Criminal Justice :: CJUS
P Prerequisite :: C Co-requisite :: R Recommended
I Fall Semester :: II Spring Semester :: S Summer Session/s
- CJUS-K 300 Techniques of Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 14. Credit given for only one of the following: CJUS-K 300, SOC-S 351, ECON-E 270, PSY-P 354, MATH-K 300, or MATH-K 310. Covers the properties of single variables, the measurement of association between pairs of variables, and statistical inference. Additional topics, such as the analyses of qualitative and aggregated data, address specific criminal justice concerns.
- CJUS-P 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Historical and philosophical background, structure, functions, and operation of the criminal justice system in the United States. Introduction to and principles of formal behavior control.
- CJUS-P 200 Theories of Crime and Deviance (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Critical examination of biological, psychological, and sociological theories of crime and deviance. Examination of individual, group, and societal reactions to norm-violating behaviors.
- CJUS-P 290 The Nature of Inquiry (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Introduction to research methodology, nature of scientific inquiry, research design, basic research methods, and presentation of research findings.
- CJUS-P 300 Topics in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Extensive analysis of selected topics and themes in criminal justice. Topics vary each semester; see listing in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for credit 3 times if topics differ.
- CJUS-P 301 Police in Contemporary Society (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Examination of the rules and responsibilities of the police, history of police organizations, relations between police and society, and determinants of police action.
- CJUS-P 302 Courts and Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Structure, organization, composition, functions, and procedures of courts in the United States. Role of lawyers and judges in the criminal justice process.
- CJUS-P 303 Corrections and Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Historical and comparative survey of prison confinement and the various alternatives within the scope of the criminal justice system's policies and methods of implementation.
- CJUS-P 304 Probation and Parole (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Study of probation, parole, and community corrections as subsystems of criminal justice, including the police, courts, and prisons. Theoretical and historical developments will be considered along with current management and research issues.
- CJUS-P 310 Public Safety Operations (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Examination of threats to public safety including natural and man-made disasters and government response at the local, state, and federal level. Threat areas include highway and transportation, criminal threats, consumer protection, and fire control and suppression. The roles of police, fire, health care, and emergency planning organizations will be discussed.
- CJUS-P 315 Corrections and Constitutional Law (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Study of historical and recent court decisions that impact the protection of constitutional rights of correctional populations; special attention will be given to the U.S. Supreme Court decision making process.
- CJUS-P 320 Foundations of Criminal Investigations (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. The pertinence to criminal investigation of physical evidence, people, and documents. Discussion of ethical problems, impact of legal systems on investigative process, and elements of effective testimony. Lectures and case materials.
- CJUS-P 330 Criminal Justice Ethics (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Study of major ethical theories with emphasis on their application to components of the criminal justice system. Personal and professional dilemmas and problem-solving will be emphasized.
- CJUS-P 345 Terrorism (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. A survey of the incidence of terrorism with particular emphasis on public policy responses designed to combat terrorism. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of the criminal justice system in combatting domestic and foreign terrorism.
- CJUS-P 370 Criminal Law (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100 and consent of instructor. Definition of common crimes in the United States and factors involving the application of criminal law as a formal social control mechanism. Behavior-modifying factors that influence criminal liability and problems created when new offenses are defined.
- CJUS-P 375 American Juvenile Justice System (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Structure and operation of the juvenile justice system in the United States, past and present. Analysis of the duties and responsibilities of the police juvenile officer, the juvenile court judge, and the juvenile probation officer.
- CJUS-P 379 International Topics: Terrorism and Political Violence (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. C: Joint listed with POLS-Y 371. This course explores terrorism and political violence in their international dimensions. It analyzes theories of terrorism by looking at the specific cases of terrorists and terrorist groups.
- CJUS-P 410 Analysis of Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100, CJUS-P 200, CJUS-P 290, CJUS-P 301, CJUS-P 302, CJUS-P 303, and CJUS-P 370. Explore crime trends and examine crime policies: includes an integration of content learned in other required criminal justice courses.
- CJUS-P 413 Police-Community Relations (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. Examination of the relations between police and urban communities. Consideration of the social, economic, and political factors that shape these relations and alternative approaches to improving police-community relations.
- CJUS-P 424 Crime Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P 100. This course provides a general introduction to geographic information systems and the application to criminal justice field research with special focus on crime mapping techniques.
- CJUS-P 471 Comparative Study of Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.) P: CJUS-P100, P290, and K300. Comparison of the American criminal justice system with those of other Federated nations and of selected unitary states.