School of Education
Graduate Certificate in Reading
Our graduate certificate in reading offers classroom instruction and training experiences necessary to be fully competent in the content and padagogy of reading instruction. The four-course program delivers deep knowledge of language, reading psychology, children's literature, or the management of a reading program based on assessment.
Elementary Focus
Complete the following:
- EDUC-E 545 Advanced Study of the Teaching of Reading in Elementary School
- EDUC-E 549 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Language Arts in the Elementary School
Select one of the following:
- EDUC-X 504 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties in the Classroom
- EDUC-E 515 Workshop in Elementary Reading
Consult with an advisor to select a course to meet specific instructional needs. Such courses include but are not limited to:
- EDUC-L 520 Advanced Methods of Second/Foreign Language Teaching
- EDUC-K 590 Methods in High Incidence
- EDUC-W 505 Impacting Student Learning
- EDUC-W 506 Internet in the Classroom
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology of Teaching
Optional Course Outside of Education:
- XXXX-X 500+ Optional Course Outside of Education*
*A fifth course may be approved from a school outside the School of Education.
Secondary Focus
Complete the following:
- EDUC-S 514 Advanced Study of the Teaching of Reading in Jr. High/Secondary School
- EDUC-S 516 Advanced Study of the Teaching of Language Arts in the Jr. High/Secondary School
Select one of the following:
- EDUC-X 504 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties in the Classroom
- EDUC-E 515 Workshop in Elementary Reading
Consult with an advisor to select a course to meet specific instructional needs. Such courses include but are not limited to:
- EDUC-L 520 Advanced Methods of Second/Foreign Language Teaching
- EDUC-K 590 Methods in High Incidence
- EDUC-W 505 Impacting Student Learning
- EDUC-W 506 Internet in the Classroom
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology of Teaching
Optional Course Outside of Education:
- XXXX-X 500+ Optional Course Outside of Education*
*A fifth course may be approved from a school outside the School of Education.