- SLST-S 319 Special Topics in Second Language Studies (3 cr.) R: Two years of foreign/second language study. Topics dealing with cognitive, social, or educational dimensions of second language acquisition or multilingualism. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
English Language Improvement
- SLST-T 101 English Language Improvement (1-12 cr.) Designed for the international student who needs instruction in English as a second language. The English Language Improvement Program provides part-time intermediate and advanced instruction for undergraduate and graduate students already admitted to Indiana University. Credit hours, though counting toward full-time student status, do not accrue toward the total number required for a degree. These are eight-week courses.
Intensive English Program
- SLST-T 60 Intensive English Program, Part-time (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Part-time Intensive English Program course. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 61 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 1 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 1. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 62 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 2 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 2. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 63 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 3 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 3. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 64 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 4 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 4. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 65 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 5 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 5. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 66 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 6 (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 6. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 67 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 7 (First 7 weeks) (3 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 7. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 68 Intensive English Program, Full-time Electives (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, electives only. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 69 Intensive English Program, Full-time Special Topics (First 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course in special topics. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 70 Intensive English Program, Part-time (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Part-time Intensive English Program course. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 71 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 1 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 1. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 72 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 2 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 2. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 73 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 3 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 3. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 74 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 4 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 4. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 75 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 5 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 5. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 76 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 6 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 6. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 77 Intensive English Program, Full-time Level 7 (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, Level 7. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 78 Intensive English Program, Full-time Electives (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course, electives only. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.
- SLST-T 79 Intensive English Program, Full-time Special Topics (Second 7 weeks) (0 cr.) Full-time Intensive English Program course in special topics. Placement determined by the IEP. Open only to eligible students. Topics will vary. May be taken multiple times in consecutive or concurrent terms with the same or different topics.