Bachelor of Science in Education/Mathematics
Pictured | Robby Pope | Bachelor of Science in Education, Secondary Education, Mathematics | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Bachelor of Science in Education/Mathematics
The Bachelor of Science in Education with a specialization in Secondary Education Mathematics prepares graduates to teach a broad range of mathematics in grades 5-12. The program is aligned with the developmental and pedagogical standards for both the middle school/junior high and high school levels as defined by the Indiana Department of Education.
Programs are aligned to standards for the related Special Professional Associations (SPAs).
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.
Questions about advising? Email or call (574) 520-4550.
Degree Requirements
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Students receiving the Bachelor of Science in Education, Secondary Education (Physics) must complete 120 total credit hours including:
- IU South Bend Campuswide General Education Curriculum (33 cr.) to include:
- Writing | ENG-W 131
- Oral Communication | EDUC-F 201 and EDUC-F 202
- Quantitative Reasoning | MATH-M 215
- Critical Thinking | ENG-W 270
- Human Behavior and Social Institutions | EDUC-P 250
- Global Cultures | EDUC-E 201
- Diversity in United States Society | EDUC-H 340
- Computer Literacy | EDUC-W 200
- Major Professional Requirements (24 cr.)
- Student Teaching Requirements (12 cr.)
- Math Content Requirements (44 cr.)
- Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) Requirements (2 cr.)
- Electives (5 cr.)
- To be admitted into the Teacher Education Program (TEP), students must have an overall GPA of 2.75 and satisfactory professional disposition evaluations.
- Students must also have successfully completed EDUC-F 201, EDUC-F 202, EDUC-H 340, EDUC-M 314, EDUC-P 250, ENG-W 131, and MATH-M 215 with a grade of C or above in each class.
- All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
Major Professional Requirements (24 cr.)
- COAS-Q 110 Introduction to Information Literacy (1 cr.)
- EDUC-K 205 Introduction to Exceptional Children
- EDUC-K 306 Teaching Students with Special Needs in Secondary Classrooms
- EDUC-M 301 Laboratory/Field Experience (1 cr.)
- EDUC-M 314 General Methods for Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers
- EDUC-M 401 Laboratory/Field Experience (1 cr.)
- EDUC-M 457 Methods of Teaching Senior/Junior High/Middle School Mathematics
- EDUC-M 464 Methods of Teaching Reading
- EDUC-P 407 Psychological Measurement in the Schools
- EDUC-P 475 Adolescent Development and Classroom Management
Student Teaching Requirements (12 cr.)
- EDUC-M 420 Student Teaching Seminar (2 cr.)
- EDUC-M 480 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (10 cr.)
Math Content Requirements (44 cr.)
- CSCI-B 100 Problem Solving Using Computers (4 cr.)
- MATH-M 215 Calculus I (5 cr.)
2 credits apply toward Major Concentration; 3 credits apply toward General Education Curriculum - MATH-M 216 Calculus II (5 cr.)
- MATH-M 260 Combinatorial Counting and Probability
- MATH-M 261 Statistical Inferences
- MATH-M 301 Linear Algebra and Applications
- MATH-M 311 Calculus 3
- MATH-M 312 Calculus 4
- MATH-M 391 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
- MATH-M 403 Introduction to Modern Algebra I
- MATH-M 405 Number Theory
- MATH-M 447 Mathematical Models/Applications 1
- MATH-N 390 The Natural World
VT: Mathematics as a Human Activity - MATH-T 336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) Requirements (2 cr.)
- Any approved HPER courses (2 cr.)
Elective Requirement (5 cr.)
- The Secondary Education Math major requires five elective credits. Please see your advisor regarding approved electives.