School of Social Sciences
Psychology (Bachelor of Arts)
Mission/Vision Statement
Faculty of the Psychology Program is dedicated to providing our students with an exemplary educational foundation that will enable them to pursue their career goals and to be educated members of our society. The Psychology Program has developed a challenging curriculum where students develop the knowledge base and skills that today's employers demand and are necessary for the continuation of their education, such as written and oral communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.
Degree/Certificate Requirements
See “General Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees at IU Southeast” and “General Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree.”
General Education Component
Note: This is not a re-statement of the University’s General Education Requirement but a list of specific General Education courses which are also requirements or pre-requisites for course work in the school/major.
- MATH-A 118 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Biological Sciences
- MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
Major Specific Requirements
35 credit hours including:
PSY-P 101
PSY-P 102
PSY-P 199 Majors should take this course within their first 60 hours.
PSY-P 341 & P342 (This is a two-semester course. The grade for this course will be given after completion of both semesters. PSY-P 342 fulfills the research writing requirement for psychology majors.)
PSY-B 452
One of the “psychology as an experimental science” group: PSY-P 325; PSY-P 326; PSY-P 329; PSY-P 335; PSY-P 407; PSY-P 408; PSY-P 411; PSY-P 417; PSY-P 418; PSY-P 461.
One of the “psychology as a social science” group: PSY-B 310; PSY-B 354; PSY-B 388; PSY-P 305; PSY-P 319; PSY-P 320.
One of the “psychology as an applied science” group: PSY-B 366; PSY-B 378; PSY-B 386; PSY-P 324; PSY-P 336; PSY-P 363; PSY-P 430.
9 hours of electives in Psychology. Only 6 hours from COAS-S 399, PSY-P 493, PSY-P 494, and PSY-P 495 may be used for completing the requirements for the psychology major or minor.
- PSY-P 101 Introductory Psychology 1
- PSY-P 102 Introductory Psychology 2
- PSY-P 199 Planning your Psychology Career
- PSY-P 341 Research and Quantitative Methods in Psychology I
- PSY-P 342 Research and Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
- PSY-B 452 Seminar in Psychology
One from the "Psychology as an experimental science" group
- PSY-P 325 Psychology of Learning
- PSY-P 326 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSY-P 329 Sensation and Perception
- PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology
- PSY-P 407 Drugs and the Nervous System
- PSY-P 411 Neural Bases of Learning and Memory
- PSY-P 417 Animal Behaviour
- PSY-P 418 Behavior Genetics
- PSY-P 461 Human Memory
- PSY-P 408 Brain and Cognition
One from the "Psychology as a social science" group
- PSY-B 310 Life Span Development
- PSY-B 354 Adult Development and Aging
- PSY-B 388 Human Sexuality
- PSY-P 305 Psychology and Culture
- PSY-P 319 Psychology of Personality
- PSY-P 320 Social Psychology
One from the "Psychology as an applied science" group
- PSY-B 379 Industrial/ Organizational Psychology
- PSY-B 386 Introduction to Counseling
- PSY-P 324 Abnormal Psychology
- PSY-P 336 Psychological Tests and Individual Differences
- PSY-P 430 Behavior Modification
- PSY-P 363 Psychology and Schools
9 hours of electives in Psychology. Only 6 hours from COAS-S 399, PSY-P 493, PSY-P 494, and PSY-P 495 may be used for completing the requirements for the psychology major or minor.
- PSY-B 452 Seminar in Psychology