Departments & Programs
Fine Arts
Major in History of Art—B.A.
This program is designed to acquaint the student with the major developments in the history of art and the discipline and methods of art history, and to elucidate the work of art within the period and culture in which it was produced.
Required Courses
Students must complete at least 30 credit hours in art history, including the following:
- Two of the following survey courses: A101, A102, A155, and A160.
- 24 credit hours above the 100 level, including at least two courses at the 200–300 level, at least 2 courses at the 300-level, and at least three courses at the 400 level. The 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses must be taught for at least 3 credit hours and must be distributed among at least four of the following different areas of art history: ancient, medieval, Renaissance and baroque, modern, Islamic, Asian, African/Oceanic/pre-Columbian, or art theory. Courses must be completed with a grade of C– or higher.
Students must complete the degree requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences.
A reading knowledge of a foreign language and a minor in the humanities are recommended. Some studio course work is also recommended.
Residence Requirement
At least 18 credit hours of art history must be completed in residence on the Bloomington campus, including two courses at the 300 level and two courses at the 400 level.
Transferred Credit
All art history courses transferred from another institution or campus must be evaluated by the director of undergraduate studies in the Department of the History of Art before they may be applied toward the major.
Limit on Fine Arts Credit Hours
A maximum of 63 credit hours of fine arts courses and a maximum of 42 credit hours in art history will count toward the 120 credit hours required for the B.A. degree.