
Note: The abbreviation “P” refers to the course prerequisite or prerequisites. “C” refers to courses that should be taken concurrently. Undergraduate courses are marked by the sign*.

Note: S401 is required of all M.L.S. students, and is optional for M.I.S. students.

    Undergraduate Courses
    • SLIS–L 150 Information Sources in Telecommunications (1 cr.) Designed specifically for undergraduates who are premajors or majors in telecommunications and who are required to complete a research project or term paper. Training in use of computerized database systems, as well as selection and use of advanced reference sources. Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
    • SLIS–L 161 Library Skills and Resources (1 cr.) Designed for undergraduates. Techniques and skills for researching term papers, speeches, and other library projects.
    • SLIS–L 416 Individual in the Information Age (3 cr.) Focuses on emerging information and communication technologies, identifying political, social, and economic trends that have major impact on information sources and access. Students are encouraged to explore individual approaches to the information concepts and issues, understood in a social context.
    • SLIS–S 401 Computer-Based Information Tools (3 cr.) Graded S/F. This skills-based course introduces basic applications that will be used throughout the student's course work and beyond. Students' experiences in this course should be seen as a basis for further skill development and learning throughout their careers. The course covers computing platforms, access tools, and management tools. Demonstration of skills will be by a mastery test or an assignment in each unit of the course. S401 does not count toward graduate degree requirements. Master of Library Science degree students are required to complete S401 within their first 9 credit hours.
    Graduate Courses
    • SLIS–S 501 Reference (3 cr.) P: S401. C: S401. This course introduces students to the basic information sources and services among different types of libraries and information centers, including academic, public, special, and school media.
    • SLIS–S 502 Collection Development and Management (3 cr.) Collection Development and Management examines the principles and techniques that guide the development, management, and evaluation of library collections and the selection of materials in various types of libraries. The course provides students with experience in the major phases involved in starting and developing collections of print and non-print materials: the formulation of collection development plans, the selection of materials, and the evaluation and preservation of library collections. It enables students to recognize and respond to challenges and opportunities of special interest to collection developers including changes in the production and distribution of information resources, issues of access and ownership, intellectual freedom, copyright, and resource sharing.
    • SLIS–S 503 Representation and Organization (3 cr.) Introduces students to various disciplines’ approaches to the understanding, organization, representation (summarizing), and use of knowledge and information. This survey looks for commonality among the approaches taken in information science, cognitive psychology, semiotics, and artificial intelligence, among others. The goal is to identify criteria for evaluation and improvement of ways to organize and represent information for future retrieval. Information systems currently used in libraries and information centers will be studied as examples. Emphasis in the course is on concepts and ideas, with appropriate attention to terminology and technology.
    • SLIS–S 504 Cataloging (3 cr.) P: S401. Historical development and principles essential to the understanding of the conceptual foundations of providing bibliographic access and control of materials and information. Discussion and examples in the application of AACR2r will be presented to illustrate and reflect current practice. Emphasis is on monographic publications.
    • SLIS–S 505 Evaluation of Resources and Services (3 cr.) P: S502. Examines the applied evaluation of library resources and services, including collections, document delivery, technical services, reference services, and overall library performance. Emphasis is placed on the available methods and methodological issues. The checklist method, availability studies, document delivery tests, use studies, applied bibliometrics, and the use of automation are covered.
    • SLIS–S 506 Introduction to Research (3 cr.) P: S401, completion of 9 credit hours in SLIS, or consent of instructor. The research process, including concepts, design, conduct, and evaluation. Principles and characteristics of approaches and methodologies relevant to research in the field. Examples of data sources and introduction to methods of statistical description and analysis; ethical issues.
    • SLIS–S 510 Introduction to Information Science (3 cr.) Information science students are introduced to the dynamic and shifting information professions, complex organizations, and emerging careers in the field. Issues in information management, user- oriented systems design, socio-technical concepts, and usability are major themes for the course.
    • SLIS–S 511 Database Design (3 cr.) P: S401 or consent of instructor. Concerned with a comprehensive view of the processes involved in developing formal access to information from a user-centered point of view. Considers various database models such as flat file, hierarchical, relational, and hypertext in terms of text, sound, numeric, image, and geographic data. Students will design and implement databases using several commercial database management systems.
