
School of Education

Unit Performance Assessment

Recognizing the importance of an organized and ongoing assessment of candidate achievement and program improvement, the School of Education has developed a unit assessment system. Knowledge, skills, and dispositions expected of candidates have been identified and are assessed at certain decision points in each program. Assessment allows the School of Education to make improvements in program structures, course content, and pedagogy. This assessment system also provides candidates with periodic indications of their performance relative to standards and allows the School of Education to evaluate their competencies.

Learning Goals

Master of Science in Elementary and Secondary Education

  1. Educators are committed to students and their learning (from NBPTS Proposition 1).
  2. Educators know they subjects they teach and know how to teach their subjects to their students (from NBPTS Proposition 2).
  3. Educators are responsible for monitoring student learning (from NBPTS Proposition 3).
  4. Educators think systematically about their practice and learn from experience (from NBPTS Proposition 4).

Master of Science in Counseling

  1. Candidates will use multiple sources of school and student performance data to determine annual school counseling program/student outcome goals AND to design developmentally appropriate direct and indirect student services and research based techniques, to systemically implement the school counseling curriculum to all students in order to meet these outcome goals, close the achievement and opportunity gaps, and improve student achievement, attendance & discipline (Standards 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.4; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
  2. Candidates will utilize appropriate counseling and communication strategies, relying on a strength-based and solution focused perspective, and counseling and educational methods & techniques to work effectively with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and all stakeholder to help remove barriers and promote success for all students (Standards 2.1, 2.2; 2.3)
  3. Candidate can describe the evolution of the school counseling profession, the organizational, structure, governance and evolution of the American education system as well as the cultural and political and social influences on current educational practices and on individual and collective learning environments (Standards 1.1, 1.2)
  4. AND design a comprehensive school counseling program based on the ASCA National Model, the ASCA mindsets and Behaviors for student success AND relevant state standards, to promote student growth and equity and student academic, personal/social, & college, career & life success. (Standards 1.2; 4.1; 4.2; 5.1)
  5. Candidates will continuously evaluate the effectiveness of their comprehensive school counseling program and student progress, using multiple sources of data and appropriate technology to track student progress and program effectiveness, will report program effectiveness to all relevant stakeholders and will make purposeful revisions to the program based on these results (Standards 5.2; 5.3).
  6. Candidates can accurately describe and explain the appropriate role for the school counselor, particularly as it relates to referring students and families to external resources, school leadership, advocacy for students, collaboration with all school professionals, community and parents and students to create learning environments that promote equity and student success and well-being (Standards 1.2; 4.2; 4.3; 6.1; 6.2
  7. Demonstrate professional behavior by describing and adhering to all state and federal law & district policies, following ethical behaviors as outline by ASCA, engage in continuous professional development, seek consultation and supervision to ensure and maintain professional behavior. (Standards 6.3; 7.1; 7.2; 7.3)
  8. Candidates can describe aspects of human development, such as cognitive, language, social/emotional, and physical development, as well as the impact of environmental stressors and societal inequities on learning and life outcomes (Standard 1.3)

Master of Science Educational Technology for Learning

  1. Design, support, and facilitate inclusive and accessible K-12 educational learning environments with technology (e.g. culture, ability, language, background).
    • Synthesize research in the field of educational technology to develop deeper knowledge and work within frameworks of understanding innovative practices, their strengths and weaknesses, and their opportunities and barriers in a K-12 setting.
    • Evaluate and utilize technology tools and resources for K-12 learning, including social media.
    • Design K-12 curriculum for different methods such as student-centered learning drawing upon a wide range of educational purposes including building deeper understandings, practicing skills, and working for social justice.
    • Design technology-integrated instruction that promotes digital citizenship, media literacy, and computational thinking.
    • Design, develop, and evaluate instruction to facilitate learning in K-12 face-to-face and online environments.
  2. Develop the skills and dispositions to become a leader in incorporating technology into K-12 learning environments.
    • Formulate a rationale/vision for infusion of technology into K-12 learning environments based on established educational theory and research for a range of educational purposes including building deeper understandings, practicing skills, and working for social justice.
    • Make use of a range of data to inform the evaluation and revision of technology-rich learning environments.
    • Participate in and document involvement in collaborative, reflective learning communities.
    • Build appropriate activities and tools for professional development and program evaluation.
      • Conduct needs assessments to inform the content and delivery of technology-related professional learning programs that result in a positive impact on student learning.
      • Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment.
      • Model technology-enhanced learning experiences using a variety of research-based, student-centered instructional strategies and assessment tools to address the diverse needs and interests of all students.
      • Evaluate results of professional learning programs to determine the effectiveness of deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning.

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