Policies & Procedures
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Academic and Personal Conduct
Indiana University and the School of Education expect students to follow the fundamental principles of academic and personal integrity in the pursuit of learning and behavior.
Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct requires university personnel to report all incidents of academic misconduct to the IU dean of students and expects incidents of personal misconduct such as classroom incivility to be reported. For detailed information about policies and procedures, including due process requirements, refer to the code, especially Part II: Student Responsibilities and Part III: Procedures for Implementation of the Code. Copies of the code can be obtained from the Dean of Students. The code is also accessible at dsa.indiana.edu/Code/index1.html.
School of Education Student Alerts are designed to provide faculty and staff a system to identify student behavior that for nonacademic or dispositional reasons may not be successful in teaching. Students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions expected of beginning teachers. These expectations are set forth by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) and have been adopted by the Indiana Professional Standards Board.
When a student acquires an alert, the Associate Dean for Teacher Education will determine whether a personal meeting with the student is required or whether a professional standards committee composed of faculty should review the student’s case to recommend appropriate action. In most cases, some corrective action will be recommended, although such a review can result in termination of the student from the program. All decisions related to disciplinary action can be appealed by the student to the School of Education’s Grievance Hearing Committee.