School of Arts and Letters
Graduate Certificate in Communication Studies
Certificate Requirements (18 cr.)
A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
- CMCL-C 545 Pedagogy in Communication & Culture
- Complete 9 credits from the following
- COMM-C 510 Health Provider-Consumer Communication
- COMM-C 528 Group Comm & Organizations
- COMM-C 593 Advanced Family Communication
- CMCL-C 594 Communication & Conflict Management in Organizations
- CMCL-C 610 Identity and Difference
- SPCH-S 500 Into to Grad Studies and Research
- SPCH-S 640 Studies in Organizational Communication
- CMCL-C 502 Or SPCH-S 502 Intro to Communication Theory
- COMM-C 592 Or CMCL-C 592 Advanced Health Communication
- SPCH-S 633 Or COMM-C 544 Studies in Interpersonal Communication/Advanced Relational Communication
- COMM-C 582 Or SPCH-S 627 Advanced Intercultural Communication/Studies in Cross Cultural Communication
- Complete 3 credits from the following
- CMCL-C 606 Media Criticism
- CMCL-C Human Communication and the Internet
- CMCL-C Critical Media Literacy
- Electives to total 18 hours -- Students may select additional course(s) from any of the above areas to meet this requirement.