Degree Programs
Dual Degrees and Specializations (for Master's Students)
African American and African Diaspora Studies (M.A.) and Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) Dual Degree
The dual M.A./M.L.S. program requires completion of a minimum of 58 credit hours of graduate course work. (The degrees, if completed separately, would require 68 credit hours.) Students must apply for admission to the master’s programs of both the School of Library and Information Science and the Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies and meet the admissions criteria established for each. The two degrees must be awarded at the same time.
In addition to the SLIS S401 prerequisite, the requirements for the Master of Library Science (30 credit hours) are:
- M.L.S. Foundation courses (15 cr.)
- Either S521 Humanities Information or S522 Social Sciences Information (3 cr.)
- SLIS elective courses (12 cr.)
A minimum of 28 credit hours is required in the Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies for the Master of Arts degree. See the University Graduate School Bulletin for specific requirements.