
School of Natural Sciences

Informatics (Bachelor of Science)

Students who successfully complete the Bachelor of Science in Informatics will have a sound understanding of Informatics and will wield a broad range of informatics skills to approach and synthesize information, and develop creative Informatics solutions.  The students will also be conversant in both oral and written forms of interdisciplinary communication to facilitate the application of theory and methods to the socio-technical problems facing society today.



Degree  Program Admission Requirements

To be fully admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Informatics degree program, students must meet the School of Natural Science's admission requirements and complete INFO-I 101 (Introduction to Informatics) with a grade of C or better.

General Education Component

All students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Informatics must complete the campus General Education Core Requirements.  See General Education Component for all IU Southeast Baccalaureate Degrees for a complete listing of requirements.

Core Program

All courses listed below require a grade of C or better.  Courses marked with an asterisk (*) can be used to satisfy a General Education Core Requirement.

Technical Writing Requirement

  • ENG-W 234* Technical Report Writing

Information Technology Fluency Requirement

  • INFO-I 110 Basic Tools of Informatics I - Programming Concepts
  • INFO-I 111 Basic Tools of Informatics I - Introduction to Databases 

Choose one option set from the following two options.  Note: The course sets in the options cannot be mixed and matched.  Students must select and complete an option in its entirety.

  • INFO-I 330 Legal and Social Informatics of Security AND
  • INFO-I 427 Search Informatics


  • CSCI-N 341 Introduction to Client-side Web Programming AND
  • CSCI-N 342 Server-side Programming for the Web

International Dimension

Choose from one of the following options:

  1. Three semesters in the same foreign language, or demonstrated equivalent proficiency.
  2. An international experience approved by the program director.
  3. Two courses from the IU Southeast Informatics International Dimension list, displayed below. Note: Some of these courses will not fufill other General Education requirements. See to see if additional course options have been added since publication of this Bulletin.
  • FINA-A 150 African, New World and Oceanic Art
  • HIST-F 100 Issues in Latin American History
  • HIST-F 232 Upheaval in 20th-Century Latin America
  • HIST-G 100 Issues in Asian History
  • HIST-H 207 Modern East Asian Civilization
  • PHIL-P 170 Introduction to Asian Philosophy
  • POLS-Y 107 Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Relations
  • POLS-Y 369 Introduction to East Asian Politics
  • BUS-D 300 International Business Administration
  • EALC-J 202 Second Year Japanese 2
  • FINA-A 362 Art of Japan
  • FINA-A 451 Art of the South Pacific
  • FREN-F 250 Second Year French II: Language & Culture
  • FREN-F 363 Introduction a la France Moderne
  • GER-G 250 Intermediate German II
  • HIST-E 100 Intro to African History
  • INFO-I  356  Globalization, Where We Fit In
  • MUS-M 375 Survey of Ethnic and Popular Music of the World
  • PHIL-P 334 Buddhist Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 374 Early Chinese Philosophy
  • PSY-P 457 Topics in Psychology
  • SOC-S 308 Global Society
  • SPAN-S 250 Second Year Spanish II
  • SPAN-S 275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation
  • SPAN-S 411 Spain: The Cultural Context
  • SPCH-S 427 Cross Cultural Communication

Informatics Core Requirements

  • INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics
  • INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
  • INFO-I 202 Social Informatics
  • INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I
  • INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II
  • INFO-I 300 Human-Computer Interaction
  • INFO-I 308 Information Representation
  • INFO-I  421  Applications for Data Mining
  • INFO-Y 395  Career Development for Informatics Majors 

Upper Division Major Electives

Select two of the following Upper Division Informatics courses.

  • INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics
  • INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing
  • INFO-I 441 Interaction Design Practice

Capstone Course Requirement

Choose one of the following options (INFO-I-494/495 or INFO-I-491)

  • INFO-I 494 Design and Development of an Information System; and
  • INFO-I 495 Design and Development of an Information System


  • INFO-I 491 Capstone Project Internship*

*NOTE: If the internship is selected, students are required to complete 6 credit hours INFO-I 491 for their capstone project internship, i.e. 360 hours of supervised work.  There is a maximum of 6 credit hours allowed for INFO-I 491.  Capstone project internship proposals must be pre-approved by the Informatics coordinator in writing before any work on the internship begins.  Contact the Informatics coordinator at least 2 semesters in advance to the planned semester to discuss your proposal and its approval formalities.

