Pictured | Melissa Goodrich | Bachelor of General Studies, Arts and Humanities / Minors in Foundations of Education and History | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Minor in Foundations of Education
The Minor in Foundations of Education an 18 credit hour program designed for individuals who are interested in careers related to education, but not requiring state licensure, or for individuals who find the minor more compelling than other minors offered across the campus. Additionally, education majors who decide to transfer to another degree program could undertake the coursework to complete a minor to satisfy graduation requirements.
Students wishing to complete the minor must complete the Declaration of Minor form with the Office of Education Advising. School of Education majors may not use the Minor in Foundations of Education to fulfill the requirement for a concentration.
Students in other programs may use the minor to fulfill their graduation requirements for other degrees. Students should check with their academic units for grade requirements for minors in their program.
For course enrollment and advising assistance, contact the Education Advising Office, Education and Arts 2200 or phone (574) 520-4845.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in one.iu.edu. For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.
Questions about advising? Email sbadvise@iu.edu or call (574) 520-4550.
Requirements (15 cr.)
All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted
- EDUC-F 201 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (2 cr.)
- EDUC-F 202 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Field Experience (1 cr.) 2, 3
- EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture 3
- EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology
- EDUC-W 200 Using Computers in Education 1
Select one of the following:
- EDUC-M 311 Methodology for Kindergarten/Elementary Teachers 3, 5
- EDUC-M 314 General Methods for Senior High-Junior High/Middle School Teachers 3, 5
1. It is recommended that students have access to a laptop computer.
2. Includes a required 30-hour field experience in a local school setting of a diverse nature. Students are placed for the field experience; they do not secure their own placements.
3. EDUC-W 200 Using Computers in Education and EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology are prerequisites for this course.
4. Taken concurrently with either EDUC-M 311 Methodology for Kindergarten/Elementary Teachers or EDUC-M 314 General Methods for Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers.
5. Taken concurrently with EDUC-W 310 Integrating Technology K-12.