IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs » Undergraduate » Credit for Law Enforcement Training

Credit for Law Enforcement Training

Sworn full-time police officers who have graduated from any of the five law enforcement academies in Indiana are eligible for 12 undergraduate credit hours from O'Neill. Students can apply these credits towards any of O'Neill's undergraduate degree programs. The course credit is for Criminal Law SPEA-J 301, Criminal Investigation SPEA-J 320 and six hours of Internship in Criminal Justice SPEA-J 380.

To be awarded credits for law enforcement training, you must be admitted to IU Indianapolis and you must have completed at least 12 IU Indianapolis credits with a 2.0 GPA prior to being awarded the law enforcement training credits. Law enforcement training credits will not be awarded until O'Neill verifies that you have successfully completed 12 credits of coursework at IU Indianapolis.

For more information contact O'Neill Student Services at 317-274-4656. Complete an application for credit.