Cognate-Specific Requirements 

Students pursuing the B.S. in Informatics must select a cognate area or “track” and complete course work identified in the grids below to complete their degree.  Cognate courses may not "double count" as International Dimension courses but may “double count” with General Education Requirements.  Courses marked with an asterisk (*) will satisfy a General Education Requirement.

Choose one from the approved list of IU Southeast Cognate Areas: (Note: each cognate's specific courses are listed as follows.)

  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Criminal Justice
  • Computer Networking
  • Digital Media
  • Geosciences
  • Health Science
  • International Relations
  • Journalism
  • Pre-M.B.A.
  • Psychology
  • Public Service & Public Policy
  • Sociology

Biology Cognate Core (21 credit hours)

  • BIOL-L 101* Introduction to Biological Sciences 1
  • BIOL-L 102* Introduction to Biological Sciences 2
  • BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology

Biology Cognate Electives

Choose two lectures and at least one corresponding, concurrent lab.

  • BIOL-L 311/319 Genetics/ Genetics Laboratory
  • BIOL-L 312/313 Cell Biology/ Cell Biology Laboratory
  • MICR-M 310/315 Microbiology/ Microbiology Laboratory

Business Cognate Core (18 credit hours)

  • BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • ECON-E 201* Introduction to Microeconomics
  • ECON-E 280 Applied Statistics for Business and Economics I

Business Cognate Electives

Choose any three courses from the list below.

  • BUS-F 301 Financial Management
  • BUS-K 321 Management Information Systems
  • BUS-M 300 Introduction to Marketing*
  • BUS-P 301 Operations Management
  • BUS-Z 302 Managing and Behavior in Organizations

 *Note: BUS-M 301 Introduction to Marketing Management may be substituted for BUS-M 300, but BUS-M 301 has ECON-E 202 as an additional prerequisite.

Chemistry Cognate Core (20 credit hours)

  • CHEM-C 105* Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II
  • CHEM-C 125* Experimental Chemistry I
  • CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures
  • CHEM-C 362 Physical Chemistry of Molecules

Chemistry Cognate Electives

Choose any two courses from the list below.  

  • CHEM-C 361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter
  • CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry Lectures 2
  • CHEM-C 318 Spectrochemistry and Separations
  • CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism
  • CHEM-C 485 Biosynthesis and Physiology

Computer Networking Cognate Core (14 credit hours)

Note: If a CSCI Cognate Course is closed or is NOT offered in the desired semester, the Informatics student needs to contact the Informatics Coordinator during the registration window of the said semester to find and preapprove a substitute course.  Preapproval before taking the substitute course is mandatory.

  • CSCI-A 247 Network Technologies and Administration
  • CSCI-B 438 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
  • CSCI-C 343 Data Structures
  • CSCI-B 461 Database Concepts

Criminal Justice Cognate Core (18 credit hours)

Note: Criminal Justice Informatics students may not be required to meet all prerequisites listed elsewhere in the bulletin; however, to enroll in certain courses, you may need to contact your Academic Advisor for permission.

  • CJUS-P 100 Intro to Criminal Justice
  • CJUS-P 200 Theories of Crime and Deviance
  • CJUS-P 295 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, & Resources

Criminal Justice Cognate Electives

Choose any three courses from the list below.

  • CJUS-P 374 Substantive Criminal Law
  • CJUS-P 302 Courts and Criminal Justice
  • CJUS-P 301 Police in Contemporary Society

Digital Media Cognate Core (18 credit hours)

Note: For the courses listed here, Digital Media Informatics students may not be required to meet the FINA prerequisites as they are shown elsewhere in this bulletin; however, to enroll in certain courses, you may need to contact your Academic Advisor for permission.