    • SLIS–S 512 Information Systems Design (3 cr.) P: S515 and S532. Students identify, design, and implement a significant information design project, such as the redesign of a complex Web site for a local business, library, or nonprofit.  Principles and practices of project management are discussed in the context of team-based web site redesign.
    • SLIS–S 513 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) Introduces information, technology, and social behavior in the organizational context. Concepts of organization theory, organization behavior, knowledge and information management, and organizational intelligence provide a critical foundation for managing information, people, and information and communication technologies in rapidly changing and dynamic environments.
    • SLIS–S 514 Computerization in Society (3 cr.) Surveys social consequences of computerization when it is shaped and used by business, public agencies, and individuals.
    • SLIS–S 515 Information Architecture (3 cr.) Effective information system design integrates knowledge of formal structures with understanding of social, technological, and cognitive environments. Drawing from a range of disciplines, this course investigates how people represent, organize, retrieve, and use information to inform the construction of information architectures that facilitate user understanding and navigation in conceptual space.
    • SLIS–S 516 Human-Computer Interaction (3 cr.) Examines the human factors associated with information technology and seeks to provide students with knowledge of the variables likely to influence the perceived usability, and hence the acceptability, of any information technology. In so doing it will enable students to progress further towards specialist’s work in the important field of human-computer interaction.
    • SLIS–S 517 Web Programming (3 cr.) P: S401 or consent of instructor. The main focus of this course is to instruct students to develop and implement dynamic and interactive web applications. In order to do so, students will learn the basics of an open source programming language both through lectures and hands-on exercises in the lab.
    • SLIS–L 518 Communication in Electronic Environments (3 cr.) Examines conceptual perspectives on information in organizations, covering topics such as types of information, information activities, organizational culture and information technology, communication as information flow, obtaining and using information from the environment, managing information in specialized extended communities, and ethical and quality issues. Focus varies by type of community studied. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.
    • SLIS–S 519 Evaluation of Information Systems (3 cr.) P: S401 and 6 SLIS graduate credit hours. Theoretical and practical exploration of the issues surrounding contemporary information systems. A specific focus will be on evaluating information systems from the user perspective. This evaluation approach will cut across disciplinary frameworks: behavioral, cognitive, and social sciences. The approach will also touch on multiple research methods: online surveys, sense-making, critical incident, and network analysis.
    • SLIS–S 520 Information Seeking and Use (3 cr.) P: S401 and 6 SLIS graduate credit hours. This course introduces students to the concepts of information analysis from a human perspective, focusing particularly on the theoretical models and practical techniques that underpin the field. Sociological and psychological perspectives will be examined in order to develop an approach to the assessment of users’ information needs.
    • SLIS–S 521 Humanities Information (3 cr.) P: S501, or consent of instructor. Introduction to information sources and services in the disciplines of performing arts, music, fine arts, literature, language, philosophy, and religion. In addition, the course addresses information needs and behavior patterns of users seeking these types of information.
    • SLIS–S 522 Social Science Information (3 cr.) P: S401, S501, or consent of instructor. Study of the core information tools in the fields of anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. Includes key bibliographic databases and electronic network tools. Evaluation of research dealing with information channels in these fields.
    • SLIS–S 523 Science and Technology Information (3 cr.) P: S501. C: S501. General materials, reference books, periodicals, government documents, nonbook media in the individual literature of individual disciplines; patents and report literature. Examination of production, publication, distribution, and forms of scientific and technical literature.
    • SLIS–S 524 Adult Readers Advisory (3 cr.) P: S501. A review and discussion of trends reflected in subject content and use of book and nonbook materials for patrons in secondary school and public libraries in relation to changing young adult and adult needs, and the role of libraries in meeting such needs.
    • SLIS–S 525 Government Information (3 cr.) P: S501. Survey of government information dissemination in all formats and at all levels of government. Consideration of government information policy. Primary emphasis given to U.S. government information but with some consideration given to state and local publications in the United States, and those of international organizations.
    • SLIS–S 526 Business Information (3 cr.) P: S501, or consent of instructor. Introduction to basic business materials. Includes resources, research methods, current developments, automated systems, and databases.
    • SLIS–S 531 Advanced Cataloging (3 cr.) P: S504. Principles, development, characteristics, and internal structures of subject access systems. Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the major classification schemes and current subject heading systems.
