
Curriculum Studies (J)

  • EDUC-J 500 Instruction in the Context of Curriculum (3 cr.) First course for the Master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction. Extends concepts introduced in undergraduate teacher preparation. Topics include conceptions and definitions of curriculum and instruction and their impact on social contexts, learning theories, and schooling practices. Elementary and secondary contexts are studied.
  • EDUC-J 511 Methods of Individualizing Instruction (3 cr.) Student will critically examine several approaches to individualizing instruction.
  • EDUC-J 538 M.S. Practicum/Internship (1-6 cr.) Supervised practice in a school or other approved agency. Includes performance in such roles as curriculum development, program evaluation, action research, staff training and development, consultation, or program development. A comprehensive report involving a systematic analysis of the practicum activity must be completed.
  • EDUC-J 602 Introduction to Curriculum Studies (1-3 cr.) P: Admission to doctoral program or consent of instructor. This seminar will introduce students to the field of curriculum studies. Students will investigate the history of this academic field of study, become familiar with the structures that support the on-going discourses in the field, and explore a variety of conversations currently taking place among curriculum study scholars.
  • EDUC-J 605 Independent Research Experience in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.) P: Y520 or equivalent. Provides doctoral students an opportunity to work closely with faculty in pursuing an individual research project early in their program.
  • EDUC-J 610 Staff Development Issues and Principles (3 cr.) P: Y520 or equivalent Examines staff development issues and practices in elementary and secondary schools, especially as they relate to improvements in curriculum and instruction. Included is a discussion of needs assessment of teachers, goals for staff development programs, models and strategies, obstacles to implementation, and the evaluation of such programs.
  • EDUC-J 620 Leadership Models and Strategies (3 cr.) P: Doctoral or specialist candidate standing or permission of instructor. Includes a comprehensive study of the theory base for leadership, an analysis of leadership processes, an exploration of individual assets and liabilities of leaders, and an examination of leadership in groups.
  • EDUC-J 630 Curriculum Theory and Practice (3 cr.) P: J500 or doctoral student status, or Consent of Instructor. Explores fundamental dimensions of curriculum theory, such as: the social construction of knowledge, curriculum as cultural mindset, political reality, and scholarly discourse. Examines varied ideological orientations to curriculum studies. Introduces basic concepts of curriculum design and provides opportunities for curriculum development.
  • EDUC-J 636 Educational Futures/Curriculum (3 cr.) Investigates the concept of "futures research" and the significance of the future for education. Topics include major problems of the future, probable developments with a bearing on curriculum, curriculum designs and models for the future and related innovation techniques.
  • EDUC-J 637 Curriculum Development Process (3 cr.) The analysis and appraisal of goals and procedures used in creating, evaluating, and improving curricula. Critical consideration of theories, practices, and products of curriculum development.
  • EDUC-J 638 Curriculum/Instruction Practicum (3 cr.) P: Major or cognate field in curriculum or Consent of Instructor. Small-group or individual problem-oriented experiences in curriculum and instruction research, developĀ­ment, and evaluation. May be repeated once.
  • EDUC-J 645 Dialogue and Difference: Ethics, Religion, and Democracy in Education (3 cr.) Educational implications of pervasive moral and ethical disagreements in democratic societies.
  • EDUC-J 650 Independent Study in Curriculum (1-3 cr.) Independent study of a selected topic under the guidance of a faculty member.
  • EDUC-J 655 Seminar in Multicultural and Global Education (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of Instructor. 1) Examine major concepts, theoretical frameworks and educational responses associated with multicultural/global education, 2) heighten cross-cultural awareness, 3) explore possibilities of integrating multicultural/global education into a unified approach for curriculum development and research, 4) enable participants to become leaders of multicultural/global education in their area of expertise.
  • EDUC-J 660 Seminar in the Study of Educational Programs (3 cr.) P: Y520, Y535, or Consent of Instructor. Explores the theoretical principles and field practices involved in the study of educational programs. Students will conduct an exploratory study during the semester. Course may have a topical focus in a given semester.
  • EDUC-J 661 Materials and Methods in Teacher Education (3 cr.) Concentrates on examining and critiquing various materials and methods currently being developed and used in teacher education. A major emphasis is placed on students developing and testing original materials for micro-teaching, simulation, and gaming as well as concept and skill acquisition. Proposals for teacher training programs will also be developed.
  • EDUC-J 664 Contemporary Curriculum Discourses (3 cr.) P: Admission to doctoral program. Critical analysis of selected contemporary curriculum and instructional discourses. Particular attention is given to theorizing during the last 25 years.
  • EDUC-J 670 History of Curriculum Thought in the United States (3 cr.) Examines the history of competing movements in American curriculum thinking and the individuals who created them, with attention to the cultural and institutional context within which they worked. Emphasis is placed on primary source readings and the position of curriculum thinking within an evolving national educational system.
  • EDUC-J 690 Internship in Curriculum (2-5 cr.) For persons about to enter positions as school administrators in charge of curriculum, curriĀ­culum supervisors, directors, or coordinators. Provides direct and supervised experience in the field.
  • EDUC-J 700 Teaching in the Teacher Education (3 cr.) Emphasis on pedagogical methods and student learning styles in higher education, applied to one's current or future course development and instruction. Topics will focus on application of teaching and field supervision methods in the context of literature review, observation, reflection, class discourse, and continual professional development.
  • EDUC-J 705 Seminar: Inquiry in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.) P: Completion of 57 graduate credit hours or permission from the instructor. Intended for students at a stage in their doctoral programs that requires them to begin conceptualizing their own doctoral dissertation research. Emphasis will be on analyzing and synthesizing a body of research in one or more of the specialized fields of study within curriculum and instruction. S/F grading.
  • EDUC-J 710 Paradigms and Programs in Teacher Education (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of teach education paradigms, their underlying ideologies, and their historical and current manifestations. It will also analyze models of teaching and how they relate to alternative paradigms of teacher education.
  • EDUC-J 720 Teacher Education as Occupational Socialization (3 cr.) This course focuses on program components and societal factors that affect the occupational socialization of pre-service teachers. It examines different orientations to occupational socialization, research on how teacher education program components influence pre-service teachers, and the societal forces that affect their socialization.
  • EDUC-J 760 Topical Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Issues: variable title (3 cr.) Intended for advanced graduate students in curriculum and instruction; emphasizes analysis and appraisal of curriculum and reform efforts in terms of persistent, critical issues in education. Opportunities are provided to study trends and issues with reference to various specialties of students enrolled. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
  • EDUC-J 762 Topical Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.) Intensive study and discussion of current topics selected from the general area of curriculum and instruction. Areas might include teacher preparation, international perspectives, educational computing, or program assessment. Opportunities provided for participant inquiry from the specialized perspective of students enrolled. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
  • EDUC-J 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (1-3 cr.) P: J705. C: J705. This course is for the development of a dissertation proposal in curriculum and instruction. Students must have the consent of a dissertation director or prospective director to enroll. Students should be finished or nearly finished with program course work.
  • EDUC-J 799 Doctoral Thesis in Curriculum and Instruction (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.

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