
Nonprofit Management

(15 credit hours) The nonprofit management concentration equips students with the skills to effectively manage and lead nonprofit organizations through a local grounding in the legal structure and functions of nonprofits, and to apply the analytic and managerial tools that support effective nonprofit operation. Students may not use MPA core courses to fulfill concentration requirements.

Required Courses (6 credit hours)
SPEA-N 521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

In consultation with a concentration advisor, select three courses (9 credit hours) from the following lists. At least 1 course must come from Group I (nonprofit management). Up to 3 courses may come from Group I (nonprofit management). Up to 2 courses may come from Group II (additional management skills). Only 1 course may come from Group III (nonprofit areas). Relevant substitutions may be made in Groups II and III with a faculty advisor’s approval.

Electives (9 credit hours)

Elective Group I - Nonprofit Management: At least 1-3 nonprofit management courses may count toward the three electives.

SPEA-F 526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 523 Civil Society and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 534 NGO Management for International Development (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 557 Proposal Development and Grant Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA-N 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 559 Principles and Practices of Social Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
LAW-B 569 Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
LAW-B 761 Law and Philanthropy (3 cr.)

Elective Group II - Additional Management Skills: In consultation with a concentration advisor, up to two additional management skills courses may count toward the three electives. Substitutions can be made with a faculty advisor's approval.

SPEA-I 515 Data Science for Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA-I 516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 652 Managing Work Force Diversity in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 654 Public Program Management and Contracting (3 cr.)
SPEA-M 662 Seminar in Accountability and Performance (3 cr.)
SPEA-P 541 Benefit Cost Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA-P 562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Elective Group III - Nonprofit Areas: In consultation with a concentration advisor, one course in a nonprofit area may count toward the three electives.

AADM-Y 500 Cultural Districts and Local Arts Policy (3 cr.)
AADM-Y 511 Performing Arts Center Management (3 cr.)
AADM-Y 525 Museum Management (3 cr.)
AADM-Y 559 Public Policy and the Arts (3 cr.)
SPEA-D 573 Development Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA-D 576 Approaches to Development (3 cr.)
SPEA-D 577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA-D 669 Economic Development, Globalization and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
SPEA-H 549 Health Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA-L 568 Management of Local Government Services (3 cr.)
SPEA-L 622 Local Economic Development (3 cr.)
SPEA-R 563 Sustainability in a Tri-sectoral World ( 3 cr.)
SPEA-S 515 Sustainable Communities (3 cr.)

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