    • SLIS–S 532 Information Architecture for the Web (3 cr.) P: S401. Focuses on Web site development. Students study information architecture as an approach for site organization and design, and learn about project management for complex web development tasks. In lab sessions, students work with advanced markup languages and scripting and develop sites, typically for real clients.
    • SLIS–S 533 Online Searching (3 cr.) P: S401 or consent of instructor. Principles, methods, and techniques of advanced online information retrieval (IR). Characteristics of, and search strategies for, the use of bibliographic, referral, citation, fact, numeric, and full text databases and search systems. Considers standards, use of communications software, front-ends and micro-based IR systems, and creation of in- house databases.
    • SLIS–S 534 Information Retrieval: Theory and Practice (3 cr.) Introduces basic information retrieval (IR) theory and examines cutting- edge IR research in order to gain insights into how theory can be applied to practice. After learning about IR models, classification, clustering, Web IR, and fusion IR, students will explore how these IR methods can be employed in working IR systems to enhance the retrieval outcome.
    • SLIS–S 541 Information Policy (3 cr.) Data creation, publication, dissemination, and use occur in a complex social context. Legal and regulatory structures continue to evolve to control these processes. This course explores international and U.S. principles, laws, and regulations affecting the information industry. Focus varies with the topic; for example, copyright of electronic information sources or transborder data flow. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
    • SLIS–S 542 International Information Issues (3 cr.) Comparison of information policies, information standards, and library systems as they affect commercial, scholarly, scientific, and political information contexts.
    • SLIS–S 543 Computer-Mediated Communication (3 cr.) Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is human-to-human interaction via computer networks such as the Internet. This course examines potentials and constraints of several types of CMC, and considers how content and dynamics are influenced by the systems’ technical properties and the cultures that have grown up around their use.
    • SLIS–S 544 Gender and Computerization (3 cr.) This course explores the relationship between information communication technologies (ICTs) and the gender of the people who design, use, administer, and make policy concerning computer systems and computer networks such as the Internet.
    • SLIS–S 551 Library Management (3 cr.) Management and administration of all types of libraries. Covers basics of organizational structure, planning, budget management, human resources issues and skills, and an understanding of the manager in the context of the organization.
    • SLIS–S 552 Academic Library Management (3 cr.) Background and current trends in the management of academic libraries.
    • SLIS–S 553 Public Library Management (3 cr.) Background and current trends in the management of public libraries.
    • SLIS–S 554 Library Systems (3 cr.) P: S401. Principles for the design, selection, implementation, and management of automated systems of all types in libraries, including systems for technical services processing, reference and user services, and management. Focus is on present and future applications of technology in libraries, their technical features, and their implications for library services and management. When possible, some practical experience with a particular application will be provided.
    • SLIS–S 555 Strategic Intelligence (3 cr.) Introduces different concepts of strategic intelligence, and different contexts in which these are applied; the idea of intelligence is not restricted to national security, or corporate competition: it can apply at the level of the individual citizen, company, community, or country.
    • SLIS–S 556 Systems Analysis and Design (3 cr.) This course introduces the basic concepts underlying systems analysis and design, focusing on contextual inquiry/design and data modeling, as well as the application of those analysis techniques in the analysis and design of organizational information systems.
    • SLIS–S 561 User Interface Design for Information Systems (3 cr.) This course focuses on established principles and methods to design effective interfaces for information systems, emphasizing document retrieval, filtering, visualization, correlation, analysis, and research.
    • SLIS–S 571 Materials for Youth (3 cr.) Evaluation and use of books, magazines, recordings, films, radio and television broadcasts, and other sources of information and recreation.
    • SLIS–S 572 Youth Services (3 cr.) P: S571 or consent of instructor. C: S571 or consent of instructor. This course emphasizes the history, philosophy, and description of children and young adult library services. It takes a holistic look at the role of the youth services librarian from planning and evaluation to specific services and programs, and examines the current and future outlook for this type of librarianship. Emphasis is on the public library, but cooperation with appropriate services and programs such as school media centers is also discussed.
    • SLIS–S 573 Education of Information Users (3 cr.) Reviews important educational theories for application to secondary school, college, and university settings which provide training and education programs to teach students skills leading to information literacy. Standards from AASL and ACRL are applied to instructional design and practice including lecture, collaboration with faculty, and evaluation of online tutorials.
