Policies & Procedures
Academic Policies
Credit Hour Requirements
Class Standing is based on total credit hours that count toward minimum degree requirements: Freshman 0-25 credit hours; Sophomore 26-55 credit hours; Junior 56-85 credit hours; Senior 86 or more credit hours.
Full-Time/Part-Time Status: Indiana University students are considered full time when they are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours of course work; students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours are considered part-time students. A typical full-time load is approximately 15 credit hours. Students are cautioned to remember that enrollment status can affect financial aid and/or insurance coverage/benefits. Completion of the teacher education programs in four years requires a minimum of 16 credits per semester for most programs.
Credit Hours Required for Graduation: A minimum of 124 credit hours is required for the Bachelor of Science degree. Some education majors require additional credit hours for graduation. Consult an advisor for specific requirements.
Credit by Examination: The school will apply credit earned by departmental examination, College Board Achievement Placement Tests, College Board Advanced Placement Tests, and language placement tests offered by the Bureau of Evaluative Standards and Testing toward appropriate degree requirements. Such credit must be entered on the student’s transcript.
Transfer Credit Hours: Acceptance of credit from other institutions and its applicability toward a degree from Indiana University will be determined by the Office of Admissions. Credit toward the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education may be granted for courses taken at an approved institution provided such courses are equivalent to courses offered at Indiana University. No transfer credit is accepted from any school that is not accredited by a regional accrediting agency. No more than 64 credit hours and no course work at the upper division level (300 or above) earned at a junior or community college will apply toward a degree at Indiana University. No transfer credit will be allowed for work that has earned a letter grade lower than C. No passing grades earned at another institution will be used in computing the grade point average at Indiana University. To maintain the integrity of the teacher education programs, students are strongly urged to complete all professional education requirements on the Bloomington campus.
Note: Unofficial transfer credit evaluations completed by anyone other than the Office of Admissions is not a contract; it is an estimate of whether past coursework and experiences meet current Indiana teaching license requirements. Individual faculty members and advisors do not have the authority to determine program substitutions.
Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Coursework: There are two conditions under which undergraduate students may enroll in graduate courses: (1) Undergraduate students in their junior or senior year may take graduate courses that will count in their undergraduate program if the graduate courses are relevant to their program of study and there is no similar undergraduate course available; and (2) undergraduate students in the last semester of their senior year may take graduate courses that may later be applied to a graduate program. Graduate courses taken prior to the last undergraduate semester may not be applied to a graduate program, and no course may be applied to both an undergraduate and a graduate program. Undergraduate students who meet either of these conditions must, further, have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher, obtain written permission from the course instructor, and obtain the approval of the associate dean for graduate studies. Exceptions may be made for students in the Cultural Projects Program, but must be approved by the director of that program.