Divison of Curriculum, Leadership and Instruction
The Division encompasses areas of teaching, including Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education.
Elementary Education
- The Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education provides coursework and field experiences to prepare future teachers to meet the needs of students in today’s schools. Candidates who successfully complete the elementary program will be licensed to teach at the early childhood and middle childhood developmental levels, grades kindergarten through six.
- The Master of Science in Education in Unified Elementary and Secondary K-12 Program is a contemporary program with a strong focus on literacy and English language learners. This advanced degree is a cohort-based, 30 credit hour, hybrid program. In each of two summers, graduate students will meet on campus to explore topics in education in a seminar of readings and discussions based on “Best Practices” in the classroom During the fall and spring semesters, students will take online or hybrid courses. The program is for individuals who are currently teaching and want to advance their professional knowledge and skills to meet the needs of today’s classroom
Secondary Education
Candidates at both the undergraduate and graduate level may seek licensure in the following content areas: Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, English/Language Arts, Life Science (Biology), Mathematics, Physical Science, Physics, Social Studies (including Historical Perspectives, Sociology, Economics, Government/Citizenship, and/or Psychology), and World Languages (French, German, and Spanish).
- Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science | Earth and Space Science | English/Language Arts | Mathematics | Physical Science | Physics | Social Studies
The Masters of Science in Education Unified Elementary and Secondary K-12 Program is a contemporary program with a strong focus on literacy and English language learners. This advanced degree is a cohort-based, 30 credit hour, hybrid program. In each of two summers, graduate students will meet on campus to explore topics in education in a seminar of readings and discussions on based on “Best Practices” in the classroom. During the fall and spring semesters, students will take online or hybrid courses. The program is for individuals who are currently teaching and want to advance their professional knowledge and skills to meet the needs of today’s classrooms.
Foundations of Education
Special Education
The special education program at Indiana University South Bend prepares individuals to teach students with disabilities in the P-12 setting. The undergraduate and graduate programs emphasize the knowledge, dispositions, and skills required of special education teachers. These programs incorporate the performance standards of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) , the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), and Indiana’s developmental standards. The special education programs are performance-based, and students’ progress in acquiring knowledge, demonstrating skills, and exhibiting appropriate dispositions are assessed throughout their teacher education programs.
- Bachelor of Science in Education in Special Education
- Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education in P-12 Special Education, Mild Interventions