    • SLIS–S 574 Information Inquiry for School Teachers (3 cr.) This course is intended to be an opportunity for teachers and future teachers (including school library media specialists as teachers) to practice methods in critically thinking about information/media, and to use that process as a means to teach their students to be critical reviewers and communicators as well.
    • SLIS–S 580 History of Libraries (3 cr.) Development of libraries and information services from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the library in relation to social, economic, cultural, and political trends.
    • SLIS–S 581 Archives and Records Management (3 cr.) Introduces basic theories, methods, and significant problems in archives and records management. The course also discusses how archivists are responding to the challenge of managing and preserving electronic records.
    • SLIS–S 582 Preservation (3 cr.) Examines causes of library and archival materials deterioration. Develops conceptual framework and management perspective for preservation programs using technical standards, program development tools, scientific and administrative research reports, and advocacy literature. Explores the new information technologies and media as both preservation tools and challenges.
    • SLIS–S 583 Rare Book Librarianship (3 cr.) P: Authorization required. Introduction to the development, organization, and operation of rare book libraries and special collections. Includes an overview of the fundamentals of book collecting, both private and institutional, the antiquarian book trade and auction market, and the profession and practice of rare book librarianship.
    • SLIS–S 584 Manuscripts (3 cr.) P: Authorization required. Introduction to the nature, functions, and methodology of the organization and administration of archives and manuscript collections. The course will consist of lectures, discussions, field trips, and special projects.
    • SLIS–S 601 Directed Readings (1–6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Readings and study in any area of library or information science having an extensive literature. A student may enroll for this course twice in the same semester under different instructors. Normally S601 is completed under the direction of a full-time faculty member. Readings done under S601 shall not duplicate the content of any course now in the curriculum of the School of Library and Information Science.
    • SLIS–S 602 Directed Research (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Individual research in a problem in the field of library and information science.
    • SLIS–S 603 Workshop in Library and Information Science (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Group study of specific problems in the library and information field. Generally includes a hands-on element. No more than 6 hours of S603 credit may be used toward the requirements for any SLIS degree.
    • SLIS–S 604 Topics in Library and Information Science (1–4 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Study of specific topics in librarianship and information science. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
    • SLIS–S 605 Internship in Library and Information Science (2–6 cr.) P: Permission of faculty advisor. Graded S/F. Supervised internship in an information management environment. Professionals in library and information management mentor each graduate student. Sixty on-site hours must be completed for each credit earned. Students document their experiences through journals, abstracts of related publications, and a final presentation. Normally, at least 18 credits must be completed before enrollment. Guidelines and placement sites are available on the SLIS Web site.
    • SLIS–S 622 Resources and Services for People with Disabilities (3 cr.) P: S401, S501, or permission of instructor. Access to information is essential for sustained independence of people with disabilities. This course studies materials, services, and assistive technologies to support this access.
    • SLIS–S 623 Genealogy and Local History (3 cr.) P: S501 and S502. Focuses on developing collections and providing reference services in genealogy and local history.
    • SLIS–S 629 Topics in Information Sources and Services (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide the opportunity for greater in-depth study of the information and literature sources related to area studies, specific academic disciplines, and/or specific library patron audiences. Examples include Slavic materials, Latin American bibliography, and international legal bibliography. Depending on the potential market, the demand for knowledge concerning the specific information, literature, and material, and the expertise of available faculty, there is a wide range of possible topics.
    • SLIS–S 631 Advanced Cataloging (3 cr.) P: S504. Provides extensive background in description and access for electronic and non-book resources.
    • SLIS–S 632 Technical Services (3 cr.) P: S551, S552 or S553. Principles of organization and function of library technical services, including acquisition, cataloging, serials, circulation. Special emphasis on research and development in library systems and technology. Includes file organization, documentation system development, analysis, and evaluation for manual, mechanical, and automated applications.
    • SLIS–S 633 Indexing (3 cr.) P: S504 or S515. Theoretical concepts of subject indexing and thesaurus construction for information retrieval. Examines alternative approaches to traditional indexing techniques. Evaluation and use of appropriate computer software.
