


All students entering the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program must have completed a bachelor’s degree prior to enrolling.  Previous equivalent coursework can fulfill some of the course requirements for this certificate. No more than two previous courses can double-count with the Principles of Entrepreneurship section.  Beyond two courses, students must take additional electives (9 additional hours required for the program).

Specific Requirements

To earn the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Entrepreneurship, students must:

  1. Successfully complete five of the courses listed below with at least a C-, and
  2. Successfully complete at least four of the courses listed below at IU Southeast after completion of an undergraduate degree.

Principles of Entrepreneurship
Complete the following 4 courses (12 credit hours):

  • BUS-W 211 Contemporary Entrepreneurship
  • BUS-W 311 New Venture Creation
  • BUS-W 406* Venture Growth Management
  • BUS-M 300 or 301 Introduction to Marketing or Introduction to Marketing Management

Choose one course (3 credit hours) from the following:
With consent of advisor, appropriate business courses can be substituted for those listed below for business graduates.

  • BUS-F 260 Personal Finance
  • BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business
  • BUS-W 301 Principles of Management
  • BUS-W 320 Leadership and Ethics
  • BUS-M 330 Consultative Selling
  • BUS-M 405 Consumer Behavior
  • ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics
  • BUS-M 415 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • BUS-E 560** Venture Growth Management

*BUS-W211 and W311 must be taken before BUS-W406

** Special permission will be granted for entry into the E560 class for those seeking the Post-Bacc Certificate in Entrepreneurship.

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