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Course Descriptions
Other Courses
- MICR-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.)
- MNEU-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.)
- MED-I 200 Service Learning in the Medical Setting for Pre-Professional Students (0 cr.) This undergraduate course is associated with the Life-Health Sciences Internship program. This is a zero credit hour course offered once a year in the spring semester of the internship. Only LHSI students may register for MED-I200. Successful completion of the course is dependent on completion of at least 240 work hours over the course of the internship period and the presentation of a poster at the end of year poster session.
- MICR-J 210 Microbiology & Immunology (4 cr.) C: Lab
- SMEP-M 500 State Medical Program - Municie (8-12 cr.)
- MBIO-M 540 Medical Microbiology/Medical Immunolgy (5 cr.)
- MED-S 400 Service Learning in the Medical Setting for Pre-Professional Students (3 cr.) This course introduces pre-medical students to the medical setting and engages them in serving the medically underserved communities. By incorporating students in providing underserved health care prior to medical school, we hope to stimulate a lasting appreciation for care of the underserved. The course will provide the opportunity for students to work closely with Affiliate Faculty members of the Indiana University School of Medicine. Having students in the Community Health Centers will facilitate relationships between the student, the community, and the institutions (hospitals and institutions of higher learning). In addition to the much sought after exposure to practicing physicians, students will also gain leadership and communication skills. By utilizing these skills in a real life situation, full assimilation of the skills will be possible.
- SMEP-S 500 State Medical Program - South Bend (20-0 cr.)