Dental Hygiene :: DHYG
P Prerequisite :: C Co-requisite :: R Recommended
I Fall Semester :: II Spring Semester :: S Summer Session/s
- DAE-E 351 Advanced Dental Materials Technology for Auxiliaries (1-4 cr.) P: DHYG-H 301. Lecture and laboratory course designed to teach additional concepts of dental materials and their use in intra-oral techniques. Included in instruction in DAU principles.
- DHYG-H 205 Medical and Dental Emergencies (1-2 cr.) A study in emergency situations including predisposing factors, drugs, and treatment to include the support of the cardiopulmonary system.
- DHYG-H 206 General Pathology I (1 cr.) Mechanisms of disease at the cellular, organ and systemic levels with special references to specific disease processes; includes general concepts, terminology and pathology of organ systems. II
- DHYG-H 211 Head and Neck Anatomy (2 cr.) P: DHYG-H 214 or consent of instructor.
A detailed study of the anatomy of the head and neck. Some attention is given to oral embryology and the growth of tooth structure.
- DHYG-H 212 Human Biology 1-First Year (2-4 cr.) Gross and microscopic anatomy, physiology, embryology, and pathology of the human body with special emphasis on the head and neck. I, II
- DHYG-H 213 Human Biology 2-First Year (1-4 cr.) Gross and microscopic anatomy, physiology, embryology, and pathology of the human body with special emphasis on the head and neck. I
- DHYG-H 214 Oral Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology (2-4 cr.)
A study of the morphology, structure, function, and histology and embryology of human and surrounding tissues, including osteology of the maxilla and mandible and nerve and vascular supply of teeth and muscles of mastication. I
- DHYG-H 215 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-First Year (1-2 cr.) P: DHYG-H 213. Actions and uses of drugs and theory of anesthetics; emphasis on drugs used in dentistry. II
- DHYG-H 217 Preventive Dentistry-Second Year (1-2 cr.) Introduction to the philosophy, and need, for preventative dentistry. Emphasis is on concepts and skills of self-motivation, knowledge of dental diseases and abnormalities, application of the principles of fluoridation, nutrition, patient motivation, home care, and other preventative topics. I
- DHYG-H 218 Fundamentals of Dental Hygiene (3-6 cr.) An introduction to the dental and dental hygiene professions including the basic didactic and laboratory/clinic practice for the performance of dental hygiene services. I
- DHYG-H 219 Clinical Practice 1 (3-5 cr.) P: DHYG-H 218. Performance of dental hygiene services in the clinical setting. Performance of dental services in various clinical settings. Included is didactic instruction and clinical application of dental hygiene procedures for providing patient care and an introduction to oral diagnosis. I
- DHYG-H 221 Clinical Dental Hygiene Procedures (1-3 cr.) P: DHYG-H 218. Clinical assignment for instruction and experience in performing dental hygiene services.
- DHYG-H 222 Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene Procedures (1-4 cr.) Clinical application of dental prophylaxis, fluoride application, and dental radiographs, for children and adult patients in a mock dental office setting. Special emphasis on mastery of skills, speed, and accuracy. Instruction in procedures of OSHA and infection control guidelines.
- DHYG-H 224 Oral Histology and Embryology (1 cr.) Study of the histological aspects of the tooth and perodontium; embryologic development of the face and teeth. I
- DHYG-H 240 Introduction to Dental Ethics (1-2 cr.) C: Course is offered only to Dental Hygiene students accepted into the program. This course provides background in ethical issues that impact dental healthcare providers and their patients. Emphasis will be on developing critical thinking skills and evidence-based decision making. Case studies providing examples of legal and ethical issues relevant to dental patient care will be explored. I
- DHYG-H 242 Introduction to Dentistry (1-2 cr.) An overview of the field of dentistry with emphasis on the specialties in dentistry, an introduction to common dental procedures with information a hygienist needs in patient education, as well as issues related to access to dental care and the dental workforce. I
- DHYG-H 250 Local Anesthesia and Pain Control (1-2 cr.) This course addresses coverage management for conscious dental clients. The indications, contraindications, and pharmacology of topical anesthesia, local anesthesia, and nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation used in dentistry will be discussed. Local anesthesia techniques and the administration of nitrous oxygen sedation will be studied.
