Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Allied Health :: AHLT

Radiography/Medical Imaging Technology :: AHLT

P Prerequisite :: C Co-requisite :: R Recommended
I Fall Semester :: II Spring Semester :: S Summer Session/s

Note :: Except for AHLT-R 185 Medical Terminology, Allied Health courses are open only to student admitted into the radiography clinical/professional program.

  • AHLT-R 100 Orientation to Radiologic Technology (2 cr.) P: AHLT-R 101, AHLT-R 102, AHLT-R 181. Introduction to the field of radiology and its history. Students learn proper ethical standards, become acquainted with the duties and responsibilities in personal care for the patient, and investigate radiation protection for the patient and personnel.
  • AHLT-R 101 Radiographic Procedures I (3-4 cr.) P: AHLT-R 100, AHLT-R 102, AHLT-R 181. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on the radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skeletal system.
  • AHLT-R 102 Principles of Radiography 1 (3 cr.) P: AHLT-R 100, AHLT-R 101, AHLT-R 181. Basic concepts of radiation, its production, and its interactions with matter. Includes the production of the radiographic image and film processing.
  • AHLT-R 103 Introduction to Clinical Radiography (2 cr.) This course is designed to provide the incoming student radiographer with a basic orientation to imaging profession through video instruction, class discussion and brief exposure to the clinical setting.  This course will also provide the student with instruction in radiation safety, surgical radiography, handling blood borne pathogens, hazardous materials management and TB prevention.  This course will also examine the impact of cultural diversity on the imaging profession and the medical profession as a whole.
  • AHLT-R 181 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.)

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

  • AHLT-R 182 Clinical Experience-Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT-R 201, AHLT-R 202, AHLT-R 250.

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

  • AHLT-R 185 Medical Terminology (2 cr.) This course covers medical terminology, symbols, and abbreviations and the application of this new language in the field of health care. While terms are covered as they relate to body structure and function, the main focus is on medical vocabulary and being able to construct terms using word parts such as roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
  • AHLT-R 200 Pathology (3 cr.) P: AHLT-R 202, AHLT-R 205, AHLT-R 282.

    A survey of the changes the occur in the diseased state to include general concepts of disease, causes of disease, clinical symptoms and treatment, and diseases that affect specific body systems.

  • AHLT-R 201 Radiographic Procedures II (3-4 cr.) P: HLT-R 208, AHLT-R 250, AHLT-R 182. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skull and those requiring the use of contrast media.
  • AHLT-R 202 Principles of Radiography 2 (3 cr.) P: AHLT-R 200, AHLT-R 205, AHLT-R 282. Continuation of R102 with emphasis on the properties that affect the quality of the radiographic image.
  • AHLT-R 205 Radiographic Procedures III (3 cr.) P: HLT-R 200, AHLT-R 202, AHLT-R 282. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on special radiographic procedures and related imaging modalities.
  • AHLT-R 207 Seminar (1-5 cr.) Current topics in radiography.
  • AHLT-R 208 Topics in Radiography (1-4 cr.) P: Prerequisites may exist for some topics. C: AHLT-R 281.

    Selected topics in radiography.

    May be repeated for credit if topics differ.
  • AHLT-R 222 Principles of Radiography 3 (3 cr.) P: AHLT-R 207, AHLT-R 260, AHLT-R 283. Continuation of R202 with emphasis on the application of radiography principles of imaging equipment.
  • AHLT-R 250 Physics Applied to Radiology (2-4 cr.) P: AHLT-R 201, AHLT-R 208, AHLT-R 182. Fundamentals of radiation physics, X-ray generation, and equipment quality control.
  • AHLT-R 260 Radiobiology and Protection (1-3 cr.) P: AHLT-R 207, AHLT-R 222, AHLT-R 283. Study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation and the standards and methods of protection. Emphasis is placed on x-ray interactions. Also included are discussions on radiation exposure standards and radiation monitoring.
  • AHLT-R 281 Clinical Experience-Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT-R 208. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.
  • AHLT-R 282 Clinical Experience IV (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT-R 200, AHLT-R 202, AHLT-R 205. Clinical application of radiographic positioning exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.
  • AHLT-R 283 Clinican Experience V (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT-R 207, AHLT-R 222, AHLT-R 260. Clinical application of radiography positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.
  • AHLT-R 290 Comprehensive Experience (1-8 cr.) P: AHLT-R 208. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Successful completion involves mastery of all clinical aspects of the program. May be repeated for up to 8 credits.
  • AHLT-R 404 Sectional Imaging Anatomy (2-3 cr.) An in-depth study of sectional anatomy pertinent to ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Standard transverse, parasagittal, and coronal planes are included, utilizing images from all three imaging modalities. A discussion of technique, artifacts, and pathology-related alterations of cross-sectional anatomic appearances is included.
  • AHLT-R 405 Advanced Diagnostic Imaging I (3 cr.) Physics and imaging concepts in cardiovascular interventional technology, computed tomography, diagnostic medicalsonogrphy and magnetic resonance imaging. Course will cover contrast media, instrumentation, equipment, principles of technology, as well as environmental and patient safety and comfort issues.
  • AHLT-R 406 Advanced Diagnostic Imaging II (3 cr.) Procedural concepts in cardiovascular interventional technology, computed tomography, diagnostic medical sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Image analysis of normal and abnormal studies will be presented.
  • AHLT-R 407 Seminar (1-5 cr.) Seminar in advanced imaging modalities. Anatomical and procedural instruction concerning the abdomen, pelvis, spine, chest, head, neck and upper and lower limbs (extremities). Specific instruction in pediatric imaging procedural adjustments. Education emphasis throughout the course to be placed on critical thinking responses to procedural challenges. May be repeated for up to 5 credits.
  • AHLT-R 408 Topics in Radiologic Sciences (0.5-4 cr.) Topics in radiologic sciences. Study of selected topics in radiologic sciences. May be repeated for up to 4 credits.
  • AHLT-R 409 Project in Medical Imaging (3 cr.) Independent readings and research on a selected medical imaging topic. A paper in publishable form must be written as part of the project.
  • AHLT-R 434 Ultrasound Physics 1 (3 cr.) This course will cover the Physics of Ultrasound Production and its Practical Application in the Clinical Setting.Participants will integrate course material with Practical aspects of Sonogarphy in their Clinical Experiences. At the Conclusion of the course,the Sonography Student will be better prepared to enter advanced level coursework and Clinical Experience.
  • AHLT-R 482 Clinical Practicum: Computed Tomography (CT) (0.5-12 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of computed tomographic studies. Will allow students the opportunity to acquire clinical skills necessary to obtain high quality CT images, to objectly alter protocols based upon patient pathology or physical condition, and to identify image quality and make appropriate corrections. May be repeated for up to 12 credits.
  • AHLT-R 483 Clinical Practicum: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (0.5-12 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of magnetic resonance imaging studies. Course will give students the opportunity to acquire skills necessary to obtain high quality MRI images, to objectively alter protocols based on patient pathology or physical condition, identify image quality problems and make appropriate corrections. May be repeated for up to 12 credits.
  • AHLT-R 484 Clinical Practicum: Ultrasound (0.5-12 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of ultrasound imaging studies. Will allow students the opportunity to acquire skills necessary to obtain high quality US images, to objectively alter protocols based upon patient pathology or physical conditions, to identify image quality problems and make appropriate corrections. May be repeated for up to 12 credits.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

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