    • SLIS–S 634 Metadata (3 cr.) P: S503 or S515. Metadata is essential in designing and developing effective knowledge systems; it facilitates resource discovery, database documentation, and recording digital documents’ textual and conceptual histories. This course introduces principles supporting the development and implementation of metadata schemes, focusing on issues of interoperability, internal and external standardization, and evaluation.
    • SLIS–S 635 Ontologies (3 cr.) P: S634 and authorization required. An ontology is a common semantic conceptualization of reality that is shared by members of a knowledge domain; it supports exchange of knowledge among participants. This course explores formal specifications for ontology construction among systems applications and software agents.
    • SLIS–S 636 Semantic Web (3 cr.) Explores the technologies of the semantic web by examining the application of technologies to WWW information delivery and the principles of formal logic and computation guiding their development.
    • SLIS–S 637 Information Visualization (3 cr.) Introduces information visualization, highlighting processes which produce effective visualizations. Topics include perceptual basis of information visualization, data analysis to extract relationships, and interaction techniques.
    • SLIS–S 640 Seminar in Intellectual Freedom (3 cr.) P: 9 cr. of SLIS graduate credit or permission of instructor. Beginning with a history of and alternative philosophical justifications for censorship, the student is introduced to constraints, obligations, and problems relating to intellectual freedom.
    • SLIS–S 641 Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis (3 cr.) Computer-mediated discourse analysis (CMDA), applies theories from linguistic discourse analysis, pragmatics, ethnomethodology, and semiotics in the analysis of discourse-language and language use in computer-mediated communication. This course provides hands-on experience in applying empirical analytical methods, and in interpreting the results.
    • SLIS–S 643 The Information Industry (1–3 cr.) This course examines various aspects of the information industry: products, producers, suppliers, trends, and market opportunities. Focus varies with the topic; for example, structural market characteristics, or technical developments and their impact. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
    • SLIS–S 650 Library Philanthropy (3 cr.) Introduces the role of private giving in support of libraries. Examines personal and corporate philanthropy and their applicability in libraries and information centers.
    • SLIS–S 651 Art Librarianship (3 cr.) P: FINA A575 or consent of instructor. Academic art library administration, collection development, reference services, technical services operations, facilities, and slide and photograph/picture collections will be emphasized.
    • SLIS–S 652 Digital Libraries (3 cr.) P: S532 and authorization required. Examines the design and operation of digital libraries and related electronic publishing practices from a socio- technical perspective. Students develop understanding of major issues, concepts, and trends, enabling them to understand the socio- technical character of digital libraries that can and will be effectively supported and used by various groups.
    • SLIS–S 653 Health Sciences Librarianship (3 cr.) P: S501. C: S501. Health sciences library administration, materials organization, and information services. Emphasis on National Library of Medicine classification, subject headings, printed indexes, and online databases.
    • SLIS–S 654 Law Librarianship (3 cr.) P: S501 or consent of instructor. An introduction to basic legal materials and law librarianship. Primary and secondary resources; indexes; digests and citators; specialized research methods; current developments in automated legal research. History of law libraries in the U.S., their organization and administration. The role of law librarians in law schools and law firms.
    • SLIS–S 655 Music Librarianship (3 cr.) P: MUS M539. Academic music library administration, collection development, technical services operations, record and performing ensemble collections, and reference services will be emphasized.
    • SLIS–S 656 Information Technology Standardization (3 cr.) P: S401. This course will explore advanced topics in XML and related technologies, particularly in the context of XML as a document publishing format. Topics include the separation of content from presentation, the repurposing of digital content, common standards and systems used to publish electronic documents and fundamental technologies underlying digital publishing.
    • SLIS–S 661 Concepts and Contemporary Issues in Human-Computer Interaction (3 cr.) Examines and assesses theoretical approaches developed specifically for understanding the use, informing the design, and assessing the value of information technologies. The course also considers contemporary issues surrounding the situated use of information technologies, such as emotional, embodiment, interpersonal, and social aspects of interaction.
    • SLIS–S 662 Interface Design for Collaborative Information Spaces (3 cr.) Provides an overview of two-dimensional and three- dimensional interface design. Topics covered include task and user analysis, interface goals and design methods, and empirical evaluation.