- DHYG-H 300 Clinical Practice A-S (3-5 cr.) P: DHYG-H 219. Continued performance of dental hygiene services in the clinical setting. Included is didactic instruction and clinical application of dental hygiene services for providing patient care. S
- DHYG-H 301 Clinical Practice 2 (4-5 cr.) P: DHYG-H 219. Continued performance of dental hygiene services in various clinical settings. Included is didactic instruction and clinical application of dental hygiene services for providing patient care. I
- DHYG-H 302 Clinical Practice 3 (3-5 cr.) P: DHYG-H 219. DHYG-H 302 Clinical Practice 3 is a combination of clinical experiences, professional organization activities and community health education. The didactic information obtained through the curriculum is designed to complement student's advanced clinical work and experiences. These experiences will include evaluating patient's nutritional status and identifying treatment modifications necessary for patients with special needs. II
- DHYG-H 303 Radiology (1-3 cr.) The principles of radiation production, theories of radiographic image formation, chemistry of film processing, radiation hygiene and interpretation of finished radiographs are studied in this course. I
- DHYG-H 304 Oral Pathology-Second Year (1-2 cr.) P: DHYG-H 219. Study of common oral lesions, neoplasms, developmental abnormalities, and acquired disorders of the teeth and surrounding tissues. Included are general, dental, and oral pathological processes with emphasis on etiology and clinical manifestations. II
- DHYG-H 305 Radiology Clinic (1-2 cr.) Clinical application of intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs. I
- DHYG-H 306 Radiology Clinic II (1 cr.) Continuation of DHYG-H 305-clinical application of intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs. II
- DHYG-H 307 Radiology Clinic III (1 cr.) Continuation of DHYG-H 306 - clinical application of intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs. II
- DHYG-H 308 Dental Materials (2-3 cr.) Composition, physical, and chemical properties of materials used in dentistry. I
- DHYG-H 309 Practice of Community Dental Hygiene-Second Year (1-3 cr.) P: DHYG-H 347. A supervised field experience in various community settings, including dental health instruction and treatment in schools, and dental health education to community organizations. This course is designed to cover didactic information in the first half of the course to prepare students for the National Board Examination. During this time students are orientated to community fieldwork experiences, with the majority of service hours completed in the latter half of this course. II
- DHYG-H 312 Radiology Lecture II (1 cr.) P: DHYG-H 303. DHYG-H 312 is the continuation of didactic training for the critical evaluation of dental radiographic techniques. Emphasis will be placed on accurate identification of structures on film, mounting of films, and charting from films. I Repeat for total of 2 credits.
- DHYG-H 320 Practice Management, Ethics, and Jurisprudence (1-2 cr.) The study of the organization, administration and prudent operation of professional and financial resources for a successful dental practice in a community. II
- DHYG-H 321 Periodontics (1-2 cr.) P: DHYG-H 219. A study of periodontal disease including the anatomy, classification, etiology, treatment, and relationship to systemic condition. II
- DHYG-H 344 Senior Hygiene Seminar (1-3 cr.) Ethics, jurisprudence, and practice management concepts including a study of state practice acts, dental hygiene employment opportunities, recall systems, and current trends in the dental hygiene profession.
- DHYG-H 347 Community Dental Health (2-5 cr.) A study of public health principles as they relate to dentistry. The students will be introduced to those aspects of public health which enable them to plan, administer and evaluate a dental health program. II
- DHYG-H 400 Evidence-Based Decision Making (3 cr.)
Evidence-based decision making (EBDM) based on scientific evidence, clinical skill and judgment, and individual patient case studies. This approach to evidence-based decision making in oral healthcare will include judicious integration of systematic assessments of scientific evidence. Foundational knowledge to implement future clinical strategies will be discussed. II.
- DHYG-H 410 Management Strategies for the Dental Hygiene Professional (1-3 cr.) This course is centered on the study of practice management principles as they relate to dentistry through the eyes of a dental hygienist. Instruction includes topics in economics, management and employment issues. The development of advanced strategies includes mastering a skill set that allows for the hygienist to integrate and manage current standards of dental hygiene within an interdisciplinary dental team as well as explore alternative career paths. The students will be introduced to principles to plan, administer and evaluate a business practice. Course goals will be accomplished through skill enhancement of communication, teamwork, business and management practices, and patient management.
- DHYG-H 412 Global Health (1-3 cr.) This course examines major global health challenges, programs and policies. Students will be introduced to the world's vast diversity of determinants of health and disease. Students will analyze current and emerging global health priorities, including emerging infectious diseases, poverty, women's and child health, conflicts and emergencies, health inequity, and major global initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion. I
- DHYG-H 415 Communication Skills for the Healthcare Professional (1-3 cr.) This course is a comprehensive yet compact guide to learning essential communication skills that will prepare students for success as healthcare professionals. This class uses a broad range of examples, role plays, and scenarios from virtually every healthcare field, enabling both instructors and students to use it as an essential resource for mastering any area-specific communication skill. I, II
- DHYG-H 444 Bachelor Degree Capstone Course (3 cr.) Capstone course for the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (BSDH). The course is intended to help dental hygiene students plan career strategies beyond the clinician-based oral health care provider model. Students will examine population needs as well as future trends in the dental and dental hygiene professions.
- DHYG-H 495 Clinical Experience in Dental Hygiene (1-6 cr.) This course will award credit through experience to registered dental hygienist's pursuing a Bachelor of Dental Hygiene (BSDH) completion degree.
- DHYG-N 390 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Costa Rica (3 cr.) This course will provide students the opportunity to travel abroad to San Jose and Shiroles, Costa Rica to provide preventive dental care to a population in need.