
School of Arts and Letters

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)

The BAS is a Bachelor's degree completion program for students who have graduated with Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees. AAS degrees have traditionally been considered to be non-transferable to B.S. or B.A. degrees, and individuals wishing to attain a baccalaureate degree often lost most of their credits. The BAS degree provides a pathway for these individuals to attain a bachelor's degree in two years (56-60 credit hours).

This degree aligns well with the missions of the regional campuses of Indiana University: to promote educational attainment and economic development in our regions. By providing a pathway to a high-quality bachelor's degree for an underserved population-AAS degree holders who wish to earn a bachelor's degree to advance their careers-this degree promotes educational attainment and economic development in our regions. The degree is designed to articulate seamlessly, in a 2+2 model, with a variety of AAS degrees from Ivy Tech Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical Colleges, and Vincennes University.

The BAS degree is proposed as a joint degree program by all five IU-managed regional campuses. By design, this joint program provides efficiencies of scale while maintaining the unique characteristics of the regional campuses.

The BAS is a nationally-recognized degree which is available in many states. Some public institutions which offer this degree include the University of Minnesota, Arizona State University, Missouri State University, and the University of Texas- San Antonio.

The BAS degree can be oriented toward several specific career fields, such as hospital administration, general supervision or entry-level management, and some human resources functions. Because of this degree's flexibility, it tracks into approximately 34 occupations that can be grouped into three occupational clusters-a specialty business cluster, a supervisory cluster, and a management cluster.

This degree is not intended to prepare students for graduate study. The purpose of this degree is to enable AAS degree-holders to earn a bachelor's degree, in a reasonable amount of time that builds on their technical background and provides the knowledge and skills needed to advance in their careers.

This BAS degree has three tracks: Health Care Management, Sustainability, and Individualized. Students in the Health Care track might be employed, for example, as a Medical and Health Services Manager. Students in the Individualized Track are expected to pursue advancement with their current employers, or to seek employment in the specialty business, supervisory, or management occupations. Students in the Sustainability Track are interested in a career in areas such as environmental planning and coordination, environmental education and communications, sustainability coordination or consulting in the private or public sector, green design, environmental law or public affairs, or graduate study.

The BAS degree is a 2 + 2 degree, articulating with AAS degrees granted by Ivy Tech and other two year institutions. Students may apply 60-64 credits from their Ivy Tech AAS degrees to the BAS degree. Students will take 60 credit hours in the BAS at Indiana University: 30 credit hours of general education, 18 hours in the BAS Core, and 12 hours in a specialty track (Health Management or Individualized).

This is a joint degree to be offered by all five regional campuses of IU. A faculty team, with representation from each campus, developed the shared curricular framework for this degree. The joint degree format permits the campuses to share faculty resources and thereby provide educational opportunities to students in their regions that those students might not otherwise have. Students may take BAS courses from any of the five campuses and have those courses apply to their BAS degree at their home campus.

Credit Hours Required/Time to Complete

This is a 120 credit hour program. Students entering the program will transfer in 60-64 credit hours from their AAS degrees. Therefore, full-time students are expected to complete the degree in two academic years (four semesters).

BAS Core (required) - 18 hours

Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
Student must take one of the following:
BUS-A 200 Foundations of Accounting 3 C
BUS-A 201 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 C
BUS-A 202 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 C
Student must take one of the following:
ECON-E 101 Survey of Economics Issues & Problems (or other approved course) 3 C
ECON-E 103 Intro to Microeconomics 3 C
ECON-E 104 Intro to Macroeconomics 3 C
BUS-G 300 Intro to Managerial Economics and Strat. 3 C
POLS-Y 359 Economics and Public Management 3 C
Students must take one of the following:
BUS-J 404 Business and Society 3 C
BUS-D 301 The International Business Environment 3 C
POLS-Y 379 Ethics and Public Policy 3 C
POLS-Y 403 Legal Issues in Public Bureaucracy 3 C
PHIL-P 306 Business Ethics 3 C
PHIL-P 393 Biomedical Ethics 3 C
HIST-B 391 Themes in World History 3 C
HIST-G 369 Modern Japan 3 C
HIST-G 385 Modern China 3 C
HIST-G 387 Contemporary China 3 C
HIST-G 410 China, Japan, & US in the 20th and 21st Century 3 C
Students must take one of the following:
BUS-Z 300 Organizational Behavior & Leadership 3 C
BUS-Z 301 Organizational Behavior & Leadership 3 C
BUS-Z 302 Managing and Behavior in Organizations 3 C
BUS-Z 440 Personnel-Human Management 3 C
BUS-W 301 Management & Organization Theory 3 C
POLS-Y 358 Human Behavior & Public Organizations 3 C
POLS-Y 387 Public Personnel Management 3 C
Students must take one of the following:
BUS-M 300 Introduction to Marketing (or any other 300/400 level approved course) 3 C
BUS-M 301 Introduction to Marketing Management 3 C
Students must take one of the following:
SPCH-C 427 Cross-Cultural Communication 3 C
SPCH-S 427 Cross-Cultural Communication 3 C
SPCH-C 380 Organizational Communication 3 C
SPCH-S 440 Organizational Communication 3 C
CMCL-C 440 Organizational Communication 3 C