    • SLIS–S 671 School Media (3 cr.) P: S501 and S571, or consent of instructor. C: S501 and S571, or consent of instructor. Establishes the professional teaching and administrative role of the certified school library media specialist in K-12 settings. Situations are examined that pertain specifically to policy development, budgeting, collection development, instructional design, support staff training, facility design, district supervision, and information networking within the modern school corporation. Students make site visits to leading school information centers, conferences, and media fairs.
    • SLIS–S 672 Seminar on Literature for Youth (3 cr.) P: S571 or consent of instructor. An advanced seminar, addressing such topics as: images of minority groups, societal problems (e.g., poverty and family patterns), or informational needs and materials including access and availability of print, nonprint, and computer resources. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
    • SLIS–S 680 The Book to 1450 (3 cr.) P: Authorization required. Covers the introduction and development of writing and the history of the manuscript and printed book, from their beginnings to approximately the year 1450. Although there will be some coverage of the non-Western book, the emphasis will be on the history of the book in the West.
    • SLIS–S 681 The Book 1450 to the Present (3 cr.) P: Authorization required. A survey of the book from 1450 to the present, with emphasis on the development of the book in the West. Focuses on the physical aspects of the book from the mid-fifteenth through the twentieth centuries, and on some of the many roles of the book in society during this period; also increases awareness of current scholarly trends in the history of the book.
    • SLIS–S 683 Reference Sources for Rare Books (3 cr.) P: S501 or S684. Introduces and evaluates reference sources that are useful in working with rare books in many fields.
    • SLIS–S 684 Descriptive Bibliography (3 cr.) P: Authorization required. The development of the practice of printing, typefounding, and papermaking; the principles and practice of the bibliographical description of printed books, with emphasis on the period to 1880.
    • SLIS–S 685 Electronic Records Management (3 cr.) Addresses the major issues and challenges facing the archival/records management professions in their quest to manage electronic records. Students will study and evaluate the impact automation has had on archival theory and practice, analyzing various models and strategies archivists have developed to manage electronic records.
    • SLIS–S 690 Capstone in Information Architecture Capstone (3 cr.) The capstone course integrates within a single project the theoretical and practical components of the IA certificate program. Working with one of the program co-directors, who serves as the student's project advisor, the student will determine both the scope and extent of the project. The student will publicly present and defend the capstone project upon completion.
    Doctoral Courses
    • SLIS–S 701 Introduction to Doctoral Research in Library and Information Science (3 cr.) Role and function of research in society; history of library and information science scholarship; current need for research in LIS; critical analysis of present state of knowledge in the field; relevant research methodologies; barriers to individual initiatives in research.
    • SLIS–S 702 Doctoral Research Practicum I (2 cr.) P: S701. Student acquires practical hands-on experience with the research process through involvement in a SLIS faculty member’s research project.
    • SLIS–S 703 Doctoral Research Practicum II (2 cr.) P: S701, S702. Student acquires practical, hands-on experience with the research process through involvement in a SLIS faculty member’s research project. The S703 research project should differ substantially from the S702 project with which the student was involved.
    • SLIS–S 706 Introduction to Research (3 cr.) The research process, including concepts, design, conduct, and evaluation. Principles and characteristics of approaches and methodologies relevant to research in the field. Examples of data sources and introduction to methods of statistical description and analysis; ethical issues.
    • SLIS–S 710 Doctoral Research Practicum III (3 cr.) P: S701, S702, S703. The student applies methods of research under the supervision of a SLIS faculty member. The research project may originate with the student or may be one on which the faculty member seeks student assistance.
    • SLIS–S 763 Research Problems and Methods in Information Science (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Study of current problems and methodological approaches in information science research.
    • SLIS–S 764 Seminar in Information Science (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Intensive study of selected topics.
    • SLIS–S 765 Doctoral Research in Information Science (1–6 cr.) Independent research or study. A student may enroll for this course more than once in one semester under different instructors.
    • SLIS–S 790 Dissertation Proposal in Information Science (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Doctoral students develop their plans for theses subject to criticism by other doctoral students and faculty.
    • SLIS–S 799 Ph.D. Thesis (arr. cr.) P: Must have been admitted to candidacy. See advisor for more information.
    • SLIS–G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.) P: Must have 90 credit hours. Please see advisor for more information on Advanced Research.

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