
School of Natural Sciences


Nutrition, medicine, energy sources and alternatives, rocket fuels, biological research—these are just a few of the endless areas touched by the discipline we call chemistry. Chemistry is defined as "the study of matter," and that makes the importance, relevance and scope of the subject as far-reaching as matter itself. Chemistry is not only concerned with the basic structures and properties of material substances, but also with the changes that occur as matter is transformed from one state to another and as one substance is changed into a variety of new and different substances.


Graduate Degrees

Graduate Certificates

Program Information

Learning Goals

Master of Arts for Teachers in Chemistry

  • Demonstrate the ability to break down and analyze chemical concepts and processes.
  • Demonstrate an achievement of breadth of knowledge across a selection of sub disciplines in Chemistry.
  • Design assignments to teach relevant chemical concepts.
  • Retrieve information from the chemical literature.
  • Communicate understanding of literature.
  • Develop methodological approaches and solve problems.
  • Critically analyze a journal article.
  • Analyze processes in everyday life using chemical principles.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and other cultures outside the scientific community.
  • Evaluate chemistry-related press releases and news media for veracity and best practices in research.
  • Engage in the development of rigorous curriculum planning and design.
  • Promote college-level study skills and habits of mind.
  • Use assessment data to inform college-level instructional practices.
  • Prepare dual-credit students for success in college-level assessments
  • Conduct research to improve dual-credit instruction.

Graduate Certificate in Chemistry

  • Demonstrate the ability to break down and analyze chemical concepts and processes.
  • Demonstrate an achievement of breadth of knowledge across a selection of sub disciplines in Chemistry.
  • Design assignments to teach relevant chemical concepts.
  • Retrieve information from the chemical literature.
  • Communicate understanding of literature.
  • Develop methodological approaches and solve problems.
  • Critically analyze a journal article.
  • Analyze processes in everyday life using chemical principles.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and other cultures outside the scientific community.
  • Evaluate chemistry-related press releases and news media for veracity and best practices in research.

Admission Requirements

Academic Bulletins

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