BAS Track (one required) - 12 hours

Students must select one of the following tracks: Health Care Management, Sustainability, or Individualized.

The Health Care Management track is designed to appeal to individuals who hold an AAS degree in one of the many health care fields (such as Medical Assisting, Health Care Support, Paramedic Science, and Medical Laboratory Technology).

In this track, students take courses that meet three of the first four learning outcomes (3 courses/9 credit hours), plus the capstone course for a total of 4 courses/12 credit hours. The capstone course meets all five learning outcomes in this track. Students may use either of the two listed courses to satisfy the capstone requirement.

  1. Compare and contrast the U.S. health-care system, including reimbursement, with other systems around the world.
Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
PAHM-H 320 Health Systems Administration 3 C
SPEA-H 320 Health Systems Administration 3 C
SPEA-V 450 Medical Ethics 3 C
AHLT-H 415 Global Child and Adolescent Health 3 C
BUS-H 320 Systems of Health Care Delivery 3 C
BUS-A 202 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 C
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, legal, financial, and political factors that influence the provision of health services in the U.S.
Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
SPEA-H 452 Health Disparities 3 C
PAHM-H 441 Legal Aspects of Health Care 3 C
SPEA-H 441 Legal Aspects of Health Care 3 C
AHLT-W 314 Ethics for Health Professionals 3 C
PAHM-H 474 Health Administration and Policy 3 C
BUS-H 411 Management of Long-Term Care Facilities 3 C
BUS-H 402 Hospital Organization and Management 3 C
BUS-H 352 Health Care Financial Management 3 C
  1. Evaluate access to and cost of US health care, including reimbursement practices, for different types of care
Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
HPER-H 315 Consumer Health 3 C
PAHM-H 354 Economics of Health Care 3 C
BUS-H 354 Economics of Health Care 3 C
PAHM-H 352 Health Finance and Budgeting 3 C
BUS-D 300 International Business Administration 3 C
  1. Effectively assess and implement improvements in clinical care, customer service, and human resource planning in a health care setting.
Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
SPEA-H 322 Principles of Epidemiology 3 C
AHLT-B 371 HR Management in Health Care Facilities 3 C
SPEA-H 371 HR Management in Health Care Facilities 3 C
SPEA-H 402 Hospital Administration 3 C
AHLT-M 366 Leadership for Health Professionals 3 C
PAHM-H 401 Strategic Planning for Health Care Organizations 3 C
BUS-W 301 Principles of Management 3 C
BUS-Z 440 Personnel - Human Resources Management 3 C
  1. (Capstone) Integrate knowledge and skills and apply to health management issues or challenges.
Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
AHLT-B 499 Health Management Capstone 3 C
SPEA-H 474 Health Capstone 3 C
BUS-M 301 Introduction to Marketing Management 3 C

The study of sustainability bridges the arts and humanities, social science, and the physical and life sciences. The Sustainability track will provide you with a broad introduction to the complex system-scale challenges of sustainability, as well as the tools needed to address problems that transcend solely social or environmental domains.

The Sustainability track attracts students from a variety of backgrounds and interests. They typically have some of the following qualities:

  • Interest in sustainability, human-environment interaction, sustainable food systems, and/or environmental ethics.
  • Desire to take courses from the arts and humanities, social sciences, and phyusical and life sciences.
  • Interest in a career in areas such as environmenmental planning and coordination, environmental education and communications, sustainability coordination and consulting int he private or public sector, green design, environmental law or public affairs, or graduate study.
  • Desire to help make the world a better place.

The Sustainability Studies faculty strongly recommends that studentes take SUST-S 201 Foundations of Sustainability (online) before they begin this track.

Students must take three courses from Category 1, with at least one course from "A. Sciences" and one from "B. Social sciences, Humanities, and Other" designations. Students must also take one course from Category 2.

