Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Liberal Studies :: LBST

iu south bend bridgeLiberal Studies :: LBST

P Prerequisite :: C Co-requisite :: R Recommended
I Fall Semester :: II Spring Semester :: S Summer Session/s

  • LBST-D 501 Humanties Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the humanities. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated twice for credit.
  • LBST-D 502 Social Sciences Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the social sciences. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated twice for credit.
  • LBST-D 503 Science Seminar (1-4 cr.) An interdisciplinary graduate seminar in the sciences. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated twice for credit.
  • LBST-D 510 Introduction to Graduate Liberal Studies (3-4 cr.) A comprehensive introduction to graduate liberal studies. Explores the cultures of the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Investigates interdisciplinary methodologies. Offers strategies for graduate-level reading, research, and writing for other publics.
  • LBST-D 511 Master of Liberal Studies Humanities Elective (1-4 cr.) P: LBST-D 510 An MLS graduate elective course in the humanities. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit.
  • LBST-D 512 Master of Liberal Studies Social Science Elective (1-4 cr.) P: LBST-D 510. MLS graduate elective course in the social sciences. Topics vary. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.
  • LBST-D 513 Master of Liberal Studies Science Elective (1-6 cr.) P: LBST-D 510. MLS graduate elective course in the sciences. Topics vary. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.
  • LBST-D 514 Study Abroad (3-6 cr.) P: LBST-D 510. In some cases there may be a language prerequisite. This course will enable Master of Liberal Studies students to participate in oversears studies.
  • LBST-D 594 Liberal Studies Directed Readings (1-3 cr.) P: LBST-D 501, LBST-D 502, LBST-D 503, and consent of instructor. Independent study involving systematic schedule of readings sponsored and supervised by a faculty member. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • LBST-D 596 Liberal Studies Independent Research (1-3 cr.) P: LBST-D 501, LBST-D 502, LBST-D 503, and consent of instructor. An independent research project formulated and conducted in consultation with a faculty member and culminating in a final analytical paper. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • LBST-D 600 Public Intellectual Practicum (3 cr.) P: Completion of all M.L.S. coursework. A capstone seminar for the Master of Liberal Studies public intellectual track. Students will study the history of public intellectuals, explore the variety of ways in which they carry out their work and create a portfolio of their own public intellectual work.
  • LBST-D 601 Graduate Project Proposal Seminar (3 cr.) P: Approval of director. Independent study sponsored and supervised by faculty member/committee chair for research/creativity track in which students choose a topic, create a bibliography, write a formal proposal, and defend it before a faculty committee.
  • LBST-D 602 Graduate Project (1-6 cr.) P: LBST-D 601. Independent project work conducted in consultation with a faculty director. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

Click here for the PDF version. Please be aware that the PDF is formated from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.