
Bloomington Campus

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs

Core Requirements

The following six courses are required for all Public Affairs students:

SPEA-M 772 Public Organization and Management II (3 cr.)
SPEA-P 790 Seminar in Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA-P 710 Topics in Public Policy - Microeconomics for Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 706 Statistics for Research in Public Affairs I (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 707 Statistics for Research in Public Affairs II (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 780 Research Design and Methods in Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Students must take these six courses during their first year in the program.

In addition to the six courses listed above, the following two courses are required for all Public Affairs students:

  • SPEA-V 721 Seminar in Teaching Public and Environmental Affairs (2 cr.) This course prepares students for college teaching and their professional responsibilities toward current and future students. It is taken in the student’s second year in the program.
  • SPEA-P 791 Workshop in Public Policy (0 -1 cr.) Each student is required to take this zero to one-credit hour course for credit for three semesters. The workshop provides an experiential base that prepares students to critique research in the field, prepare manuscripts for publication, and to defend new ideas and theories. The course meets once a week for 90 minutes.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

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