  • FINA-D 210 Digital Art: Survey and Practice
  • FINA-P 323 Introduction to Web Design
  • FINA-S 250 Graphic Design I
  • FINA-S 351 Typography I
  • Complete two of the following for 6 credit hours
    • FINA-S 217 Introduction to Video Art
    • FINA-S 305 Graphic Design Internship
    • FINA-S 310 Photography or FINA-S 291 Introduction to Photography

Geosciences Cognate Core (15 credit hours)

  • MATH-K 300 Statistical Techniques for Health Professions
  • GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Science
  • GEOG-G 438 Advanced Geographic Information Science
  • GEOG-G 439 Seminar in Geographic Information Science

Geoscience Cognate Electives

Choose one course from the list below with program director approval.

  • GEOG-G 450 Undergraduate Readings &  Research in Geography
  • GEOG-G 460 Internship Geographical Analysis

Health Science Cognate Core (13 credit hours)

  • HIM-M 108 Introduction to Health Infomation Management
  • HIM-M 302 Health Law and Ethics
  • HIM-M 313 Principles of Health Information Management 
  • HIM-M 314 Lab Enrichment for Principles of Health Information Management
  • HIM-M 331 Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange

International Relations Cognate Core (18 credit hours)

  • POLS-Y 107* Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • POLS-Y 109* Introduction to International Relations
  • POLS-Y 205 Analyzing Politics

International Relations Cognate Electives - Choose 3 of the following:

  • POLS-Y 349 Comparative Public Policy
  • POLS-Y 354 Ethnicity & Nationalism
  • POLS-Y 360 US Foreign Policy
  • POLS-Y 374 International Organizations
  • POLS-Y 376 International Political Economy
  • POLS-Y 471 Terrorism
  • Topics Course Globalization
  • Topics Course Human Rights

Journalism Cognate Core (15 credit hours)

  • JOUR-C 200* Introduction to Mass Communication
  • JOUR-J 200* Writing for Mass Media
  • JOUR-J 210 Visual Communication
  • JOUR-J 341 Newspaper Reporting
  • FINA-P 323 Introduction to Web Design

Pre-MBA Cognate Core (30 credit hours)

  • BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • BUS-A 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
  • ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics
  • ECON-E 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics
  • ECON-E 280 Applied Statistics for Business and Economics I
  • BUS-F 301 Financial Management
  • BUS-K 321 Management Information Systems
  • BUS-P 301 Operations Management
  • BUS-M 301 Introduction to Marketing Management
  • MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I

Psychology Cognate Core (16-18 credit hours)

*NOTE: Students enrolling in PSYC-P 493 must have program director's approval.  Students will work with a professor to propose and carry out at least a one credit hour Informatics project related to any 300- or 400- level psychology class.

  • PSY-P 101* Introductory Psychology 1
  • PSY-P 102* Introductory Psychology 2
  • PSY-P 341 Research and Quantitative Methods I
  • PSY-P 342 Research and Quantitative Methods II
  • PSY-P 493 Independent Study*

Psychology Cognate Electives

Choose any one course  from the list below.

  • PSY-P 324 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY-P 329 Sensation and Perception
  • PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY-B 378 Introduction to Industrial Psychology

Public Service & Public Policy Cognate Core (15 credit hours)

  • POLS-Y 103* Introduction to American Politics
  • POLS-Y 205 Analyzing Politics

Public Service & Public Policy Cognate Electives

Choose four of the following

  • POLS-Y 302 Public Bureaucracy in Modern Society
  • POLS-Y 303 Public Policy
  • POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law
  • POLS-Y 306 State Politics
  • POLS-Y 349 Comparative Public Policy
  • POLS-Y 379 Ethics in Public Policy
  • POLS-Y 402 Public Budgeting
  • POLS-Y 403 Legal Issues in Public Bureaucracy
  • POLS-Y 404 Public Personnel Management

Sociology Cognate Core (18 credit hours)

  • SOC-S 163* Social Problems
  • SOC-S 380 Methods and Statistics 1
  • SOC-S 381 Methods and Statistics 2

Sociology Cognate Electives

Choose any three courses from the list below.

  • SOC-S 305 Population
  • SOC-S 314 Social Aspects of Health & Medicine
  • SOC-S 319 Science, Technology & Society
  • SOC-S 360 Topics in Social Policy
  • SOC-S 405 Selected Social Institutions
  • SOC-R  481 Evaluation Research Methods 

General & Upper-Level Electives

Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours and 30 credit hours at the 300-level or above.  Elective courses may be necessary to complete the minimum credit hour requirements.

Academic Bulletins

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