Category 1: Sustainability Courses

A. Sciences

Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
AHLT-H 331 Environmental Health (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Systems (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 400 Energy: Sources and Needs (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 476 Climate Change Science (online) 3 C
PLSC-B 364 Summer Flowering Plants (online) 3 C
SUST-S 360 Topics in Sustainability Studies: Geographic Information Systmes (GIS) (online) 3 C
SUST-S 400 Energy: Sources and Needs (online) 3 C
CHEM-C 390 Special Topics: Environmental Science (hybrid accelerated) 3 C
GEOL-G 300 Environmental and Urban Geology (hybrid accelerated) 3 C
GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (hybrid accelerated) 3 C
BIOL-B 355 Plant Diversity 3 C
BIOL-N 390 The Natural World, VT: Environmental Biology 3 C
CHEM-C 300 Energy and Green Chemistry 3 C
CHEM-C 303 Environmental Chemistry 3 C
GEOL-N 390 The Natural World VT: Natural Hazards and Disasters 3 C
GEOL-T 326 Mineral Resources 3 C

B. Social Sciences, Humanities, and Other

Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade



Business and Society (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 306 Geography of Current Issues on the African Continent (online) 3 C
GEOG-G 388 Geographic Information Systems (online) 3 C
PHIL-P 306 Business Ethics (online) 3 C
POLS-Y 308 Urban Politics (online) 3 C
POLS-Y 313 Environmental Policy 3 C
POLS-Y 346 Politics of the Developing World (online) 3 C
POLS-Y 377 Globalization (online) 3 C
SOC-S 308 Global Society (online) 3 C
SOC-S 360 Special Topics in Social Policy 3 C
SUST-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions VT: Just Food: Sustainable Food Systems (online) 3 C
PHIL-T 390 Literary and Intellectural Traditions, VT Environmental Philosophy (hybrid) 3 C
AHLT-N 378 Global Nutrition 3 C
FINA-A 399 Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity, VT: The Modern City 3 C
PHIL-P 383 Topics in Philosophy, VT: Philosophical Topics in Evolution 3 C
SOC-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions VT: Sustainable Communities 3 C
SOC-S 305 Population and Human Ecology 3 C
SOC-S 360 Topics in Social Policy 3 C
SOC-S 385 Human Trafficking, Human Rights and Sustainability 3 C
SOC-S 419 Social Movements and Collective Action 3 C
SUST-S 360 Topics in Sustainability Studies: The Art of Sustainability 3 C
SUST-S 361 Sustainability Abroad 3 C
SUST-S 411 Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurs 3 C
SUST-S 460 Strategies for Transformative Leadership and Community Engagement 3 C


Literary and Intellectual Traditions, VT: Women and Sustainability 3 C

Category 2: Capstone Experience

Dept. Course Number Title Credit Hours Minimum Grade
Environmental Planning for a Green Economy (online) 3 C
Sustainability Management and Policy (online) 3 C
Environmental Crimes (online) 3 C
SUST-S 490 Sustainability Practicum (online) 3 C
SUST-S 491 Internship in Sustainability (online) 3 C
SUST-S 495 Directed Readings in Sustainability (online) 3 C
SUST-S 496 Research in Sustainability (online) 3 C
U.S. Geology: Field Experience (travel course) 3 C

The Individualized track is a highly flexible track designed to meet the needs of many different AAS degree holders. For example, a student with an AAS in Criminal Justice who wants to advance his or her career in criminal justice might design a track to include upper-division courses in Criminal Justice, Public Affairs, or (if he or she works with youth offenders and their families) Sociology and Psychology. A student with an AAS in Design Technology who wishes to change careers might select courses in web development and graphic design. A student with an AAS in Advanced Manufacturing who has a goal of becoming a supervisor or manager might choose courses emphasizing human resource development, communication, and other management skills.

In this track, students select 12 hours of courses based on their individual interests, backgrounds, and needs. One of these courses will be a required capstone course. The learning outcomes for this track are as follows:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to think critically in the fields studied.
  2. Effectively present central ideas, issues, and methods of inquiry specific to the fields studied.
  3. Apply knowledge and skills from general education, the BAS core, and the Individualized Track to issues or challenges in their area of technical expertise.

In this track, students select 12 hours of courses based on their individual interests, backgrounds, and needs. One of these courses will be a required capstone course.


Courses counted toward the concentration must be taken for a letter grade. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. As per IU campus policy, at least 30 hours must be at the 300 level or higher.

Please contact the School of Arts and Letters Academic Advising Office or Advisors for more information and/or a personal one-on-one visit!

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