
Reserve Officers Training Program

The educational program of Indiana University Southeast includes the Air Force (AFROTC) and Army (ROTC) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs. Courses for IU Southeast students are held on the Belknap campus of the University of Louisville under the auspices of the Metroversity Program.  This is a non-degree program

General Qualifications

Any student, regardless of sex, race, or ethnic background, is eligible for the AFROTC or ROTC if he or she is:

  • a citizen of the United States (noncitizens may enroll but must obtain citizenship prior to their junior year)
  • of sound physical condition
  • of sound moral character
  • able to complete all commissioning requirements before age 30 (may be waived to age 35)
  • a full-time student

Air Force

Dougherty Hall University of Louisville

Phone: (502) 852-6576

If you are a full-time student, there is no cost for enrollment in the AFROTC program other than tuition of the university. The AFROTC furnishes uniforms and AFROTC textbooks. Veterans Affairs benefits may be continued while in the AFROTC program.  Membership in a Reserve or National Guard Unit does not prevent enrollment in the AFROTC program. Married students are eligible.

AFROTC is designed to be a four-year program.  However, the ROTC curriculum can be compressed in some cases allowing students to join as late as their sophomore year.  Students in ROTC must enroll in the appropriate Aerospace Science courses.  Freshmen and sophomores will enroll Aerospace Science A 101 and A 151 or A 201 and A 251. There is no other application procedure. Enrolling in these courses does not incur a military obligation. During the first two years, the student attends class for one hour and leadership laboratory for two hours each week, earning 2 credit hours per semester. After successfully completing the sophomore year and a four-week summer field training program, the qualified cadet will gain entry into the Professional Officer Course.

Professional Officer Course (POC) is designed for juniors and seniors.  Students must serve 4 semesters as a POC member in order to meet AFROTC requirements.  As a POC member the student attends class three hours a week and leadership laboratory for three hours a week, earning 3 credit hours per semester. While a member of the POC, the cadet receives $300-$600 per month tax free each academic year and, in some cases, a full scholarship. Upon completion of degree that student will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.

Field training is offered during the summer months, normally between the sophomore and junior year, at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The major areas of study include officer training, aircraft orientation, career orientation, survival training, physical training, base functions, and Air Force environment. Travel to and from the encampment is paid, as well as all expenses for room and board. Additionally, the student is paid for the encampments.


Scholarships are available to highly qualified students. Scholarships cover full tuition, laboratory expenses, incidental fees, and books. Scholarship cadets also receive $300-$600 per month tax free. Students who are not on scholarship when they first enter college may qualify for a scholarship while attending college. Interested students should contact the AFROTC office at (502) 852-6576 or by e-mail at airforce@louisville. edu Students may also visit the AFROTC offices in Dougherty Hall, University of Louisville, or the Web page.


Room 209 Dougherty Hall

University of Louisville

Louisville, KY 40292

Phone: (502) 852-7902

The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program provides students in any academic discipline an opportunity to develop leadership and management skills and obtain a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army.

The Army ROTC program is traditionally a four-year program. The first two years of the program comprise the Basic Course. This includes classroom studies in such subjects as military history, leadership development, and national defense. Students may enroll in the first two years of the program without incurring any future military obligation (non-scholarship). ROTC books and uniforms are provided. In lieu of the Basic Course, students may qualify for the Advanced Course if they are prior service member and have completed basic training or attend Cadet Initial Entry Training during the summer before they begin their junior year.

The Upper Division ROTC classes are normally taken in the junior and senior years. Students contract with ROTC and receive a stipend of $450-500 per academic month. Enrollment in the Upper Division will enable students to continue to sharpen their management skills and teach new ROTC students the skills that have been learned in the Basic Course. Between the junior and senior years, students attend the ROTC Advanced Camp. Students who have completed the Army ROTC program will be ready to become commissioned officers in the U.S. Army upon graduation from college.

Army ROTC awards three and four-year National Scholarships to high school seniors and two and three- year campus-based scholarships that pay for tuition and fees, plus a $600 per semester allowance for books and a monthly stipend of $300Fr/350So/450Jr/500Sr. Students may also receive tuition-remission grants.

All Army ROTC courses are conducted at the University of Louisville, Belknap Campus, in Dougherty Hall. Contact the IU Southeast registrar for further guidance to sign up for this Metroversity program. Interested students should also contact the enrollment officer at the University of Louisville, (502) 852-7902, for the latest program information.

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