Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
M.S.Ed. in International and Comparative Education
This master's degree program is available at Bloomington. Many of the courses in this specialization provide students with the opportunity to inquire into the relationship of education to the economic, social, political, and cultural developments that shape national and regional systems of schooling.
In addition, students may receive credit for relevant international travel and study as well as research and practicum experiences within the state and nation through a series of activities and projects with United States educational organizations and foreign governments. The degree requires 36 hours of coursework.
Degree Requirements
Basic Core Requirement (9 cr.)
- H551 Comparative Education I (3 cr.)
- H552 Comparative Education II (3 cr.)
- H637 Topical Seminar (3 cr.)
Specialized Studies in Educational Foundations Requirement (9 cr.)
Choose two or three of the following courses:
- A630 Economic Dimensions of Education (3 cr.)
- H504 History of American Education (3 cr.)
- H520 Education and Social Issues (3 cr.)
- H525 Anthropology of Education (3 cr.)
- H530 Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)
- H540 Sociology of Education (3 cr.)
- H620 Seminar in Educational Policy Studies (3 cr.)
Or one of the following courses:
- H553 Travel Study (1-6 cr.)
- H590 Independent Study or Research in History/Philosophy/Comparative Education (1-3 cr.)
Concentration Requirements (9 cr.)
With the advisor, the student selects three courses that form a coherent concentration pertinent to the student’s specific interests in comparative and international education or the application of comparative methods to the study of education (for example, African studies, curriculum, East Asian studies, higher education, language education).
Courses in the concentration may be selected from those offered by any appropriate unit in the university, but in planning the concentration; students are particularly encouraged to include courses outside the School of Education.
Inquiry Requirements (3 cr.)
One course in educational inquiry methodology, selected with the advisor. These are usually Y-prefix courses in the School of Education, but they may include approved inquiry courses outside the School.
Elective Requirements (6 cr.)
Should the student choose to complete a master’s thesis, six credits of H599 Master’s Thesis should be taken to meet the elective requirement. Those who choose not to complete a thesis should take elective courses with the consent of their advisor.